Buy Ness Clan’s Fantastic Christmas Decorations

Ness Clan have been working very hard to create stained glass decorations. They created their own posters to advertise their product, using persuasive language. They included bossy verbs and boastful adjectives to try to persuade their audience to purchase their products.

Please send in a small donation (suggested: £2) with your child to purchase their creation on Friday 17th December 2021.


Categorized as Calderwood

Stag Starts in Ness Clan

This week, we have been really focussing on our Stag Starts to give us more quality learning in the morning. This is the 20 minutes or so every morning that we spend getting our minds ready to learn and taking on different challenges. We had some fantastic work completed during this short time this week, so we thought we would share some of that work with families through our Stag Start Hall of Fame! The pupils are working really hard on reading all of the instructions and taking their time to complete tasks to the best of their ability. All of these pupils earned 2 points for their house! I’m excited to see what you all come up with for our next Stag Start challenges this week. It would be lovely to get as many pupils’ learning as possible in our Stag Start Hall of Fame.

Categorized as Calderwood

Ness Clan’s Digital Rainforest

Learning Intention: I can create a poster using digital media.

This week in Ness Clan, we have been sharing our knowledge of rainforest animals and exploring our digital literacy skills. In pairs, we chose our favourite rainforest animal to create a flashy poster about! We brainstormed interesting titles for our work. After that, we used Microsoft Word to experiment with different fonts, colours and sizes to make our posters stand out and look beautiful! We also recapped our internet browsing skills from last week by searching for images of our chosen animal and transferring them onto our posters. We saved our work on the laptops and hope to have a finished product soon!

Pupils engaged really well with the task, showing enthusiasm and creativity in their learning of new digital skills.

Categorized as Calderwood

Ness Clan’s First Week

We have had a wonderful first week in Ness clan. It has been so much fun getting to know everyone, forming new friendships, and learning a bit more about the magical place our clan is named after. The pupils have come in every day with smiles on their faces, which has been amazing, and are settling in well to the new routines.

This week, we spent time researching Loch Ness, asking questions about the monster, and finding out about the history of clans in Scotland. We have also enjoyed taking part in a quiz with Rannoch and Tay clans, and getting to know our classroom by joining in a scavenger hunt.

With Miss Christie, we used our observation skills in STEM this week to record the results of our paper aeroplane investigations. We had great fun making and flying our very own paper planes.

Have a great weekend everyone!



Categorized as Ness
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