Tummel’s Journey Through History!

This term, our clan has been transported back in time! Primary 5 have been delving into the days of the Scottish Wars of Independence, while Primary 4 have been uncovering the rich local history of our area with Miss Small and Mrs Scobie.

As part of our exploration of the Scottish Wars of Independence, Primary 5 have been learning about the lives of knights. We were captivated by the significance of heraldry, learning how the colours and symbols on a shield could tell a story about a knight’s family, values, and achievements. Inspired by their discoveries, the clan worked together in groups to design and create their own shields. Each team carefully selected colours and symbols to reflect their unique qualities.

Yesterday, we turned our attention to the beauty of Scots language as the pupils took part in our Scots poetry recital. We were absolutely blown away by everyone’s efforts! Each performer memorised their chosen poem with incredible skill, demonstrating clear pronunciation, expressive actions, and a deep understanding of Scots words.

After the recital, the class held a secret ballot to choose their stage winners. The room buzzed with excitement as votes were counted, and cheers erupted as the winners were announced. We are now eagerly looking forward to seeing how our stage winners get on at the Calderwood Scots Poetry Recital next week. We know they’ll do themselves and our clan proud!

Tummel Christmas Party Fun

Tummel Clan has been brimming with festive cheer after some fantastic Christmas parties! Last week, our Primary 5s teamed up with Ben Lomond Clan for a joyful celebration, while our Primary 4s had a blast partying with Tay Clan. Both events were filled with excitement as everyone danced to lively festive tunes, with a special prize awarded to the best dancer. We shared delicious snacks and had so much fun playing games like Christmas corners together. It was a wonderful way to celebrate the season and create happy memories with friends!


Categorized as Tummel

From Bear Island to the Stage: Tummel Clan’s Adventures in Storytelling and Performance

This week, Tummel clan finished reading The Last Bear by Hannah Gold. The Last Bear follows 11-year-old April Wood on a journey to Bear Island, where she discovers a stranded polar bear affected by climate change. Despite being told no bears remain, April befriends and helps him, embarking on a courageous mission to return him home. The story taught us the importance of protecting our planet, showing kindness, and remembering that young people can make a difference!

As we approached the novel’s conclusion, we planned and performed a short drama to depict April and Bear’s final journey to Svalbard. Our performance focused on key narrative elements—orientation, complication, and resolution—which later guided us in writing our own narrative scripts based on the drama.

Our Tummel Primary 5s had an amazing time at the pantomime watching Cinderella! The excitement reached new heights when one of our lucky clan mates was invited on stage with the mischievous Fairy May. After weeks of hard work crafting our own narrative scripts, it was truly inspiring to experience a live performance. We all agreed—it was a fantastic show!

Book Week Scotland in Tummel Clan

Tummel Clan have had a wonderful time celebrating Book Week Scotland! We took part in a number of quizzes and competitions including guessing the Champion book “shelfie” and designing our very own book covers. We even got a chance to create fact files and quizzes about some of our favourite reads – check them out and have a go on the Calderwood Loves Reading Teams page!

Tummel Dioramas

Tummel Clan have been very busy exploring their namesake habitats, the Tummel River and Loch. To consolidate our learning, we upcycled materials to make a three-dimensional model of a scene called a diorama. We had to apply what we had learned about the habitat such as the climate, plants and animals. We also had to plan, share tasks and collaborate on the construction as we worked together in groups to complete our dioramas!

Tummel Clan’s Creative Calculations

This week, we learned about a famous artist called Wassily Kandinsky. We learned that he is well-known for creating abstract paintings using shapes, lines and colour. In Numeracy, we have been exploring place value, with pupils learning to build numbers to 1,000 and 10,000. Inspired by Kandinsky’s “Several Circles”, we created abstract art using size to represent our chosen number, broken into its individual place value parts.

We also had a lot of fun creating our own origami animal bookmarks to celebrate this year’s Maths Week theme, ‘Maths Tales’. Origami involves turning a flat piece of paper into a 3D object, requiring lots of spatial awareness! We also discussed the fractions involved as we folded the paper into halves and quarters. As we creased the paper, we realised how important the relationship between the lines and angles created are to the final design of the origami creation!


Tummel: Description Writing

In Tummel Clan, we have been learning how to write a quality description. From our prior learning, we were able to discuss elements of the describing bubble which is used as a prompt to help us add interesting detail to our writing.

As Calderwood Clan Explorers investigating the meaning behind our clan name, we are beginning to learn about Loch Tummel. We listened to the story of “Gloomy the Misty Loch Monster”, making sure to listen to all of the words so that we could draw a detailed picture of Gloomy from the description. We decided we wanted to imagine our own sea creatures which we did, then described them to our partner to see how accurate their drawing would be!

Afterwards, we described our sea creature as a cold piece writing assessment. We were then able to reflect on what went well and think about what personal targets we could set to make our writing even better next time.


We have had a wonderful time getting to know each other in Tummel Clan!

As we begin to build our clan community, we explored the story “Our Clan is a Family” and discussed its meaning. We agreed that our clan room should be a safe place where everyone feels confident to be themselves and make mistakes. We recognised that we each have similarities but that we are all unique and should respect each other’s differences. We talked about what makes a good friend and had fun creating friendship bracelets for those closest to us!

Categorized as Calderwood

Aberdeen: Outstanding Olympians

In Aberdeen clan, we have been learning about the ancient origins of the Olympic games through our IDL focus, “Outstanding Olympians”. We were interested to learn that the upcoming Olympic games in Paris were inspired by the ancient games held in Olympia around 2800 years ago! We designed modern Olympic logos to represent the ancient beginning of the games and created short performances to re-enact a significant moment from the history of the games. Some clanmates also chose to build miniature Olympic stadiums inspired by ancient Greek architecture.

We have also enjoyed learning about some of the sports included in the Olympic games. In P.E., we have been perfecting our shape, balance, rolls and jumps in gymnastics. This week, we loved demonstrating our precision and agility on the balance beam!


Autism Acceptance Week: Aberdeen

In Aberdeen, we have been learning to respect each other’s differences. To celebrate Autism Acceptance Week, we discussed what autism is and shared our experiences. We understand that everyone is unique and we try our best to treat everyone with kindness. We created people paper chains and tried to include as many differences as we could. Our people paper chains will remain on our wall as a reminder to respect each other’s differences and treat people with kindness.

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