Dundee Clan Learning

Dundee clan have immersed themselves in all things non-fiction.  We have been looking at non-fiction books and texts and exploring the features of these compared to fiction books.  We have begun learning about how to write an information report and explored examples of this type of text finding out about the purpose, the sections that make up an information text and what the purpose of these sections are. We will continue to explore this over the weeks ahead.  We have also started our new class novel ‘Rivet Boy’ which is based in the past, at the time of the construction of the Forth Rail bridge which links to our IDL learning about the Victorians and engineering.

We really enjoyed learning about jobs that children did in the Victorian times.  We learnt about the types of jobs they were expected to do for little money and with no safety laws.  We were very shocked at some of the information we learnt.  We had a go at putting ourselves in the children’s shoes by taking part in a ‘Hot-Seating’ Task.  This is where the children pretend that they are a child from the past and the rest of the group or clan ask questions about what life is like for them in the Victorian times and what it is like to work.  The children were very believable in their roles and got a real feel for what it must have been like for children in those times.

We have also really enjoyed learning our example information report text about ‘firefighters’.  We used visual pictures to support us learning the text and came up with some amazing actions to go with it and we all were able to say the text.  The whole clan loved learning this and are looking forward to learning more about this type of writing and having a go ourselves.


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Dundee Clan – Safe Online

Dundee clan have been learning about how to stay safe online.  This week we took part in a live online lesson by BBC Teach for Safer Internet Day.  We became digital detectives and explored the exciting world of Artificial Intelligence.  The aim of the lesson was to support us in navigating our online world safely.

We learnt about:

Keeping our personal information private.

How to report concerns about content and contact, identify and assess risks and take steps to reduce them.

Use digital technologies to search, access and retrieve information and be aware that not all of this information will be credible.

Know how to ask for help when we need it from people they trust.

Be aware how to keep ourselves safe and secure

We were very surprised to learn that not all information on the internet is true.  We have to look-out for fake sites and information and now know to check information to ensure it is correct.

We created online posters to display our top tips to help others.

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Dundee Clan Assembly

Dundee Clan performed their clan assembly, ‘Save the Rainforest’, today to the whole school and to our families.  Dundee clan have had a fantastic time learning all about the rainforest.  We have explored where rainforests are in the world, why they are so important, what the issues are affecting them and what we can do to support them.  We have loved exploring the rainforest and are sad that it is time to move on to new learning.  Some of the children are going to continue spreading the word and learn more, and have started a club together.  We hope everyone enjoyed our assembly today.  We enjoyed preparing it and performing it for everyone.  I wonder if our song is still stuck in your head!  We can’t stop singing it!

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Dundee Trip and Enterprise

Dundee clan’s trip to Dynamic Earth was fantastic!  We enjoyed a tour around the centre finding out about our amazing planet.  We loved the 4D cinema, the planetarium and the rainforest section.  There was so much to explore.  We were also able to show off our knowledge about the rainforest in the rainforest workshop, showing the leader what we had already learnt in school.  Mrs Scobie was very impressed with everything that we had remembered.

We have absolutely loved working on our enterprise project creating Christmas craft to sell to other clans.  We decided on the crafts we wanted to make and sell, working together in groups (like little hard-working elves) to complete as many items as we could, alongside creating a persuasive poster and price list.  We have worked on skills which will support us as we journey through our lives such as teamwork, creativity, focus, concentration, resilience and perseverance.  We had a great time selling our crafts and used our skills of persuasion during the sale.

Dundee Christmas Party

Dundee Clan had a fantastic time at their Christmas party.  We created a playlist together with all of our favourite party tunes and loved dancing to them.  We played musical bumps and corners which was great fun.  We enjoyed some food and a drink together in the café which was well-deserved after all that dancing.  We are well and truly in the Christmas mood.

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Dundee Clan – Water Cycle and Money

The Water Cycle

As part of our learning about the Rainforest we explored the Water Cycle.  We learnt words such as evaporation, condensation and precipitation.  We discussed what each word means and what takes place at each of these points in the cycle.  We created a water cycle in a bag experiment and placed it on our clan window.  Hopefully we will see the water cycle in action.


We have been learning about money.  We have been revising the coins and notes we use, totalling money amounts and making amounts in different ways.  We also created our own shops with items and prices displayed and went shopping in each other’s shops, recording items we would like to purchase, noting their cost.  We discussed totalling amounts and starting with adding the pounds first and then the pence finding that this was an efficient strategy to use.

Book Week Scotland – Dundee Clan

Dundee clan have had a great week celebrating Book Week Scotland.  We made a collaborative poster of ‘The Magic Faraway Tree’ which is our class novel and have displayed this in our Discovery Den.

We also enjoyed a visit from a real-life author- Jo Wilcox who shared one of her stories with us.

On Friday, We dressed up as some of our favourite characters from books and enjoyed a book tasting session with our families.  We were able to share some of our learning about the rainforest too.  We shared our animal factfiles, our rainforest story and our layers of the rainforest flip book.

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Dundee Clan – Term 2 learning

Dundee Clan have got off to a great start in term 2.  We began our learning about the rainforest through reading the book ‘The Great Kapock Tree’ by Lynne Cherry.  We loved listening to this and had so many questions and wonders that we want to explore further.  So far, we have learnt about the 7 continents in the world, where rainforests are in the world, why they are so warm and wet and what animals live there through exploring habitats.  We were surprised to learn that there is more than one rainforest in the world and that people live in the rainforest!  We look forward to learning more.

We have really enjoyed our visits from Mrs De Luen from NYCOS – The National Youth Choir of Scotland.  We have learnt about keeping the beat in music, rhythm in music using notation and words to support us, and the pitch in music identifying high and low sounds as well as being introduced to notation.  We played lots of games to support our learning and particularly loved having the parachute out.

We are learning about a new genre of writing – narrative writing (story writing).  We are confident with the purpose, structure and language features of this genre and have had a go at creating a scary story – The Haunted House, together as a clan.  We loved learning about onomatopoeia words and how these types of words can add excitement and interest to our story writing.  We are looking forward to creating narrative texts based in the rainforest.

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For all parents and children of Dundee Clan,

Please click on the TEAMS guide below to access a PDF file of how to access and use TEAMS at home.  The guide explains how to log-in, how to access files and how to access class notebook.  I hope you all find this useful.

TEAMS step by step guide


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Term 1 – Dundee Clan

Term 1

We have had an extremely busy and exciting term 1 in Dundee Clan.  Please click on the links to access all the sways which show our learning and hard-work for the term.  These can also be found in TEAMS in the relevant folders.

Calderwood Can Explorers: https://sway.office.com/FlL3Pa94r8njCymc?ref=Link

Calderwood Communicates: https://sway.office.com/ahKrI0qWNH2GW9SK?ref=Link

Calderwood Counts: https://sway.office.com/f6fvZSk9mDTIEmHF?ref=Link

Calderwood Cares: https://sway.office.com/06aSfHkt0KTYWg0w?ref=Link



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