Creative Calderwood – STEM

Today we were delighted to host the Primary Science Development Officers from authorities across Scotland. They were all given a tour of our school building and heard all about the amazing STEM learning which is going on every day at Calderwood Primary School!

Click here to see the Sway for yourself and catch up on the highlights from a Year of STEM at Calderwood.

Ben Lomond’s Cross Country Challenge

The West Calder High School Cluster Cross Country Competition took place on 24th May 2022 and saw the children from Ben Lomond Clan take on 1.3km of undulating terrain. All the children in this Clan completed the race, hit the targets they had set for themselves and showed huge positivity throughout.

The results are in and we are delighted to announce that a child from Ben Lomond Clan came first in the Boys Race! As a result, they will be attending the Pan-West Lothian event next session to compete against the winners of the other Primary School Clusters.

Many thanks to Kat Stark and all at Active Schools West Calder for organising the event and supporting us on the day.

Term 4 in the Bens

Last term, to begin our celebration of British Science Week 2022, the Ben Clans created a STEM takeover for each Clan in our school! The groups created a variety of lessons to deliver to the younger clans. Tay Clan learned about the skeleton, Rannoch Clan learned all about space and our solar system, Ness created scrap robots and used a sphero to move the robot, Bluebell Clan looked at the layers of the Earth and Bramble focussed on food chains in our oceans. Mull, Shetland and Orkney developed an understanding of space, star constellations and the universe.

The experience generated a lot of discussion around earth, space and the universe,  informing the direction of learning for this term.

Our cross curricular topic this term is science based and will be looking at the origins of life and the habitability of earth and other planets. We began this week by watching a short clip narrated by David Attenborough about the tree of life and then researched the evolution of a penguin, inputting our research onto Padlet. Please click here to see our research.

Alongside this, we will also began understanding the different viewpoints offered in the creation stories from different world religions. We started this week with the Christian creation story and began to understand that there are similarities with that and the creation story in Judaism. We created our own versions of the Judeo-Christian creation story using powerpoint, imovies including greenscreen and SWAY.



We are beginning to learn about the features and structure of narrative writing. We have been exploring our reading books to develop our understanding of the orientation, complication and resolution found within this genre of text. This week, we had a go at writing a narrative based around a theme of racing. We looked at a good example and deconstructed it so we could understand how to write one ourselves. One of the Bens wrote a story called ‘The Horse Race’. It is a good example as it has a clear orientation stating who, when and where; the complication is clear and includes direct speech and accurate punctuation and the resolution explains what happens and solves the problem, bringing the story to a conclusion.

We are excited about the term ahead and look forward to sharing with you soon. Watch this space!!

The Bens 🙂



Sumdog Competition – Calderwood Counts!

Good luck to all our amazing Calderwood Primary School Children, they have now been entered into the West Lothian Sumdog Maths Contest!

The contest will begin at 8 am on Friday 13th and end on Thursday 19th May. Your child can access the competition by clicking here or logging in via the following link and using their unique username and password along with the school code Calderwood2:

This competition is a fantastic way to compete against lots of other Primary students, have fun and develop numeracy/maths skills at the very same time. If your child has forgotten their details, please do get in touch with the school office as we’d be more than happy to assist.

We have a winner!

We are extremely proud to announce that an invention created by a child from Ness Clan won the East of Scotland for their age category. Their invention, The Automatic Pencil, will be displayed at the University of Edinburgh Exhibition on 18th May and they will also recieve their certificate and trophy at an Award Ceremony later that day.

We had a huge number of entries of an extremely high standard so all children involved in the If you were an engineer what would you do? competition should be extremely proud of themselves. A special thanks also goes to Mr Clarke (Calderwood Parent) for giving the children in Ness, Rannoch and Tay Clans inspiration to begin inventing through presenting to the clans on the topic of his STEM career.

If you would like to find out more about this award please click here.

World Book Day!

Today we had great fun in Calderwood Primary School celebrating World Book Day. To spread the love of reading even further your child will have a £1 book token which you can find out more about by clicking here.

To celebrate World Book Day, the Ben Clans were able to be reading buddies with Mull, Orkney and Shetland Clans. The younger children became authors this morning as they wrote all about space. This fun was shared by the older children too, they were given time to free-write and could share this with their buddies later in the day.

Mull Clan, Bens Lawers and Ben Lomond:

Orkney, Bens Lawers and Ben Lomond

Shetland, Bens Lawers and Ben Lomond

In Ness and Rannoch Clan the children have been learning about different setting in books. To celebrate World Book Day they searched the libraries to find books with different setting and then used new and exciting adjectives to describe the settings they found.

West Lothian Sumdog Maths Contest: 11.3.22 – 17.3.22

Huge good luck to all our amazing Calderwood Primary School Children, they have now been entered into the West Lothian Sumdog Maths Contest! The contest will run between Friday 11th March and Thursday 17th March. Your child can access the competition by logging in via the following link and using their unique username and password along with the school code Calderwood2:

This competition is a fantastic way to compete against lots of other Primary students, have fun and develop numeracy/maths skills at the very same time. If your child has forgotten their details, please do get in touch with the school office as we’d be more than happy to assist.

Scottish Sumdog Holiday Maths Contest!

A huge good luck to all the Calderwood Primary children as they have now been entered into the Scottish Sumdog Holiday Maths Contest!

The contest will run between today (17th December) and 23rd December. Your child can access the competition by logging in via the following link and using their unique username and password along with the school code Calderwood2:

This competition is a fantastic way to compete against lots of other Primary students, have fun and develop numeracy/maths skills at the very same time. Good luck and we hope you all really enjoy the holidays when they come. If your child has forgotten their details, please do get in touch with the school office as we’d be more than happy to assist.

Calderwood Counts – West Lothian Sumdog Competition!


Today a member of our Ben Lomond Clan had the special privilege of announcing the start of the Sumdog Maths Competition to all our Clans during our Calderwood Connects.


This Competition is open to all primary aged children in West Lothian Council. It began today (26.11.21) and will run until Thursday 2nd December. All members of our Calderwood Community can access Sumdog by clicking here and using their unique username and password. Our School Code is calderwood2.


Within minutes of the competition opening we had a member of our Ben Lawers Clan on the leader board! We very much hope this was the start of a very exciting trend for our Calderwood Community – good luck and happy competing.

The Bens visit WCHS Digilab!

On 3.11.21 Ben Lawers and Ben Lomond had the fantastic opportunity to visit West Calder High School. The aim of this visit was to explore transition from primary to secondary education and further develop key skills for life and work, required for success in the STEM sector.


Computational thinking is highly sought-after globally; through this visit we developed our knowledge, skills and understanding in computational thinking (and had a great time doing it).


Here are some quotes from the Bens to show quite how much fun we had:


When we went to West Calder High School we had so much fun and I want to go back. I think we need to go again but do something different next time. I think it was the best trip ever – A


I liked it because we coded drones and Lego cars. We got a tour as well my favourite part was the drones and we got the bus there and had lunch there. We all got to talk to our friends at lunch and the class met new people we met a teacher called Mr Murphy and 4 S6’s. Who helped us while we were coding the cars and drones. – M


I loved flying drone & driving Lego cars it was amazing I had lots of fun. – Z


I loved it because it could do flips and I did lots of times. – B


I loved it. It was fun. The race was the best! S


I like it because we got a tour and got to code drones and Lego cars my favourite was the drones. – H


West Calder High School was AMAZING because of the drones and the coding tech.​ – A


It was fun the drones were my favourite thing and the cars. – S


I had such fun time my favourite is the drones​. The cars where so cool we got to control the cars. – R


 I liked the drones and the Lego cars. – A


When we went to West Calder high school and we flew drones with the S6s and we had lunch at we took a tour around the school. – R


I felt scared at the beginning but the more we got through, the more exited I got. I was mind blown when we were going to program a drone. The Lego race cars were super awesome! – E


Yes, I loved it. It was so much fun and a great experience. – H


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