Tay Clan – Drama and Advent

Tay clan have been enjoying drama lessons based around story telling.  This week, we had a go at hot-seating.  In hot-seating, we pretend that we are a character and answer questions, from others, as if we were in that particular character’s shoes.  We listened to the end of a story, as we have been working on endings to our own stories in writing, and then our group members asked us questions based on the story we had heard.  We all had a turn and loved pretending to be someone else.  It really got our imaginations switched on!

We have also been learning about advent this week: what it is and how it is celebrated.  Through this learning, we decided to create our own clan advent calendar and base it around the value of kindness. We came up with a kindness challenge for each day of Advent and created our very own kindness calendar.  We are very excited to start using this next week.  We have also made our very own, unique, Tay clan Christmas wreath to hang in our clan room.


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