Livingston Community Football

My name is Pedro Martins, and I’m one of the coaches for the Livingston Community Football 2016 team.

We’re excited to announce that we’re moving to 7-a-side matches and are looking for new players to join our team!

Team sports offer numerous benefits for children, including:

  • Building Strong Relationships: Fostering friendships and teamwork.
  • Improving Social Skills: Enhancing communication, cooperation, and leadership.
  • Improving Physical and Mental Health: Promoting physical activity and boosting overall well-being.
  • Teaching Resilience and Perseverance: Overcoming challenges and learning from setbacks.
  • Improving Self-esteem and Confidence: Building self-belief and a sense of accomplishment.
  • Enhancing concentration and memory: Improving focus and cognitive function.

We believe that participating in team sports is a valuable experience for young people.

We would greatly appreciate it if you could share the attached image with the parents of your school through a group call, informing them about our team and inviting interested players to join.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Kind regards, Pedro Martins

Livingston Footall Club Community.html

Tummel’s Journey Through History!

This term, our clan has been transported back in time! Primary 5 have been delving into the days of the Scottish Wars of Independence, while Primary 4 have been uncovering the rich local history of our area with Miss Small and Mrs Scobie.

As part of our exploration of the Scottish Wars of Independence, Primary 5 have been learning about the lives of knights. We were captivated by the significance of heraldry, learning how the colours and symbols on a shield could tell a story about a knight’s family, values, and achievements. Inspired by their discoveries, the clan worked together in groups to design and create their own shields. Each team carefully selected colours and symbols to reflect their unique qualities.

Yesterday, we turned our attention to the beauty of Scots language as the pupils took part in our Scots poetry recital. We were absolutely blown away by everyone’s efforts! Each performer memorised their chosen poem with incredible skill, demonstrating clear pronunciation, expressive actions, and a deep understanding of Scots words.

After the recital, the class held a secret ballot to choose their stage winners. The room buzzed with excitement as votes were counted, and cheers erupted as the winners were announced. We are now eagerly looking forward to seeing how our stage winners get on at the Calderwood Scots Poetry Recital next week. We know they’ll do themselves and our clan proud!

Calderwood Primary Chronicle: 24/01/2025

Calderwood Chronicle 24_01_25


Calderwood Commitments: 

Calderwood Calendar: 

  • Updated: 2024-25 Calendar
  • Calderwood Scottish Poetry Recital: Clan Winners: Friday 31st Time TBC. Clan Winners will recite their poems to a panel.  Parents/Carers of winners will receive an invite to this event.
  • Baird, Burns and Mackintosh Sharing the Learning: Thursday 6th January 2:00-3:00pm. Please enter via the Glencoe (car park) gate from 1:55pm.  If you are running late, please enter via the office.
  • Ness Clan Connects and Sharing the Learning: 9:15-10:15am on 7th Doors Open 9:05am.
  • February Break Begins: 7th November 12:00noon. (Learners return Tuesday 18th February).

Calderwood Communication:

  • A reminder that in Miss Burton’s absence, you can continue to contact Miss Stark, Miss Connor or Mrs Warden via the school office.
  • If your child requires medication, please ensure this is handed into the office and the correct forms are completed. Children should not carry medication in their school bag.
  • In snow or icy conditions access to the school will be through the front door, we will alert parents/ carers/children to this. During these times there will be no supervisors in the playground. You can find our safe route here.
  • If your child is going to be absent from school, it is vital that you inform the school office at your earliest convenience. This can be via phone call or email (
  • PE Days for Term 3 are here.
  • Term 3 Learning letters are here.
  • Term 3 Home Learning Choice Boards are here.
  • At this time of year, children can be inside all day with the cold and wet weather and are therefore in close proximity of each other for longer periods of time. This is just a gentle reminder to check your child for head lice periodically.

Road Safety:

  • As you will know, all clans are focusing on Road Safety this week and next week. We unfortunately continue to receive concerns about use of the car park and roads around the school.  We have parents, carers and staff in school who genuinely require to use the disabled bays – please do not use these as drop off bays or park there without a blue badge.  If you choose to continue using the car park for drop off and pick off, please do so safely and with consideration and respect of others.
  • We have contacted Police Scotland about the ongoing Road Safety around the school. They came out on the 22nd January at pick up time to look at the situation and to speak to people who were parked inappropriately.  We will continue to link in with Police Scotland to try to tackle these ongoing concerns.  To reiterate – the safety of our children is of paramount importance and we must continue to work together to ensure that our children arrive at and leave safely from school.  We would encourage you to “park and stride” – park a few streets away and walk the remainder of the way to school, discussing road safety with your child/children in the process.

Calderwood Compliments:

  • Our House Meetings this term focused on our School Values. Learners worked collaboratively across their houses to think about each of our values – Caring, Resilience, Integrity, Belonging.
  • Leven and Rannoch clans put on a brilliant Connects about Resilience and Growth Mindset. Well done to these clans and thank you to our teaching champs for making this possible.
  • Our Primary 6 Learners have been busy spending our Participatory Budget. They have chosen to set up “Take What You Need” tubs, which will be situated throughout the school.  More information will follow in due course.

Leven and Rannoch Clan Connects

This morning, Leven and Rannoch Clans came together to share their learning with their families and the rest of the school community through their Clan Connects.

The children told us all about Resilience and Growth Mindsets and the importance of thinking positively.  They did an amazing presentation and we are so proud of each and every one of our learners.

Leven and Rannoch Clans then spent some time with their adults, sharing more of their learning from the year so far.

Thank you to all parents and carers who were able to come along to support Leven and Rannoch Clans this morning.

House Meetings

On Friday morning, all pupils across the school came together in their House groups for our first House Meeting of 2025!

Following on from our Connects on values, the pupils looked at each value and discussed what they might look like, sound like and feel like.

It was great to hear pupil voice and see our values of Caring, Integrity, Resilience and Belonging in action.

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