Bellsquarry Primary School
Class Year Plan ~ Session 2013/14
Term: Jan – March Class: Primary 7
Numeracy and Mathematics
Number, money and measure: Multiplication and Division, Fractions
Problem solving and mental maths strategies: Guess, check and improve (linked to multiplication and division tasks)
Literacy and English
Writing: Scottish Poetry and recount writing
Reading: personal and group reading, comprehension skills linked to class novel
Listening and talking: Scottish poetry and Private Peaceful (class novel)
Modern Language: German
Health and Wellbeing
Mental, emotional, social and physical wellbeing: Keeping Myself Safe
PE: Circuits training and running
Food and health: nutrition and food hygiene
Forces, electricity and waves: Provided by Mr Bethune from JYHS
Christianity: Easter
World religions: Pilgrimage, Carnival
Social Studies
People, past events and societies: Robert Burns and other famous Scots
People, place and environment: Scotland
Expressive Arts
Art and design: portraits and Highland Games art competition
Drama: The Eejits – improvising
Dance: Scottish country dancing
Music: African Drums and the Ocarina
Technological developments in society: cutting, weaving and gluing and food technology (fruit salad)
ICT to enhance learning: accessing, retrieving and sending information electronically
Interdisciplinary learning
v School committees (P4-P7)
The work and life of the school
v Religious Observance – assemblies based on shared values in the school
v Whole school events – Scottish poetry competition, Easter service
v Activities related to the school’s Eco action plan
v Activities related to the Rights Respecting School action plan
v P4-7 school show ‘Cinderella Rockerfella’
v Pupil Council
v Sponsored run (March, weather permitting)
Personal achievement opportunities
v Burns Supper
v House points
v Personal Learning Plans
v Curriculum for Excellence certificates (given out at assemblies)