What an exciting time we’ve been having creating a rainforest corner in our classroom! It’s full of animals, insects, leaves, beautiful drawings and really interesting books. Here are some the things we love about our rainforest corner:
“When I’m in the rainforest corner I always put the rainforest music on. I can hear birds twittering, leaves rustling and a waterfall.”
“When you close your eyes in there, it feels like being in the real rainforest.”
“It’s really comfy and a great place to relax.”
“I like to imagine all the colours, the light and shade and reflections in the waterfall when I’m in there.”
We’re going to try and build a canopy in the corner and add jungle vines ,our 3D spiders and snakes.
This week Mr Hunter came to our class to tell us all about his travels in the rainforests of Peru! He showed us some amazing photographs of places and people and we found out lots about how they live in the rainforest.
We’ve done lots of research now and next week will be making our own Rainforest Factfiles!