Tag Archives: risk factory

Primary 7 visit the Risk Factory

Primary 7 enjoyed a fantastic trip to the risk factory last week. We learnt how to react and respond in a range of ‘real life’ situations. The class learnt how to successfully carryout a 999 emergency call and all the key information they need if they had to do so. Each room was set up for a different scenario that they had to respond to. There was a railway line, beach front, electricity station, farmyard, bus safety and gas leaking and house safety. But perhaps the most talked about room was the fire response room. The groups were put into a room by themselves that simulated a fire with family members in the room. The children responded quickly getting themselves out the room and eventually making the 999 call. However one groups way of rescuing the granny dummy was questionable and the other group left her behind, then eventually going back into the burning building to try and get her again. They really enjoyed this part and have asked to do more fire safety back at school … I wonder why?

The class were extremely well behaved and represented Greenrigg Primary School proudly.