Tag Archives: flower show

This week in P7

What a busy week it has been. Firstly we were all very proud of all the Primary 7s who put themselves forward for House Captain and Head Person this week. What a hard choice the staff and pupils had choosing  as the standard of their speeches was excellent.

Weare proud to announce that Karis and Arron are our Head People. We are proud to announce that Erin will be House Captain for Kelly, Eemian will be House Captain for Dardanelles and that Jenna will be House Captain for Baillie.

We have started a shared reading experience in P2 this week. The P7 are practicing expression and questioning at home with a book and then reading to a great audience.

This week we have completed our entries for the Flower Show this Saturday. The theme this year is the GalaDay. Congratulations to all P7s who have an entry going forward. What great quality of art work this year.

Primary 7 have now had two sessions of Judo with Marv on Fridays now and they are loving it. Please remember to bring in your slip for your free Judo kit.

Primary 7/6

Primary 7/6 have been very creative this term painting and creating their pictures for the flower show. We were inspired by the artist called Steven Brown who creates paintings of Highland cows called McCoos. We sent our pictures to him and he messaged back saying

“Wow, amazing. Really talented pupils you have. I love that my art makes people smile.”

“To your pupils, continue to go for your dreams. I would never have thought I would have achieved my dream if you had asked me, I am thankful that I persisted and that my artwork means so much to many.”

The pupils are desperate to get these home, they are up in the classroom just now and I will send them home for the October break.

This is Steven’s first Highland cow he painted called Harris McCoo.


This term so far we have been writing persuasively for house captains and head boy and girl. We have begun thinking about our topic World War II. We have been learning some multiplication strategies. In PE we have been learning netball and bench ball/handball. Some of the Primary 7s and 6s will be attending the school Netball, Football or Handball festivals.


This week in P7…

The Scotland Software Trainers, Bob and Marie, visited our class. They showed us how to make songs with Garageband on the Ipads. We have been asked to reconstruct a song from scratch and had to pick between Sam Smith’s ‘Stay With Me’ and Taylor Swift’s ‘Shake It Off’. We can’t wait to let you hear it once it is finished…although this will take us 10 weeks!!!!!


In Topic we have been learning about WW2. This week’s focus was on Hitler and his rise to power. We had to organise a timeline of events. This was quite easy as it had the dates but it was also very interesting.


In art we created imaginary flying insects for the Flower Show competition. They were all colourfully weird!


In science we tested the theory ‘People with longer arms have longer fingers’. We measured everybody in the class, our teachers and our cleaners and plotted our findings on a scatter graph. Our conclusions are different and we decided that we would need to include more people in our survey before we could decide.