Sunflowers in the Nursery

We are growing sunflowers in the nursery and will be measuring them to see how tall they will grow.

As part of this the children have been given their own sunflowers to take home.We would love to see any pictures of how they get on and will post pictures of ours each week til the end of term.

Children have helped plant potatoes and flowers in our garden and have looked at the different parts of plants and what they need to help them grow. Children will be making their own cardboard greenhouses to plant a bean seed in so that they can see the roots, stem and leaves take shape.

Nursery newsletter will be issued next week for upcoming dates and events.

Our new topic for May is going to be Pirates and Under the Sea. More information to follow in our newsletter.

P4 recycled art



P4 pupils from Greenrigg and Stoneyburn joined up today to do some recycled art. We had asked for pupils to bring in bottle lids, cans and jar lids and we received a huge amount. Pupils had a great choice of materials to choose from. Apart from being shown a few ideas the pupils were given free choice to use the materials they wanted and create their own design. We had a huge range of art produced including pictures and models. Many groups had some issues with joining materials and had to experiment with the best way to get their different parts to stick together. In the afternoon we went outside. Two groups were given a supply of cans and bottle lids and to plan and create a finished design. The boys went for a spiral design and the girls created a snake.


This week in Greenrigg…

Monday 25th April

  • Transition day P1, P2 and P6 to Stoneyburn.  Stoneyburn P4, 5 and 7 coming to Greenrigg

Tuesday 26th April

  • 3.15 – 4.15 Netball After School Club

Wednesday 27th April

  • P3/4 Roots of Empathy
  • 3.15 – 4.15 Football After School Club

Thursday 28th April

  • 6.30pm Parent Council Meeting   All Parents welcome or contact Mrs Yvonne Maxwell or another member of Parent Council if you have a topic you would like raised

Friday 29th April

  • Dress Down Day for NSPCC (50p to class teacher please!!)
  • P7 Futsal


P6/5 Political Party Election

On Monday we lead a Political Party Election. We invited parents,teachers and other pupils. All our leaders speeches were very interesting and all could help out the environment,school and the playground.

Here are our results.

Eeman Aslam /GSP/Greenrigg Star Party-22 votes

Harris Hanif /CG/clean green-15 votes

Jenna Meldrum /LSP/ love Scotland party-23 votes

Erin Swan / CDP/ celebrating debating party-25 votes

The winner is…

James Wilson/ SSDP/Scottish sport development party-with a total of=34 votes.

James was shocked that he won.

The SSDP  have now got a meeting with Mrs Gibson to discuss their pledges.

James Wilson leader of SSDP/ Scottish sports development party
James Wilson leader of SSDP/ Scottish sports development party


Minibeast Topic P3/4

P3/4 are starting a new topic on minibeasts. We shared what we already knew about minibeasts. We then asked all the questions for things we would like to know and these are in our floorbook. During our learning we will go back to these questions and see which ones we have answered and look at ones we need to find out more.


The junior road safety officers at the civic centre

Our Junior road safety officers took a trip to the assembly halls at livingston civic centre to do a power point presentation for the lord provost ,councillors and managers of the council  for road safety within polkemmet road and Baillie avenue. The children were amazing and were complimented by Mr George Paul and local Councillors on their great teamwork and power point. The children ,Miss Benson and Mrs Gibson had a great day


18th April 2016

This week in Greenrigg PS:

Monday 18th April

2.20 Assembly led by P6/5

6pm Curriculum meeting for parents on Relationships, Sexual Health and Parenthood (adults only)

Tuesday 19th April

12.40 – 1.00 Handball Lunchtime Club

3.15 – 4.15 Netball ASC

3.30 – 4.45 Staff will be learning how to use  a new problem solving resource resource – Parents are welcome to join us too (I’m afraid no children at this session either though)

Wednesday 20th April

9.30 P3/4 Roots of Empathy

Maths Problem Solving Day at Stoneyburn

3.15 – 4.15 ASC Football

Thursday 21st April

Nursery parents meeting in Community Lounge am

Credit Union – Jackie Gordon will be in school today

3.15 – 4.15 Dance ASC

Friday 22nd April

P7s Futsal

P6/5 have Judo

Yesterday we took part in a Judo session from Junior Judo.

We had to wear a Judo jacket and belt.

We practised some of the Judo moves. These were breakfall, throwing each other onto our backs and side turning and falling.

” I enjoyed all of the Judo session” – Jason

” My favourite part was when I managed to get Scott onto his back” – Sophie.

” My favourite part was doing the breakfalls with a partner” – Elise.

We all really enjoyed it and some of us are going to try and go to a club.

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