Welcome Primary 1, August 2016!

A very big welcome to all our new Primary 1’s!

We had a lovely first day with Mrs Anthony – after settling in and colouring some beautiful pictures, we spoke about how we were feeling about starting school. Most of us were excited and a few of us were a bit nervous! We then had a dance to ‘Milkshake’ on GoNoodle before spending some time getting to know our classmates while exploring the classroom and having some choosing time. Our P7/6 buddies helped us to get ready for break and we went outside to enjoy our snacks and get some fresh air.

After break, we read a story and showed Mrs Anthony how good we are at sitting and listening. People who had ordered milk enjoyed drinking their milk while listening to the story. We then practised our smart walking in the corridors as we had a tour around the school, meeting Mrs Millar, Miss Tuke, Mrs Monahan and Miss Swan on our travels!

It was then time to get ready to go home. We did well waiting patiently for Mrs Anthony to call our name before we ran to our parents/carers!

We are all looking forward to day 2!


A few notes for parents/carers:

Please ensure your child’s name is on all items of clothing – indoor, outdoor, PE kit, bags and shoes.

PE days are Tuesdays and Wednesdays starting next week – it would be helpful if your child wears a polo shirt on these days rather than a shirt and tie. Please provide a PE kit suitable for indoors and outdoors, i.e. shorts, jogging bottoms (or similar) and a t-shirt. (You can also provide a zip up top and outdoor trainers if you feel necessary for outdoor PE lessons). This should all be put in a small bag that will be kept in class and sent home to be washed at the end of each term.

Please ensure your child wears a jacket (preferably with a hood) every day, regardless of the weather.

Water bottles should be provided with plain water for in class and after PE lessons – juice or flavoured water is only permitted for lunch and should be kept in your child’s bag or lunch box until lunchtime. Please ensure your child’s name is also on lunch boxes and water bottles.

The children only have 15 minutes to eat and play at morning break, therefore only a small snack is required at this time.

A letter will be sent home tomorrow regarding lunch on Thursday – the children are invited to have lunch at 12pm in school and then can be picked up at 12.30pm at the main office.

If you have any questions or queries, please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Anthony, Mrs Millar (at the office) or a member of management (Mrs Gibson/Miss Tuke).


Thank you!




Luca won another medal for football, he played for a Falkirk team and won!

Well done Luca! Ava won a medal for gymnastics, well done Ava!

Happy summer holidays to you all from P2 and Mrs Croser.

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This week in Greenrigg….

The final week of the 15-16 school session.

Monday 27th June

9am Nursery Graduation in Hall – Everyone welcome

11am P7s Final Futsal session

12.45 Strawberry Tea for our Parent Council, PTA and Parent Helpers

1.30 Celebration Assembly for P1 – 6 – Everyone welcome

Tuesday 28th June

P1 – 6 children will spend the morning in their new classroom, getting to know the room and which doors to use and for some of the children – their new teachers

10.45 – 2.45 Nursery Pre schoolers to Polkemmet Country Park for Teddy Bears Picnic

Wednesday 29th June

9am Leavers Assembly – everyone welcome

11 – 12 Winning House Award

School will close for the summer at the end of the day and will reopen on Tuesday 23rd August for all children at 8.45am.


Sports Day 2016

Thank you to everyone who helped to organise, participated in and supported our Sports Day on Friday. Unfortunately our races had to be cancelled due to the field still being wet and then it rained too! We were able to have our Potted Sports in the playground. There were 9 stations that teams went around. It was great to see the teams of pupils from P1-7 help each other and cheer each other on. Unfortunately the midges also decided to visit us which was inconvenient but it didn’t dampen the kids spirits! Teams were all working together to get as many House Points for their Houses. The winners will be announced at our Celebration Assembly on Monday.

Animation P4 group

The P3s were on a trip today so the P4 boys had a day of experiments and challenges. One of our activities was animation. First we had to make our own playdough. We made a special kind using cornflour and conditioner which was silky smooth and smelt lovely. We then put this into balloons to make our characters. We planned what we wanted to do in our animation. We knew it had to be lots of little movements and photographs so it was best to keep it simple. Here is Leland’s animation clip.

P2 football

On Friday, Alasdair, Adam and Luca played in a football match to raise money for new football strips. Adam scored 3 goals, Alasdair and Luca scored 1 goal each.  The final score was 5-1 to their team and the boys were presented with medals by Ms Benson. Well done to everyone who took part in the fundraising event!


This week in Greenrigg…

Monday 20th June

  • P5/4 are off to Blairdrummond Safari Park
  • Teddy Bears Picnic – for nursery children
  • Armadale Parent Information Evening

Tuesday 21st June

  • The Nursery are off to the Five Sisters Zoo for the day
  • Miss Tuke, Mrs Boyd and wee Allie plus two of our P3/4 children are going to the Roots of Empathy presentation
  • 3.15 – 4.15 Netball ASC (Final session)

Wednesday 22nd June

  • 1.30 P5/6 and P7s are delighted to present Panto Pandemonium – everyone welcome.  See Mrs Millar for tickets
  • 6pm And the second and final performance of Panto Pandemonium – again everyone welcome.  See Mrs Millar for tickets

Thursday 23rd June

  • Referendum Day – the Community Wing and Hall will be out of bounds to school staff and pupils today
  • P7s to M and Ds – thank you to our PTA and to everyone who has supported their fundraising events
  • P3s to Kinghorn Beach
  • 3.15 – 4.15 Dance ASC (Final session)

Friday 24th June

  • Sports Day 9 – 10.30 Potted Sports, 11 – 12 The Races   Everyone welcome!!!
  • 12.25 – 1.25 Multisports ASC (Final session)

Monday 27th June

  • 9am Nursery Graduation
  • 12.45 A warm welcome extended to Parent Helpers, members of the PTA and Parent Council to join us for a Strawberry Tea
  • 1.30pm Celebration Assembly P1 – 6  – everyone welcome

Tuesday 28th June

  • am – Transition for children from P1 – 6 – the children will spend time in their new classrooms
  • 10.45 – 2.30 Pre school children to Polkemmet Country Park
  • Zoo ed visitors!!! Special animal visitors for children from P1 — 7

Wednesday 29th June

  • 9am Leavers Assembly – everyone welcome

School closes at the end of the day on Wednesay as usual and re-opens on Tuesday 23rd August at 8.45 for all – from our new P1s to P7s!!

We wish you all a safe, happy and relaxing summer holiday

Mrs Gibson and staff 🙂

Healthy wraps

Today we made healthy wraps as part of Health week.

We discussed why it was important to try and eat healthy foods.

We had different things we could put in it:

  • tomatoes
  • cucumber
  • ham
  • chicken or turkey
  • cheese
  • mayonnaise


We really liked making and eating our wraps.

” I liked eating it” – Elise.

” My wrap had lots of tomatoes and cucumber in it. ” – Eeman.

” My wrap had mayonnaise in it which made the cheese soggy” – Morgan.


Some of us tried new things in our wraps too.

” I tried lettuce. I really liked it” – Rafael

We are hoping we can make them again and try and make them at home too.


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