P1 STEM – Making a rabbit enclosure

I was really lucky to be invited to join P1 in making their rabbit enclosures. I was so impressed by their team work to plan and make their enclosures. They had to be creative with the junk material they had. I heard Jacob telling his a team mate they had a great idea. This is great language to use. I also saw John who added cut up card to make hay for his hay rack. This was him thinking about how to improve the design. They shared them with the class and explained what they had in their rabbit home. They were able to explain what everything was and some even added extra information. Layla explained that the rabbit bowl was lower as the rabbit is small so it needs to be at the right height.

Well done P1!


Church Workshop ‘In My Father’s House’

Today, primary 1, 2 and 3 participated in workshops run by the church. We had great fun making glasses (P1) snow globes (P2), houses (P3) and bracelets. We then listened to Mary telling us some stories about finding God and Jesus and about Heaven. Pastor Ian told us about the Good News Club on Thursday evenings at 7pm at Greenrigg Mission as well as Sunday School (on Sundays!) at Bernhar Church in Eastfield.

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A Jack Frost Walk in Nursery

Today it was very cold and icy outside. We knew that Jack Frost had been around and went for a walk to investigate. We explored the school grounds looking for signs of Jack Frost. We could hear the grass crunching with the frost and saw the foot prints we left behind. We could feel the cold frost on the branches that melted when we touched it with our warm hands. We could see the frosty spiderwebs on the fences. We saw writing that older boys and girls had done on the benches on the layer of frost. We made sure we were wrapped up warm to go out, including the adults! Here are some pictures from our morning and afternoon walks.

Christmas Jumper Day and SSPCA

Today we looked a little bit different in school.We were wearing our Christmas Jumpers. We weren’t just doing this because it is now December but to raise money for Jak’s Den which is a local charity that supports children with serious illnesses. We raised a fantastic £50 which we will send onto them.

We also enjoyed an informative talk from Liam who is an SSPCA officer. He was telling us about how to keep animals safe at Christmas time and in winter. We learnt about things like not to feed  your dog chocolate or raisins. We also learnt that it is the time of year that baby seals are being born and that they get a lot of calls about abandoned pups. He told us that actually the mum will leave the pup to go and catch food as the pup can’t swim so if we see one on the beach we should just leave it alone.

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