Scottish Maths Week -P5/4

As part of Scottish Maths week we have been looking at different types of patterns.

Yesterday we looked at number visuals. We had to work out what number the number visual was. We then discussed what patterns we could see.

” I saw two groups of 4 dots and then doubled it” – Jaxon

“I saw two groups of 5 to make 10 then doubled it to see 20″ – Natalie

We then tried to make our own number visuals using the same patterns we found to help us


Today we continued to look at patterns and used Pascal’s triangle.  In groups we talked about what patterns we could see straight away.


We then then had to work out what the missing numbers in Pascal’s triangle.

” I think you add the 2 numbers on the end to find each number” – Mackenzie

” The number is found by repeating the pattern – 1, 4, 4, 4, 1″ – Szymon

We worked out together that to find the missing number we have to add the 2 numbers above it.

We can’t wait to continue finding patterns this week  Tomorrow we’re going to use Izak9.


Websites for P4, P5, P6 and P7

Here is a list of websites and games that you can play and use at home to support your child’s learning.

If you have websites or apps that you use at home which you’d recommend, please let us know.

Miss Cooke, Miss Park and Mrs Monahan

Open Evening

Thank you to the parents who came along to the open evening tonight – it was a good opportunity to see what your children are using to help them learn and also what they will be working towards in the near future. For those who couldn’t make it along, I hope you enjoy having a look at the few photos that were taken to give you an idea of the resources used in class.

Mrs Anthony

This week in P7

What a busy week it has been. Firstly we were all very proud of all the Primary 7s who put themselves forward for House Captain and Head Person this week. What a hard choice the staff and pupils had choosing  as the standard of their speeches was excellent.

Weare proud to announce that Karis and Arron are our Head People. We are proud to announce that Erin will be House Captain for Kelly, Eemian will be House Captain for Dardanelles and that Jenna will be House Captain for Baillie.

We have started a shared reading experience in P2 this week. The P7 are practicing expression and questioning at home with a book and then reading to a great audience.

This week we have completed our entries for the Flower Show this Saturday. The theme this year is the GalaDay. Congratulations to all P7s who have an entry going forward. What great quality of art work this year.

Primary 7 have now had two sessions of Judo with Marv on Fridays now and they are loving it. Please remember to bring in your slip for your free Judo kit.

P5/4 first 2 weeks

We have had an excellent start to the new school. We have enjoyed exploring our new classroom and getting to know each other a bit better.

We have been talking about what makes a great friend. We discussed different qualities a friend has and looked at which was most the important. For our class we decided that being honest was the most important quality. We also looked at qualities we all have in the class. We were each given a name of a classmate and in secret had to write what we thought they bought to the class. At the end, we all felt amazing as everyone had written lots of nice things about each other.

Im maths we have started looking at different strategies to add and subtract. We are using numberlines to start with and are moving on to partitioning this week.  Miss Cooke has set us a range of questions through the “chilli challenge” – this means we can all challenge our learning.

In P.E we have have started to learn different skills in Netball. We focused on chest passes and looked at how to use the space to pass the ball. We have P.E on Wednesday and Thursday

We cant wait to learn more as the term progresses.


Primary 7’s week

It has been an wonderful first two weeks together. We have been very busy settling in as a new class and eventually PRIMARY 7!

Emma has enjoyed making oil pastel scratch pictures, her picture is an under the sea delight. We have also used the oil pastels to make a picture of a sunset on the ocean for our book study.

Mia likes the fact that her year group are all back together again.

Jayden and the whole class are enjoying the class novel ‘Kensuke’s Kingdom’. It has been a very gripping and adventurous start to a book which has sparked lots of debate. Some of the reading is challenging so the pupils are encouraged to work with a parent with any homework to talk over the concept.

Jenna thinks that helping our Primary 1 buddies to settle has been great and Tyler agrees saying that it made him feel older and responsible. We are very excited about starting a buddy reading system in the infant department. Primary 7’s will have a book home to read and practice at home. They are to practice reading with expression and what questions they are going to ask their reading buddy.

Jade shared with us this week a video game she had created and narrated at home with her friends. We are all proud of her and think she is very talented.

Finally, we have new addition to our Primary 7 class, we are delighted to welcome Artur to our class for his Primary 7 year.

Thank you to all the parents and family members for your talking homework contributions. I like hearing your thoughts.

Mrs Monahan

Primary 2

The boys and girls in Primary 2 have had an exciting first week settling into their new class. We have been learning about numbers to 100, counting forwards and backwards, writing and sequencing numbers. We have been practising our handwriting and writing about our summer holiday adventures! For the first four weeks of term we are lucky enough to have Miss Angus, a student teacher, in our class helping out. This term we will be learning about dinosaurs as our class topic.

Our PE days will be Thursday and Friday. All children should keep a PE kit in school and take this home at the end of term to be washed.  Could I also ask parents if they could send in a small Tupperware box or tin for reading words. Reading and spelling homework will commence on Monday 4th September.  Homework will be issued on a Monday and should be handed in on a Thursday.  More details regarding homework will be in homework diaries.

Our first week in Primary 1!

EDIT – 28-8-17


We have had great fun in Primary 1 this week. We have enjoyed making new friends and getting to know our classroom. Some of our favourite things have been:

‘The Lego’ (Levi, Nathan, James)

‘Playing with the bus jigsaw’ (Hunter)

‘The house corner’ (Jamie, Lucey)

‘Writing’ (Theo)

‘The doll’s house’ (George, Aiden)

‘Playing on the SmartBoard’ (Bailey, Olivia)

‘My Buddy’ (Harvie, Lexie, Mason, Zander)

‘Colouring in’ (Jacob)

‘The play dough’ (Emily)

We have also enjoyed painting, singing songs, dancing to Go Noodle, wearing our school uniforms and going to Breakfast Club.

Some of us have not enjoyed getting up early in the morning and have been missing people from home because school is a much longer day than nursery! Luckily, this has not put us off coming to school.

We hope you enjoy looking at some of our photos from this week!


Some notes for parents: 

Please remember to send in a water bottle with plain water only for in class. The children can have juice at break time but only plain water is allowed in class.

The children only require one small snack for playtime – some children have been coming to school with several snacks and are running out of time to run around and play because they have so much to eat!  

Our gym days are Tuesday and Thursday – please send in a gym kit to be kept in class (shorts and t-shirt, if possible also include a pair of joggers and trainers to be worn for doing PE outside). Gym kits will be sent home at the end of each term to be washed. Please ensure that your child is wearing uniform that can be easily and quickly changed on these days (avoid tricky shirts/ties and tights on these days please). 

Please ensure that all uniform, gym kit, water bottles, lunch boxes, bags, jackets etc are clearly labelled with your child’s full name.  

Thank you for your co-operation, any questions please do not hesitate to contact the school. 

Mrs Anthony 

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