Category Archives: Primary 7
Websites for P4, P5, P6 and P7
Here is a list of websites and games that you can play and use at home to support your child’s learning.
- Sumdog – – this is a Maths website to help with a range of concepts. Your child will come home with a username this week. An app is available too.
- Topmarks –– a range of literacy and numeracy games. We like using hit the button to help with number bonds and times tables.
- Crickweb – www.crickweb
- Online stories –
- Homework help – – covers literacy, numeracy, science and topic work.
If you have websites or apps that you use at home which you’d recommend, please let us know.
Miss Cooke, Miss Park and Mrs Monahan
This week in P7
What a busy week it has been. Firstly we were all very proud of all the Primary 7s who put themselves forward for House Captain and Head Person this week. What a hard choice the staff and pupils had choosing as the standard of their speeches was excellent.
Weare proud to announce that Karis and Arron are our Head People. We are proud to announce that Erin will be House Captain for Kelly, Eemian will be House Captain for Dardanelles and that Jenna will be House Captain for Baillie.
We have started a shared reading experience in P2 this week. The P7 are practicing expression and questioning at home with a book and then reading to a great audience.
This week we have completed our entries for the Flower Show this Saturday. The theme this year is the GalaDay. Congratulations to all P7s who have an entry going forward. What great quality of art work this year.
Primary 7 have now had two sessions of Judo with Marv on Fridays now and they are loving it. Please remember to bring in your slip for your free Judo kit.
Primary 7’s week
It has been an wonderful first two weeks together. We have been very busy settling in as a new class and eventually PRIMARY 7!
Emma has enjoyed making oil pastel scratch pictures, her picture is an under the sea delight. We have also used the oil pastels to make a picture of a sunset on the ocean for our book study.
Mia likes the fact that her year group are all back together again.
Jayden and the whole class are enjoying the class novel ‘Kensuke’s Kingdom’. It has been a very gripping and adventurous start to a book which has sparked lots of debate. Some of the reading is challenging so the pupils are encouraged to work with a parent with any homework to talk over the concept.
Jenna thinks that helping our Primary 1 buddies to settle has been great and Tyler agrees saying that it made him feel older and responsible. We are very excited about starting a buddy reading system in the infant department. Primary 7’s will have a book home to read and practice at home. They are to practice reading with expression and what questions they are going to ask their reading buddy.
Jade shared with us this week a video game she had created and narrated at home with her friends. We are all proud of her and think she is very talented.
Finally, we have new addition to our Primary 7 class, we are delighted to welcome Artur to our class for his Primary 7 year.
Thank you to all the parents and family members for your talking homework contributions. I like hearing your thoughts.
Mrs Monahan
Newsletter August 2017
Primary 7/6 news
This last few weeks we have been getting organised for the school show Peter Pan. The children were a massive success and had a great time. With a lovely surprise at the end where the Primary 7’s were given their surprise leavers hoodies. It’s been lovely having the Primary 7’s back after their week at the Academy for transition. We have been enjoying the weather and having PE outdoors when ever we get the chance. Well done also to the Primary 6’s who did an excellent job of creating the scenery for the school show, it was amazing.
P7/6 Poetry
The Giant Outside my Classroom
Rhythmic, circling,hypnotic statues.
wonderful wizardry.
Whooshing and whirling.
Astonishing, magnificent, mesmerising machine.
Tumbling and twirling.
Gliding and swirling.
Amazing, irresistible, energetic technology.
Mind blowing.
Powerful! Prancing!
Magical, flowing, superior sight!
Dreamy dancing.
This is the poem Primary 7/6 created with Poet Julie Anna Douglas. We focused on the wind turbines outside our classroom. We created a poem to celebrate the uniqueness of where we live. Each pupil contributed a word to the poem and created beautiful art work to complement it. We have also been using lots of activities that Julie taught our school to do further poem writing and creating different styles of poetry.
Destination Judo P7/6
Thank you to Marv from Destination Judo who came in to give the whole school excellent taster sessions. Our pupils always look forward to him coming and we have such a great time. Primary 7/6 had a great time and some of our pupils have joined the local Judo club.
Coaching Football
Wel done to the members of the school football team. During their club this year, Miss Benson has allocated two or three pupils each week have planned and coached the sessions. They are given time together to research and try out new warm ups and skills activities. The pupils of the team have then been transferring what they learn to their own class PE lessons. Well done. Here we have a picture of Elise Hastie carrying out her session.
Ross from Zoolab came to visit the school with some interesting friends. Primary 7/6 experiences the work shop Habitats and Adaptations, we have been learning about the Habitats and how to care for them. How humans have an impact on animals habitats and our actions can force animals to adapt to survive.