Category Archives: Primary 7

Open Area Fun

We have been playing in the open area and discovering all the new activities that have been developing our senses, literacy skills, climbing skills and lots more.  Abby enjoyed using the letters in the water to spell her nouns, verbs and adjectives.  Matthew and Reece were making a spider mountain in the sand.

Blake and Joshua had lots of fun in the water tray playing with the foam. Blake said that if we could feel clouds this is what it would feel like.  The foam made Bryoni think about the snow and how she could make a snowman.

We are going to get a dark tent and lights put into our area after the Christmas holidays we can’t wait.

Diary Dates

Wee reminder about the events happening in December…

Thursday 4th December, 2.30pm  Assembly – all parents welcome

Monday 8th December, 1.30pm P1 and P2 Nativity – see letter in bag

Tuesday 9th December, 6pm P1 and P2 Nativity – see letter in bag

Wednesday 10th December, Flu Vaccine Day

Friday 12th December, 9am  Assembly led by P7/6 – all parents welcome

Friday 12th December, 1pm – 3pm  CHRISTMAS FAIR  – come along, have fun and support the school…

Wednesday 17th December, 10.30am and 2.30am  Nursery Nativity – nursery parents welcome

Wednesday 18th December, 9.30a, Christmas Service – all parents welcome

Wednesday 18th December, School Christmas Lunch for the Children

Friday 19th December, Christmas parties for Nursery  and P1 children

Monday 22nd December, Christmas party in the morning for P2, P3 and P4 children

Monday 22nd December, P1 – P7 children to Pantomime in the afternoon

Tuesday 23rd December, Christmas party in the afternoon for P5,P6 and P7 children

Friday 23rd December – school closes at 3.10 for CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY

Thursday 8th January, school re-opens for staff and children

Netball Festival

Well done to all the boys and girls who competed in the recent Whitburn Cluster Netball Festival. We got off to an excellent start winning 3 out of 4 of our games. The boys and girls were a credit to the school demonstrating an excellent standard of behaviour and sportsmanship. We are looking forward to our next festival in February!

School Sport Award

Meet our Junior Active Schools Coordinators-Nathan, Ellie, Ryan, Taylor, Harris and Elise. Together with Mrs Monahan, Mrs Bradley and Mr Boatman (Active Schools Coordinator) they have formed the Sports Committee and are working hard to make improvements to Physical Education in our school. This term they have been busy running a lunch time sports club for Primary 3 and 4 pupils and will be offering a sports club to Primary 1 and 2 pupils in term 3. They have also arranged for a score board to be put in the gym hall for use during class lessons and after school clubs. We will be applying for a school sport award which recognises excellence in physical education and school sport. You can read more about the school sport award at

Bring and Buy Sale

Bring and Buy Sale – FRIDAY

Primary 7/6 are hosting their Bring and Buy Sale tomorrow in aid of raising money for Zoueratou Ayaiba, their sponsored child from Niger. The children will be taken up by their class teacher. Parents are invited to join their child(ren) at the following times:
P1 and P2 10am
P3 10.15am
P5/4 11am
P6/5 11.15am

P7/6 will have an opportunity to purchase items throughout the morning as they are running the stalls.

The money raised will go towards supporting Zoueratou in her education and her local community.

We would like to thank all the parents and carers for the contributions. We look forward to seeing you tomorrow.

Together Time – LIGHT

This week our Together Time was about LIGHT! We thought about how light was important to us in different ways, such as dressing bright to stay safe during the dark winter nights, how light helps us to grow through absorbing vitamin D and can alter our mood, plants needing light to grow to produce oxygen for us to survive, and Hindu and Christian stories about the importance of light in religion. It was an action packed assembly for sure!

To link to this, this Friday is DRESS DOWN DAY! Our theme is bright colours. Colourful clothes, shoes, accessories and maybe even hair will help to promote the messages discussed at Together Time. It’s Time to get creative!!

Christmas Fair


Christmas Fair

Friday 12th December

1pm ~ 3pm

Our annual Christmas Fair will be held on Friday 12th December 1pm til 3pm. We will have all the usual stalls, such as tombola, raffles, bottle stall, lucky dip, Santa’s Grotto, face painting, tattoos, teas, cake n candy, books, toys and bricabrac. If you have anything you would like to donate to any of the stalls including home baking, please hand in to the school office. We need your support as the Fair is our main fundraiser, so anything you have would be appreciated, no matter how small.

As usual we will have children’s raffles on sale the week leading up to the fair at 20p a go, and if you are unable to make the Fair then you can still buy the main raffle tickets for £1 by sending money in to the school office. The main prize is a hamper. Entrance is £1 adults and 50p Kids and includes tea/coffee/juice and biscuits.