Category Archives: Primary 7

Football festival

We are all very proud of our school football club who have took part in round two of the Whitburn Primary Schools Football League. Out of 6 games we won 4, lost 1 and drew 1.  Keep up the hard work and training. Football club is finished for now until after Easter. We will be having another fun night on Wednesday 4th March, parents are welcome along to join in.






Big well done from Mrs Monahan, you all represented your school so proudly. You all had great team spirit and played excellently. I was so nervous for you all and loved cheering you on. I was very impressed they way you spoke to the other teams and were making new friends.




P7/6 What is Going on this Week!!!!

We have a very busy week ahead. Children are finalizing their Dragon Den topic and preparing for their presentations next week, they are working on imaginative writing and creating an adventure story with beginning, middle and end, they are helping out with some baking for the Fairtrade Event on Friday, we have a motivational speaker coming into see us on Thursday, an art teacher visiting us tomorrow afternoon from Stoneyburn and we are creating a wall display for the hall. As you can see, there is a lot happening and so children have been excused from written homework this week, although learning tables and practicing reading can still be done!!!! Hope to see you all on Friday and keep eyes peeled for pictures of the Dragon’s Den topic.

P7/6 West Lothian College Challenge

P7/6 have been challenged to a Dragon’s Den competition with West Lothian College. Children have been set the task of making a business, creating a product and pricing, advertising and marketing their product. They will face a panel of judges at the end of this challenge and pitch their ideas. They will be competing for best primary prize and best overall prize when they pitch against students from the college. Watch this space for pictures and updates of how they are getting on.

Robert Burns

Primary 7/6 are learning about the life of Robert Burns and why he is an important figure around the world.  We are making fact files on his life, learning poems, creating our own poems and acting out scenes inspired by some of his famous poems. Children will be reciting their own laddies and lassie toasts at the Burn’s assembly tomorrow. We hope to see you there.

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Game On Scotland Plaque

The Sports Committee were proud to accept a Game on Scotland plaque from our Active School Coordinator Ben Boatman. Mr Boatman nominated Greenrigg for the award for our continuing commitment to developing the legacy of the Commonwealth Games. We are now one of over 350 organisations worldwide who are entitled to display the prestigious plaque.

Below is the Sports Committee receiving their award from Mr Boatman.

Choir days out

The Choir have been out and about raising money. We visited Harthill Senior Citizen Centre last Thursday where we spread some Christmas cheer. We would like to thank them for their generous donation and presents for the children. Yesterday, we made our annual visit to Tesco. We received a warm reception and would like to thank Tesco once again for supporting the school. We would also like to thank all the friends and family who came along to support the children.

Pupils v Adults Football

A massive thank you to our wonderful parents who came along to our final football club. Your support was very welcome and we all had a great time. There were some very close scores and tough competition.

Thank you for our spectators and a big thank you to Robert Marshall, Brain Laing, Colin Rogerson, Kirsty Cunningham and Kevin Buntin for playing football with the pupils.

Hope to see you all at the next one. Have a lovely Christmas break.

The football club and Mrs Monahan