Category Archives: Primary 7

Playmaker Award – JASCs

The JASCs (Junior Active Schools Co-ordinators) took part in training last week with Ben Boatman and pupils from Stoneyburn. The training is called the Playmaker Award. This is a leadership course to promote confidence and leadership within the school.


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They loved the training, Ellie said it gave her confidence, Elise said she learned how to encourage others and Ryan enjoyed taking part in all the competitive games.

The JASCs have some challenges to undertake in school over the next few terms, amazing opportunities such as:

  • Leading warm ups and small sessions during their class and other classes PE lessons
  • Helping to run after school club sporting sessions
  • officiate games
  • lead activities in the playground
  • lead or help out at a sports day/health week  event
  • attending sports committee meetings and making suggestions and implementing changes to ensure pupils are engaging in sporting success

Well done boys and girls we had excellent feedback from Miss Benson on your fabulous effort and sportsmanship, Elise Hastie in particular received praise for her game she created and how she delivered it to the group.

Thank you to Ben Boatman for this opportunity it is a truly fantastic opportunity for the school and our staff couldn’t be prouder of the JASCs.

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Staff Netball League

A huge congratulations to the ladies of Greenrigg Primary who took part in the first staff netball league. Although two teams only participated we had a lot of fun (which of course resulted in aches and pains). We played Polkemmet Primary School at Whitburn Community Center this week.

Congratualtions to Polkemmet on their victory and we will see them again next term (or we will dress pupils up like us)

Well done to Mrs Croser (and her goals), Mrs Bradley, Mrs Woodhouse, Mrs Crow, Mrs Berginis, Mrs Monahan and Mrs Millar (who fore-fitted her high heels for trainers to be part of the team, very impressive!)

Football Festival

I would like to say a massive congratulation to our school football team. I was so proud of how they played at the festival today. All the team worked together to make sure they were passing the ball and holding their positions. We were undefeated in our games and we drew all the way today with Stoneyburn but were beaten in our final game 1-0, therefore we came second in the league table. Thank you to Ben Boatman for refereeing and the fantastic silver medals. We have really enjoyed being part of the football festival.

Mrs Monahan

Greenrigg did themselves proud all season. Congratulations to Stoneyburn who won and congratulations to Longridge who play an excellent game of football.

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Easter Extravaganza/Trim Trail Grand Opening

Easter Extravaganza/Trim Trail Grand Opening


Friday 27th March

10 am- 12 noon

Our Trim Trail will be officially opened in playground at 10am sharp then

A coffee morning will be held in the school hall

Tea/ Coffee available ( donation )

Competition kids!!

Decorate an egg, create an Easter Bonnet or Bake an Easter Cake or do all three ( please detail name and class on all entries )

Competition Adults as well !!

Bake an Easter Cake/Cupcakes

The cakes will be raffled at the end of the day (but if you wish to keep your own cake please let us know).

All kids and Adult competition entries will be on Display.


All donations for home Baking will be greatly appreciated.


We are looking for any ideas as to who we can give the honour of officially opening our Trim Trail any ideas please let us know !!

Thank you for all your Support in allowing us to fund this fabulous asset to the school   –     The PTA/ Staff @ Greenrigg P.S.

Open Morning

Parents/Carers, families and friends are welcome to join us on Monday 23rd March for our Open Morning. 9 – 10.30am

– You child will share samples of learning, give you a tour of his/her classroom and of the displays in the open areas.

– We have the Scholastic Book Fair in school – feel free to browse through the range of books and stationery with your child.  (Or on your own if you are looking for a special gift!)  The Book Fair will be in school all week and you will be able to purchase books at the Parents Evening on Wednesday 25th too!

– Take time to browse through the display on Relationships, Parenthood and Sexual Health Education which will be ‘manned’ by Mrs Vest and Mrs Kurcik, who will be happy to answer your questions

Hope to see you all there

Mrs Gibson


Last week each class picked their favourite theme for the gala day, and the choices were revealed during Together Time today where most children voted for their preferred option – some are still needing time to think about this important decision!
Parents are now invited in to school to vote on their preferred choice. you will be able to find the ballot papers and voting box just outside the office.

The choices are…. (drumroll!)…
2.Toy Story
3.Mary Poppins
4.Peter Pan
5.Pirates of the Caribbean
6.Classic Disney characters
7.Beauty and the Beast
8.Wizard of Oz

Voting will close on 19th March and the winning theme will be revealed on 20th March. Please only vote once.

Our ballot box
Our ballot box

Chinese New Year Celebrations

Greenrigg Primary was visited by Hong Lok last Friday to celebrate the Chinese New Year. The children were given the opportunity to try on the lion costume and also practice keeping a beat with the big drum and the cymbals.

Day for Change

Thank you so much for all your amazing donations for Day for Change. Your spare change has really made a difference and will help children in Syria and the Philippines whose lives have been effected by war and natural disasters. A massive congratulations to the whole school for raising a huge £264.33, although the pupils did bag up the coins so we are probably a few pennies out (this will be a fun trip to the bank)


So, huge congratulations to Primary 2 for being the class winners. You will get your treat out of class with Mrs Monahan next week!


Thank you to the Rights Respecting Group who came up with the ideas and helped to make the day a success.

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Another Busy Day for P7/6

Today P7/6 faced the Dragons of Dragon’s Den and the students of West Lothian College to take part in pitching their ideas for a new business. There was a lot to see and to hear and all groups performed extremely well. There was an overall winner between G.P.S and W.L.C and two group winners. Children have worked for weeks to come up with a product, create a business, make a business plan and deliver a pitch to sell their business to some very scary Dragons. I’m delighted to say that it was a G.P.S business which took the overall winner slot. They produced a high quality product which was well researched and pitched well. Their name was Tropicise and consisted of Nathan Hill, Lewis Galloway, Ethan Kellie, Jake Turner and PJ Swan. Well done boys! The G.P.S winner was Battle Monsters Crew (Brandon Aitken, Logan Nuttall, Cody Watson and John Kerr) Please take the time to look at our photos. Lots of confident individuals.

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