Category Archives: Primary 6

Monday 6th June

  • Author visit P1 – 4

Tuesday 7th June

  • 3.15 – 4.15 Netball ASC

Wednesday 8th June

  • Armadale Academy Transition
  • Gymnastics lunchtime club

    P3/4 Roots of Empathy


    Mr Durkin from Whitburn Academy to see P7s


    3.15 – 4.15 ASC Football


    7pm Information Evening at Whitburn Academy

Thursday 9th June

  • Armadale Academy Transition
  • Nursery Sports Day am and pm

    Miss Wickerson transition visit to Armadale Academy


    3.15 – 4.15 Dance ASC


    3.15 – 4.15 Final Challenge ASC


    6.45 Parent Council and PTA

Friday 10th June

  • Armadale Academy Transition
  • P7s Futsal
  • No Multi Sports today

Monday 30th May

  • 9.15 and 12.30pm Meetings for next years P1 parents (feel free to bring your wee ones along too, I will have some toys and snacks for them)
  • 2.20 Assembly led by P3/4

Tuesday 31st May

  • P3s and P4s to Polkemmet Country Park for Orienteering with the Countryside Ranger Service and activities with Mrs Gibson
  • 6.30pm Dress Rehearsal for Gala at Alexander Peden Primary School (Good luck to a very excited Mrs Denholm)

Wednesday 1st June

  • Netball Team to Festival with Miss Benson
  • 3.15 – 4.15 Football ASC

Thursday 2nd June

  • Football Team to Festival with Miss Benson
  • .15 – 4.15 Dance ASC

    3.15 – 4.15 Challenge ASC

Friday 3rd June

  • P7s Futsal
  • 12.25- 1.25 Multi sports ASC


This week in Greenrigg…

Monday 23rd May


Tuesday 24th May

P5/4 to Tesco – Farm to Fork

P7s to West Lothian College to have a taster of what it is like to be a student there

3.15 – 4.15 Netball After School Club

Wednesday 25th May

P1 and P2 to Tesco – Farm to Fork

Baby Allie and Mrs Boyd in for Roots of Empathy in P3/4

12.30 – 1.00 Gymnastics Lunchtime Club

3.15 – 4.15 Football After School Club

Thursday 26th May

Friday 27th May

12.25 – 1.25 Multi Sports After School Club

Weekend at Dalguise for P6 and P5

Boys and girls from P5 and P6 enjoyed a busy weekend at Dalguise Camp.

We were lucky to have some good weather to enjoy all the activities like den building, raft building abseiling, archery, zip slide, trapeze and playing games.

All the staff were proud of the boys and girls who not only behaved really well but all tried everything, even if they were scared!


This week in Greenrigg Primary School…

Monday 16th May

  • 2.20pm Assembly led by P2s with visiting speaker, Mrs LJ McWhir

Tuesday 17th May

  • All classes visiting Benhar Evangelical Church for workshops
  • 3.15 – 4.15 Netball After School Club

Wednesday 18th May

  • P2 to Glasgow Science Centre
  • Validated Self Evaluation Team (Maths) in Nursery and P1 and P3/4
  • Lunchtime Gymnastics Club
  • 3.15 – 4.15 Football After School Club
  • 6.30pm Rotary Quiz team at Polkemmet Primary School

Thursday 19th May

  • Validated Self Evaluation Team (Maths) in P4/5 and P6//5 and speaking to Parent Group, Staff Group and Pupil Group
  • Internal Audit of Child Protection Processes taking place in the school
  • P3/4 to Tesco Farm to Fork
  • Bingo for Gala Day funds – doors open 6.30pm, eyes down 7pm

Friday 20th May

  • 12.25 – 1.25 Multi Sports After School Club


This week in Greenrigg Primary School…

Monday 2nd May

  • Holiday

Tuesday 3rd May

  • Inservice day

Wednesday 4th May

  • Roots of Empathy P3/4
  • 3.15 – 4.15 After School Club Football

Thursday 5th May

  • ELECTION DAY – no access to Community Wing or Hall for school today
  • Credit Union – Jackie Gordon will be in school today

    3.15 – 4.15 Challenge ASC


    3.15 – 4.15 Dance ASC

Friday 6th May

  • 9 – 10 Futsal P7s

    P3/4  Minibeast workshop – Little Giants


    12.25 – 1.25 Multi Sports ASC


    1pm Bus leaves for Dalguise

P6/5 Political Party Election

On Monday we lead a Political Party Election. We invited parents,teachers and other pupils. All our leaders speeches were very interesting and all could help out the environment,school and the playground.

Here are our results.

Eeman Aslam /GSP/Greenrigg Star Party-22 votes

Harris Hanif /CG/clean green-15 votes

Jenna Meldrum /LSP/ love Scotland party-23 votes

Erin Swan / CDP/ celebrating debating party-25 votes

The winner is…

James Wilson/ SSDP/Scottish sport development party-with a total of=34 votes.

James was shocked that he won.

The SSDP  have now got a meeting with Mrs Gibson to discuss their pledges.

James Wilson leader of SSDP/ Scottish sports development party
James Wilson leader of SSDP/ Scottish sports development party


The junior road safety officers at the civic centre

Our Junior road safety officers took a trip to the assembly halls at livingston civic centre to do a power point presentation for the lord provost ,councillors and managers of the council  for road safety within polkemmet road and Baillie avenue. The children were amazing and were complimented by Mr George Paul and local Councillors on their great teamwork and power point. The children ,Miss Benson and Mrs Gibson had a great day