Last week we did sports day and after we did the activities primary 5/4 did the races and the runner up was Josie. by Emma (P5)
P5/4 had so much fun in judo. by Allison (P5)
Thank you to everyone who attended or helped bake for our coffee morning last Friday. The total amount made came to £249.
The winners for the competitions are:
Cake winners
Josie P5/4
Jason B P4/3
Emma P4/3
Jenna P2
Robbie P5/4
Brandon P7
Overall cake winner
Amy K P6/5
Decorated Eggs
Amy L P6/5
Joshua P1
Chelsea P7
Carla P4/3
Karis P2
Mia P2
Decorated Bonnets
Ryan P6/5
Adam P5/4
Sophie P4/3
Brandon P5/4
Ellie P5/4
Karis P2
Well done to all our winners and all the children who took part.
Today almost all the chicks are hatched. They have started to get some feathers. They are really cute and fluffy plus jumpy too. by Angeline Jamie,Robbie and John
Our beautiful canvas is now being displayed at Hobby Craft at Livingston Retail Park.
The whole school, pupils and staff, worked together to create this magnificent piece of work by printing their thumb print and turning it into their face!
Thank you to Mrs Scott for donating the canvas and supporting us through this project.
Our Eco team lead Greenrigg Primary School pupils and staff through Earth Hour on Friday.
The whole school spent an hour on Friday Morning, between 8:45am and 9:45am in darkness to raise awareness about the need to take action on climate change.
Primary 7 took a greater challenge in switching off all the electricity in their classroom!
The official Earth Hour 2013 is being held on March 23, 2013 from 8:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
Nearly all of the chicks are hatched ,there are only 4 more eggs to hatch. Today we helped to clean the brooder and we held the chicks and they where chirping. They were very happy to see us and were comfortable enough to fall asleeep as we held them, a part from Allison’s who was a bit jumpy. We think they are very cute and fluffy.
By Allison, Ellie and Milli (P5/4)
Our first chick hatched last night and we are trying to think of a name for it.Can you help us please! The chick is starting to become fluffy and is a light yellow colour. One of the eggs has got a crack in the shell so it may hatch over night. If you want to see the chicks tonight go on to Glow at home.
By: Cameron, Craig and Ryan St. (P5/4)
Our 11 chick eggs arrived safely yesterday and are currently snuggled up in their incubator at the front office.
The programme designed by Living Eggs (see for more information) aims to promote awe and wonder across the curriculum at all levels. Over the next two weeks the children from nursery to primary 7 will be learning about the life cycle of a chicken by a variety of class work and will provide the children an opportunity to see chicks actually hatching from their eggs.
By next week the chicks will be old enough to be held and handling sessions will be made available to children during school hours and to parents during Parents’ Evening. If you can’t wait until then, or you would like to follow the progress and watch the chicks hatch LIVE! a link is available through our Glow page. You will find a tab on the main page called “LIVE Chicken Hatching”.
We would like to thank the PTA for donating money to the school and making this exciting school project possible.