Category Archives: Primary 2

P1 & P2 transition day with Stoneyburn

We made lots of new friends with the children from Stoneyburn. Alasdair saw his friend Daryl who is in his football team, he said it was good to see him. Natalie said she hopes the children will come back or maybe we can visit them. Adam said it was good seeing other children in our school. We all thank you for coming to visit us today and we hope to see you soon. Here are some photos of our day.

Monday 7th March – this week in Greenrigg ….

Monday 7th March

Miss Wickerson, Mrs Irvine and 10 x P7 pupils off to Dalguise

4 x P7 pupils Work Experience

Tuesday 8th March

Transition Day for P1, P2, P3 and P4 children

P1 and P2 children from Stoneyburn with their teachers will spend the day in Greenrigg

P3 and P4 children, from both schools, are going to Craigencault Ecology Centre in Kinghorn

3.15 – 4.15 ASC Football

Wednesdy 9th March

No Netball ASC as Mrs Irvine is in Dalguise

6.30pm Developing the Young Workforce Meeting in the Hall for all parents

Thursday 10th March

P1s to Deep Sea World

Nursery Parents in Community Wing

P4/5 to Handball Festival

3.15 – 4.15 Dance ASC

Friday 11th March

12.20 – 1.20 Multi Sports ASC

Dalguise children due back at school between 4 – 4.30

Monday 29th February 2016

This week in Greenrigg…

Monday 29th

– P5,6,7 Transition Day – P5s and P7s will all be at Greenrigg

P6 Children (and Miss Cook) will be at Stoneyburn

Tuesday 1st March – St David’s Day

– P7s off to West Lothian College for Dragons Den

– Mrs Malloch will be in school teaching Music

– 3.15 – 4.15 Netball ASC

Wednesday 2nd March

– Mr Henry will be in school teaching Art

– P3/4 Roots of Empathy (and baby Allie is in this week)

– Netball Festival

– 3.15 – 4.15 Football ASC

Thursday 3rd March

– Mr Henry in school

– 1.30 Travel Action Group Meeting

– Football Festival

– 3.15 – 4.15 Dance ASC

Friday 4th March

– World Book Day  at Greenrigg – come dressed in pyjamas, bring bedtime story book and a cuddly toy

– 9am Assembly  as always parents welcome to join us for assembly  (our new Acting Principal Teacher – Miss Magali Tuke – will be with us for Assembly in advance of her official start on Monday 14th March)

12.20 – 1.20 Multi Sports ASC