Category Archives: Primary 2

The junior road safety officers at the civic centre

Our Junior road safety officers took a trip to the assembly halls at livingston civic centre to do a power point presentation for the lord provost ,councillors and managers of the council  for road safety within polkemmet road and Baillie avenue. The children were amazing and were complimented by Mr George Paul and local Councillors on their great teamwork and power point. The children ,Miss Benson and Mrs Gibson had a great day


This week in Greenrigg…

Monday 11th April

2.20 Assembly (everyone welcome to come along)

See newsletter in school bags:)

Tuesday 12th April

P6 and P7 NSPCC Workshop

Junior Road Safety Officers plus pupil representatives from Bailey Avenue to Civic Centre where they will present to full council about road safety around our school.

No Netball after school today

6.30pm Community Council Meeting

Wednesday 13th April 

P3/4 Roots of Empathy (baby Allie will be with the class)

3.15 – 4.15 Football After School Club

Thursday 14th April 

Nursery parents meeting in Community Lounge

Credit Union – Mrs Gordon will be in school

3.15 – 4.15 Challenge After School Club

5.15 – 4.15 Dance After School Club

Friday 15th April

P7s Futsal

Upcoming date for parents…

Monday 18th April at 6pm – Curriculum event for parents Relationships, Sexual Health and Parenting


Travel Action Group Minutes

Minutes of Travel Action Group M

Introduction from the Junior road safety officers   Emma, Taylor, Angeline, Emma


Mr George Paul  (Councillor)

Miss Shona Redmond (Parent Council)

Miss Alison Benson (Junior Road Safety co-ordinator)

Apologies:  Mrs Kathy Gibson (Headteacher)

The meeting was held in upper school wing as the children went through their power point for the Civic Centre which they will attend on Tuesday 12th April at 9-30am.

Mr Paul advised the children to wear high viz vests to the Civic Centre .

Mr Paul also invited the children and staff who were going to the Civic Centre to the café for juice and cake which he will kindly pay for.

We have to take two children from Baillie Avenue to represent the school.

The children were advised to say their names before they speak their part of the power point.

The children have to have their own paper work for each of their speeches.

Emma’s speech has now been added to the power point and she will rehearse it before we go.

The meeting went well and Mr Paul and Miss Redmond gave the children lots of feedback regarding their speaking .

Thank you

Miss Benson.


eeting Thursday 17th March



P2 visit to St Andrew’s Church, Harthill

We walked along to St Andrew’s Church in Harthill to learn more about the Easter Story from Mr Kennedy and Mr Topping. Mr Kennedy showed us the church books recording meetings, marriages and lots of other interesting information dating back over 100 years. Alasdair read a verse from the Bible about the Last Supper. We all had a chance to ring the bell with Mr Topping, Adam pulled on the rope and it lifted him off the ground!! We finished off a lovely visit exploring the church with a drink and a biscuit. Aiden said the visit was amazing. We would like to say a big thank you to Mr Kennedy and Mr Topping for all their hard work today. Thanks also to Mrs Woodhouse for supporting us on our visit.

This week in Greenrigg…

Monday 21st March

  • P2 visit to St Andrew’s Church

Tuesday 22nd March

  • All of P3 and P4 to Polkemmet Country Park for Outdoor Learning day led by Countryside Rangers and by Mrs Gibson.  Straight after registration we will walk along to Polkemmet where we will meet with the P3s and 4s from Stoneyburn.  The P3s will spend the day together and the P4s will meet up with the friends they made at the Ecology Centre two weeks ago.  The children should dress for the weather and for (probably) getting dirty.  Layers are best – no jeans though as they don’t do well if they get wet:)
  • P5/6 are off to Whitburn for a Cross Country Festival with Miss Cook
  • 3.15 – 4.15 ASC Netball

Wednesday 23rd March

  • We are delighted to welcome Mrs Bradley who will be in school all day
  • P7s will have an additional Futsal session (to make up for one that they missed)
  • Bailey House are this term’s winners – their reward is a Pink Unicorn Activity Party   All Bailey children are requested to wear something pink on Wednesday – this may be a scarf/piece of material that they can use as a bandana or wrist band:)
  • 3.15 – 4.15 ASC Football

Thursday 24th March

  • Whole school to church for Easter Service, 10am at the Church – everyone welcome. We will leave at 9.25am.  If you would like to walk up and down with us, please meet your child’s class at 9.25 just outside the front door.  

Friday 25th March – Sunday 10th April Easter Holiday

School reopens on Monday 11th April


P2 homework challenged continued!

Stephane’s alien is called Emma and has only one eye. She is wearing a tartan ribbon.

Ava’s alien is made out of a milk carton and is called Lewis

Abigail’s alien is called Lucy, she is wearing a kilt.

Poppy-Grace’s alien is called Stary and is made out of a plastic bottle.

Natalie’s alien is called Marsha, she has a flag for Katie Morag.

Cate’s alien is called Chloe and is made out of card and paper.


Sam’s alien is called Banana Man, he is made out of milk shake cartons.

Alasdair’s alien is called Messi and is made out of a cereal box. He has pipe cleaner arms and legs with his feet made out of feathers.

John’s alien is called Johncena, the head is a balloon and the body made out of a bottle covered in newspaper. We are so good at recycling old things.

Louisa told us all about her alien who is called Daisy. She is made out of cartons, wool and pom poms.



This week in Greenrigg…

Monday 14th March

  • Warm welcome to Miss Magali Tuke who joins us at Greenrigg as Acting Principal Teacher
  • P5 – 7 Internet Safety Workshops
  • 2.40pm Internet Safety Performance for whole school and parents in Hall

Tuesday 15th March

  • Mrs Malloch in School
  • 3.15 – 4.15 Netball After School Club

Wednesday 16th March

  • P5/6 visit to Gurdwara, Glasgow
  • 3.15 – 4.15 Football After School Club

Thursday 17th March

  • Nursery parents meeting in Community Lounge am
  • 3.15 – 4.15 Challenge ASC
  • 3.15 – 4.15 Dance After School Club
  • 6.30pm Parent Council AGM – all parents welcome

Friday 18th March

  • 9am Assembly – led by P1 children – all parents welcome
  • P7s Futsal