Category Archives: Primary 1

Game On Scotland Plaque

The Sports Committee were proud to accept a Game on Scotland plaque from our Active School Coordinator Ben Boatman. Mr Boatman nominated Greenrigg for the award for our continuing commitment to developing the legacy of the Commonwealth Games. We are now one of over 350 organisations worldwide who are entitled to display the prestigious plaque.

Below is the Sports Committee receiving their award from Mr Boatman.

Choir days out

The Choir have been out and about raising money. We visited Harthill Senior Citizen Centre last Thursday where we spread some Christmas cheer. We would like to thank them for their generous donation and presents for the children. Yesterday, we made our annual visit to Tesco. We received a warm reception and would like to thank Tesco once again for supporting the school. We would also like to thank all the friends and family who came along to support the children.

Pupils v Adults Football

A massive thank you to our wonderful parents who came along to our final football club. Your support was very welcome and we all had a great time. There were some very close scores and tough competition.

Thank you for our spectators and a big thank you to Robert Marshall, Brain Laing, Colin Rogerson, Kirsty Cunningham and Kevin Buntin for playing football with the pupils.

Hope to see you all at the next one. Have a lovely Christmas break.

The football club and Mrs Monahan

Open Area Fun

We have been playing in the open area and discovering all the new activities that have been developing our senses, literacy skills, climbing skills and lots more.  Abby enjoyed using the letters in the water to spell her nouns, verbs and adjectives.  Matthew and Reece were making a spider mountain in the sand.

Blake and Joshua had lots of fun in the water tray playing with the foam. Blake said that if we could feel clouds this is what it would feel like.  The foam made Bryoni think about the snow and how she could make a snowman.

We are going to get a dark tent and lights put into our area after the Christmas holidays we can’t wait.