All posts by Ms Monahan

Term 1 highlights p7/6

What a fantastic first term we have had in Primary 7/6

  • Literacy: poetry for Mrs Denholm, recipe writing and fictional stories based on our scientist creation. Our free writing for homework has shown lots of super ideas and just how creative you all are.
  • Maths: place value, multiplying, rounding and decimals. We looked at where to find real evidence of maths so to realise why and where we will use the skills we learn.
  • expressive arts: we have been working with our drama and music teachers learning new skills. We have been painting, making collages, perspective drawings, painting skills and some art through our science.
  • working with others: we have been great Primary 1 buddies, walking to the harvest assembly, playing outside with buddies and most recently we taught primary 2 how to make their own 3D dinosaurs.
  • keeping healthy: we have been bucket filling and learning how to have a growth mindset. We have been very active with Mrs Crow and Scott Woodhouse has been teaching us Futsal. We have also been squeezing in a few daily miles. Well done to our boys for competing in this years cross country. Well done also to the many boys and girls in the class who have been away representing the school in the Football, Netball and Handball teams.

Primary 7/6

Primary 7/6 have been very creative this term painting and creating their pictures for the flower show. We were inspired by the artist called Steven Brown who creates paintings of Highland cows called McCoos. We sent our pictures to him and he messaged back saying

“Wow, amazing. Really talented pupils you have. I love that my art makes people smile.”

“To your pupils, continue to go for your dreams. I would never have thought I would have achieved my dream if you had asked me, I am thankful that I persisted and that my artwork means so much to many.”

The pupils are desperate to get these home, they are up in the classroom just now and I will send them home for the October break.

This is Steven’s first Highland cow he painted called Harris McCoo.


This term so far we have been writing persuasively for house captains and head boy and girl. We have begun thinking about our topic World War II. We have been learning some multiplication strategies. In PE we have been learning netball and bench ball/handball. Some of the Primary 7s and 6s will be attending the school Netball, Football or Handball festivals.


Primary 5/4 news

This week Primary 5/4 have been enjoying getting ready for We Will Rock You. We also enjoyed having Mr Bain in who is teaching us pitch and rhythm in our music.

The Primary 4’s had their swimming assessment this week, we had lots of fun and Eeman can’t wait to go back to the swimming pool. Please take advantage of the lessons if they were offered to your child.

Finally, some of the P5/4’s took part in the first Handball Championships at Deans Community High, we played against 11 competing schools council wide. I was so proud of the children for their teamwork and sportsmanship. You boys and girls made Greenrigg proud, you are excellent role models.

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Girls Football Team

The Greenrigg  Girls Football team played their first game tonight against Livingston Village. The sun was shining and the girls said they had great fun. They didn’t even mind that we got beat 5-0 never mind girls, you were great and full of team spirit. Thank you to Donna Sanderson for volunteering her time to come with me on the bus, the girls and I really appreciate your help and fantastic cheering us on! Thank you to the Livingston Village girls and their coach for the hospitality and refreshments, we will hopefully see you again.

Ellie McDougall was named woman of the match for her excellent work as first striker, then defender and then a fantastic goalkeeper – those were some impressive saves Ellie. Our Greenrigg Girls have no fear.

We are all proud of you

Mrs Monahan

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Thank you Donna for these excellent pictures, you are a star!


Playmaker Award – JASCs

The JASCs (Junior Active Schools Co-ordinators) took part in training last week with Ben Boatman and pupils from Stoneyburn. The training is called the Playmaker Award. This is a leadership course to promote confidence and leadership within the school.


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They loved the training, Ellie said it gave her confidence, Elise said she learned how to encourage others and Ryan enjoyed taking part in all the competitive games.

The JASCs have some challenges to undertake in school over the next few terms, amazing opportunities such as:

  • Leading warm ups and small sessions during their class and other classes PE lessons
  • Helping to run after school club sporting sessions
  • officiate games
  • lead activities in the playground
  • lead or help out at a sports day/health week  event
  • attending sports committee meetings and making suggestions and implementing changes to ensure pupils are engaging in sporting success

Well done boys and girls we had excellent feedback from Miss Benson on your fabulous effort and sportsmanship, Elise Hastie in particular received praise for her game she created and how she delivered it to the group.

Thank you to Ben Boatman for this opportunity it is a truly fantastic opportunity for the school and our staff couldn’t be prouder of the JASCs.

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Primary 5/4 Handball

Primary 5/4 took part in the Whitburn Cluster handball festival recently. Here are a few snaps from the event.

A big congratulations to Rafael Alvaro Primary 4, who was praised by all the staff members at the event, they were extremely impressed with his throwing and catching skills. He certainly seems to have no fear when playing and put everything into his performance.

Sophie Kay, Rafael Alvaro and James Wilson were chosen from each team to receive a medal for their performance in their teams.

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Staff Netball League

A huge congratulations to the ladies of Greenrigg Primary who took part in the first staff netball league. Although two teams only participated we had a lot of fun (which of course resulted in aches and pains). We played Polkemmet Primary School at Whitburn Community Center this week.

Congratualtions to Polkemmet on their victory and we will see them again next term (or we will dress pupils up like us)

Well done to Mrs Croser (and her goals), Mrs Bradley, Mrs Woodhouse, Mrs Crow, Mrs Berginis, Mrs Monahan and Mrs Millar (who fore-fitted her high heels for trainers to be part of the team, very impressive!)

Football Festival

I would like to say a massive congratulation to our school football team. I was so proud of how they played at the festival today. All the team worked together to make sure they were passing the ball and holding their positions. We were undefeated in our games and we drew all the way today with Stoneyburn but were beaten in our final game 1-0, therefore we came second in the league table. Thank you to Ben Boatman for refereeing and the fantastic silver medals. We have really enjoyed being part of the football festival.

Mrs Monahan

Greenrigg did themselves proud all season. Congratulations to Stoneyburn who won and congratulations to Longridge who play an excellent game of football.

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P5/4 Volleyball

P5/4 have started volleyball in our PE. Ryan thought it was ‘amazing and good fun’. Cian thought that it was ‘off the hook’. Tyler thought it was different from anything he had ever played. We had a few games today and we want to say a special well done in their sporting skills to; Ryan Duncan, Emma McDougall and Scott Lamont. The Primary 5s really challenged themselves by working out a way to change positions while playing.