All posts by Ms Monahan

Jump for Joy

Primary 7/6 organised and ran a whole school Jump for Joy day. We raised money for the British Heart Foundation buy having a jump-a-thon. Each class in our generous school tagged in for a half hour jump. Thank you to the parents who came along and also has a go. We have raised a tremendous amount, over £700 so far and still counting. We will tally up the final amount this week and send off your amazing donations. We love our Greenrigg community.


primary 7 news

What a few weeks we have had. Here are some of the highlights. We have been looking at the painting Starry Night by Vincent van Gogh. We gave been describing the painting and have written a recount as a character in the painting, the children have produces excellent stories.

We looked at the amazing Northern Lights and have created a magical silhouette picture and a descriptive poem to complement our pictures.

In maths we have been learning about angles: how to identify, measure ans draw. We are now moving on to shape.

We loved going out in the snow and used the STEM bins in our class to challenge ourselves to create something from the snow we brought indoors.

In PE we have been doing fitness stations with Mrs Crow to dust away those January blues.

The pupils worked very well together to create a logo each for Greenrigg Community Council’s competition. We have some excellent ideas and have designed them very effectively.

Will Ogg visited our class this week to carryout a workshop with us on Growth Mindset. The pupils engaged well in this session and showed Will that they are learning to think positively about challenges they may face in their learning and in day to day activities.  I think we mostly loved making an origami penguin each, which once we took our time we learned we could do it. A collection of penguins is called a raft in the sea or a waddle when on land.

Finally, on Thursday we had a very spectacular day. Firstly we had a poetry workshop with Julie Anna Douglas. We have read some of her published poems in class and were inspired by her poetry she read to us today in class. She then worked with us to create a poem for our community about the windfarms. The pupils were illustrators first and then created the words from their images. We are waiting excitedly to find out what the finished work will look like. then to finish Thurday of with a challenge, Miss Tuke taught us all (including myself) how to use Izak 9 cubes. We are going to work in teams more next week to complete more challenges and build on our team work, mental calculation and problem solving skills.