This week in Greenrigg…. 2nd November 2015

After a scary bunch of people arriving to party on Wednesday night and gruesome wounds on show on Thursday we are hoping it will all be calm this week at Greenrigg…

On Monday we have assembly at 2.20pm – parents and carers are welcome to attend and we are looking forward to seeing our newest nursery children at their very first assembly.

On Monday evening at 6pm there will an opportunity for parents to take part in the same Child Protection training that our staff (and all WL employees working with children) undertook in August.  The training, led by Mrs Berginis, will explain what the school’s role is in helping to keep children safe.

Also on Monday at 7pm we would like to welcome parents and staff to the Parent Teacher Association’s  (PTA) Annual General Meeting and then planning for the Christmas Fair.  Please come along and find out how you can be involved in helping raise funds for additional resources that are outwith the core school budget.

On Tuesday our P2 children are off to the Museum in Edinburgh – see the BLOG later in the week for photographs of their adventures!  They have been studying the dinosaurs and hoping to learn more on their trip.

On Tuesday afternoon P3/4 have their weekly benchball session with Sports Leaders from Whitburn Academy

On Wednesday P7s are off to the Poppy Factory as part of their learning about World War 2.

Nursery parents and carers are warmly invited to Stay, Play and Learn on Wednesday in the nursery.

On Thursday morning we are looking forward to welcoming our new woodwind instructor, Victoria Lindie, to the school.  Boys and girls please remember to bring your instrements:)

Sponsored Walk over Forth Road Bridge – please hand your sponsor forms and money into Mrs Millar in the office.

Have a great week!                                                                    Kathy Gibson 

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