Today we had a challenge to build a bridge of bones. Well actually they weren’t real bones but it was still a challenge. This was a STEM challenge so we had to work in groups and our designs had to meet certain criteria and constraints. We all found different ways to build our bridges and apart from one group who didn’t achieve it in th time limit, we all had a bridge. The bridges had to hover at least 2cm off the surface and be at least 2cm wide. The bridge had to balance a 1p coin without it falling though. We were only allowed to use our supply of pipe cleaners, cotton buds (bones) and lolly sticks. We really enjoyed this task and Miss Tuke was really impressed by our group work and ideas.
I was a tad concerned when I read the title P6/7 and Mrs Monahan – Bridge of Bones!!! However now I see what you have been doing I am impressed!! Great team work!!