Debating Class

Primary 3/4 and Primary 7 have been working together to develop skills of debating.  As a group we all decided that the main skills that we are developing are listening, talking and respecting others ideas

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and thoughts.

” We have been having great fun and we love to share our opinion with others.”  Angeline said.

Ross said he loved designing and making the clothes for the washing line debate that we will be having next week.

We will keep you posted of how future debates go.


Happy New Year …..

The staff would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year – it is great to see the children back and all eager to learn.

This week in Greenrigg is relatively quiet – but watch this space every week to find out what is happening:

Monday 11th January
3.15 – 4.15 Multi Sports After School Club P1,2,3
Tuesday 12th January
3.15 – 4.15 Netball After School Club P5 – 7
Wednesday 13th January
P3/4 will be working with Youth Music Initiative group 11 – 11.45
3.15 – 4.15 Football After School Club P5 – 7
Thursday 14th January
1.30 Travel Action Group Meeting
3.15 – 4.15 Dance After School Club P1 – 7
Friday 15th January
9am Assembly -led by Mrs Murphy and P5/4 – everyone welcome to join us in the Hall