Category Archives: Primary 2

Online reading books

Good afternoon primary 2,

I have set up an account on Get Epic where there are lots of reading books available to read and audio books as well.

To get access go to and type in deu6472 for the classroom code. Hope you enjoy reading some new books.

Miss Graham

P2 learning grids and learning activities from Mrs Gorman

Hello primary 2,

I hope you are all well and enjoying the sun shine. I am going to upload week 4 learning grids for you to try this week and a few learning activities from Mrs Gorman. Try your best and have fun with your learning.


Quiz answers from last week:

1. wobbly infants – were jelly babies

2. clever clogs – were smarties

3. singing insects – were humbugs quietly – were wispas

5. 8:01pm – were after eights


Make a Caterpillar

P2 – Seasons

Numeracy triangles

Numeracy circles + squares

Literacy orange and red

Literacy blue green gold

Outdoor Learning P1-P7

With all this fabulous sunshine and dry weather, let’s take the learning outdoors! Below you will find some suggested outdoor activities and websites where you will find lots of ideas, video clips and tips about how to get the most out of our gardens and green spaces.







Home Learning Literacy Information and Resources

I have attached some links to resources which you may find useful for supporting your children with learning at home. A couple of the links are general support about routines and structure, while others focus on how you can support your child’s literacy learning.

7_Top_Tips_to_Support_Reading_at_Home Reading_with_TRUST_comic Supporting_home_learning_routines_-_Planning_the_day

There are additional resources which you may find useful and these can be found at the education endowment fund website:

Online Safety Resources

With all this fantastic use of online materials and resources, it’s important now more than ever that we discuss online safety with our children. Miss Farooq has been gathering some ideas of how we can do this and we will post up activities over the coming weeks for you to do with your children. I have attached an activity for P1-3 and P4-7 to get started.

Online Safety Activity P1-P3pdf

Online Safety P4-P7

STEM Vertical Group: Flying object challenge

Mrs Burns and I have been missing our time with our vertical group and have created a STEM challenge that you can take part in at home. If you are not part of our vertical group and fancy joining in, please just go ahead. The more the merrier!

Flying Object Supporting Links

What is STEM?

What Makes Paper Aeroplanes Fly?

Different Plane Designs

We´d love to hear how successful your invention is or even see a picture of it. Email us at:

We´ll include the pictures on our STEM sway so you can all see each other’s inventions.

Good luck inventors!

Learning activities for P2 from Mrs Gorman

Hi all,

Mrs Gorman has sent a few activities for you to try for French, RME and science. I’ll attach them below for you to try. – days of the week song


P2 learning grids for week 3 and week 4

Hello primary 2,

I hope you are keeping safe and doing well.

I have the next learning grids which will be week 3 which would start on Monday 20.4.20. There are numeracy, literacy and interdisciplinary learning activities for you to try at home attached below.

Quiz questions – which chocolate/sweet am I?

See if you can work out which sweet/chocolate it is. I will post up the answers to the questions on Friday. Hope you enjoy!

  1. wobbly infants
  2. clever clogs
  3. Singing insects
  4. talk quietly
  5. 8:01 pm

Hope you enjoy the activities!

Miss Graham


Literacy blue green gold

Literacy orange and red

Numeracy circles + squares

Numeracy triangles

Interdisciplinary Learning