Author Archives: C Angus

Weekly Grid – 15th June 2020

Hello Primary 1!

Another week of learning and fun has arrived, and we are so excited for all the activities this week! We have been so impressed and proud with all of your hard work so far!

8. Weekly Grid

Make sure to upload your work to Seesaw for us to see! It really brightens up our days!

Miss Angus and Miss Keillor 🙂

Week Beginning 25th May

Hello Primary 1! We hope you all enjoyed your weekend – the sun is shining for us today!

We have attached our next weekly grid packed with new activities for you to complete at your leisure! Also, remember to check your SeeSaw for activities posted for you and Twitter for some more ideas! You do not have to do all of the activities, you can choose which ones you would like to do! 🙂

5. Weekly Grid

We hope you have a fantastic week – we can’t wait to see what you all get up to! We have been so impressed with the amazing effort you have all put in learning at home!

Miss Angus and Miss Keillor

Weekly Grid – 11.05.20

Hello Primary 1! We hope you have all had a relaxing and fun weekend!

We have attached this weeks learning grid where you will find a range of new activities for you to complete at a time that suits you and your family best! Make sure to send Miss Keillor and Miss Angus all of your amazing work on SeeSaw for us to see – we are so proud of all the effort you have been putting in so far!

We hope you have a lovely day and a fantastic week!

P1 Weekly Grid – 11.05.20

Miss Keillor and Miss Angus



Weekly Grid – 27.04.20

Good morning Primary 1 – we hope you have all had a lovely weekend! 🙂 We would like to thank you for all of your hard work so far – we can’t wait to continue our next phase of learning! Here is this weeks learning grid, packed with activities in Literacy, Numeracy and other fun learning activities for you to try! Please feel free to share your finished work with Miss Angus or Miss Keillor on SeeSaw. Instructions on how to join SeeSaw will be e-mailed out later today.  Have a great day and we will be in touch soon.

Miss Angus and Miss Keillor

1. Weekly Grid