Growth Mindset in P5B

This week 5B was set a challenge.

Our challenge was to fold a rectangular bit of paper into this shape. We had two rules we were not allowed to touch the model and you only got one piece of paper. We had work in teams of 6 and we had ten minutes to figure it out.


After just three minutes some of the class said

“it’s impossible”

“how does it go together”


Logan: after the 10 minutes I felt frustrated because

Aaron: I was glad it was over.

Ben: I felt Mr Cunningham was using magic.

Freddie: I felt proud of myself for getting quite close.


After the ten minutes was up the class was asked if they had a growth mindset. We all thought that we did. We were surprised to find out that we said such negative things in a short space of time.

Then we made posters of phrases and words that made us feel really good and proud of ourselves. The words that meant the most were the biggest.


Reece (who missed this) I am glad to be back at school and I am glad to see all my friends and teachers. img_1007


This week, in Maths we have been learning about Grid References and how they are useful for finding where things are. We played different games including Battleships, an Interactive Board game, our Floor Grid as well as completing our maths booklets. If you would like to play at home, follow the link!

In topic, we are learning about what makes up a community and how we belong to different parts of the community. We have been looking at some of the problems that occur in Bathgate, our community, and will see how we can improve the situation.

We looked at speech marks and where they are used. This was quite tricky because speech marks only go around what is being said.

Enjoy the long weekend!

Primary 6b Learning

This week we have been learning:

Fiona – I have been learning how to blend colours in painting. This week were painting our version of Vincent Van Gogh’s ‘Starry Night’
Luca – I learned about Vincent Van Gogh. He uses lots of dashes and dots. He cut off his ear. He ended up shooting himself.
Gabriel – We learned that he lived in France and had a yellow house.

Kamron – I have been learning about rounding numbers in maths. When you are rounding if the next number is 4 or less you round down and if it is more than 5 you round up.

Jack – In netball we were learning to pivot with the ball so that you can pass to people to the side of you and behind you.

Callum – I learned in maths the value of numbers.

Noah – At Golden Time I learned how to make Banoffee Pie. You break up digestive biscuits, then a spoonful of carmel, then you chop up banana and then top with cream. Then you eat it!
Skye – In drama we were the President Body Guard and Ground Control to Major Tom in our dance drama. We were learning to talk to each other and control our movements.

P7b Update

In P.E this week we played ‘Castles’.  To play this game, we split into two teams and each team has two ‘castles’ made from hula hoops.  The aim of the game is to use a ball to knock down the opposing teams castles.  There is a two minute time limit and the team who knocks down the most castles wins.

For writing this week we wrote an imaginative crime story.  We had to choose from a selection of characters, settings and crimes and create a story with a beginning, middle and end.  We also had to begin our story with an interesting opener.  E.g. in the middle of action, a flashback, with a question or speech.  This helped to grab the reader’s attention straight away.  Miss Bollen was very impressed with our stories.

This week we also learned about the ‘crime’ that took place at Balbardie.  It turns out that MrsDunbar’s laptop has been stolen.  The suspects are; Mrs Meek, Mrs Hay, Mrs Madden, Jim the Janny, Mrs Haddifon and Mr Cunningham.  We explored the crime scene and found fingerprints, footprints, a scrunched up note, fabric and hair samples.  We will complete investigations over the coming weeks to find the guilty suspect.

Enjoy the long weekend,


RRS- Article 28- Right to an Education

Pupil of the week- David

Class dojo winner- Viggo

Table of week- Mysterious 6




Roald Dahl’s Birthday Activities!

We have had a great week in Class G. We had great fun on Tuesday as it was Roald Dahl’s birthday.  We made costumes, decorations and themed food and used all these to have a Roald Dahl themed birthday party.  It was great fun!  This week we have been learning about the sounds a and t.  We had great fun making tarts for the letter t.  We have also been working on patterns this week and have been creating some great patters using 3 colours and 3 shapes.


Jake – I liked making tarts using strawberries for t.


Logan – I liked making strawberry tarts, putting custard on them and eating them.


Erin – I was making triangles using spaghetti and playdoh.


Cameron – I liked making and eating all the food at the Roald Dahl party.



This week we learned all about William Wallace and the Battle of Stirling Bridge. Did you know that all his army wore yellow tunics not tartan ones? They rubbed plants on the their tunics to dye them. Also the Scots outwitted the English bu using great tactics, they won even although the English had many more cavalrymen than the Scots.

We also wrote newspaper reports on the battle during writing, and learned about the features of a newspaper.

In H&W we learned about having a growth mindset – feel free to ask us about it!

Have a great holiday weekend everyone!

P2A’s week

As part of our Senses topic, we have had fun looking at optical illusions.  We had fun making our eyes go a bit funny and some of of us were a bit dizzy! We paired up in our penny experiment where we closed one of our eyes and tried to judge where the penny would drop…Lots of us were really good at this task, Miss McDougall was very impressed.

We are continuing to get faster and faster at our mental maths and are enjoying our new maths games.

In writing this week we worked on Who, What, Where and When and we found out that Mrs Potato Head had a cold…we had to help her get better.

We are continuing to use our expressive voices in our reading groups and turbo boost our volume, well done P2!

Achievements this week

Pupil of the week-Lexi

Elena is really happy to be on step 2

Emily is on level 4 swimming and can ride her bike with no stabilisers

Daniel is moving to a yellow belt in Tae Kwon Do

Luke is learning to practise balancing and do bridges




Another super week!


This week we were learning to write an acrostic poem. We had to write it about Mary Queen of Scots when she went to live in France.


Connor – it was really fun

Amy – I wasn’t sure I could do it but now I understand



We have covered lots in maths this week. We know the rule for multiplying by ten-

Robert – you just add a zero

We were learning to see the inverse pattern of the times tables –

Islay –I found it hard at first but then I got the hang of it

We have also learned more about telling the time –

Mia – we were learning about minutes ‘to’ the hour

Suvi – I found it tricky at first but then I found it easier


We were doing drama this week learning about how people feel when they get their feelings hurt.


This week we were learning about working as a team.

Kiara – we enjoyed the castles game it was fun


We have learned an awful lot about Mary Queen of Scots over the past couple of weeks. We are about to learn more about what happened when she returned to Scotland from France. We made a story strip of the key events from her birth to her return to Scotland.


Have a great long weekend!!!


Matthias – This week we have been reading “The Elves and the shoemaker”
Zara – The elves made shoes to make the shoemaker and his wife happy
Kyle – The shoemaker went to sleep and the next morning he found a beautiful pair of shoes on his desk
Hamish – The shoemaker and his wife were very poor at first, then the elves helped then make shoes and the next day there were two pairs of shoes on the desk
Josh – The shoemaker’s wife made tiny clothes for the elves to thank them for their help
Caitlin – The elves were really helpful because they made beautiful shoes for the shoemaker and he was rich and happy
Lily – We also had to cut out pictures from the story and stick in the missing pictures by putting them in the right order

Pupil of the week: Caitlin Hunter for correctly sequencing the story of “The elves and the shoemaker”. Well done!

Article 28: We have the right to an education

P1a and Elmer!

We have had a really busy and fun week in P1a.  We took advantage of the lovely weather and went outside with Mrs Laidlaw for number work and used chalk to write the numbers 1-10 in the playground.

We read some stories about Elmer the Elephant and wrote about what makes us special.

This week we have learned….

The sound c.  Aileigh and Justin

The sound t.  Amber

The sound s.  Emily

The tricky word ‘me’.  Shannon

The sound m. Ada and James

The sound a.  Jude and Holly

The tricky word ‘we’.  Amber

The sound p.  Jack and River

In writing we wrote about, what makes me special. Carley

I enjoyed running around outside with my buddy.  Oliver

I enjoy Golden Time.  Ada

I enjoyed playing with my buddy outside. Mac

I enjoyed playing with my buddy. Holly

I enjoyed playing with Meadow.  Olivia


Pupil of the week: Aileigh for working hard to write the sound t and write her numbers.


Enjoy the long weekend.


P4b’s fabulous week!

In literacy this week we have written letters from Mary Queen of Scots to her mother from the time when she was living in France. We thought about the language she would have used, what she would have done and told her mother about and also about her asking her mother how she was and what was happening in Scotland.

In our energy topic we have thought about energy conservation.
These are some ways we can save energy in our homes:
Jay – turn tvs off rather than leaving them on standby.
Jaime-Lee – only boil the water you need for a cup of tea
Maisey – don’t leave chargers and electrical items plugged in when they aren’t being used.
Guy – when it’s a sunny day, use the natural light rather than turning lights on
Jack – keep doors closed so you don’t waste heat in the winter
Elliot – recycle any waste than you can – food, paper, plastic bottles, tins, plastic tubs.
Aryan – don’t leave your electric car on charge for too long.

In French we were revising our numbers to 20 and learning them up to 50. They are quite easy after 20!

In outdoor P.E. we started learning to play hockey. We learnt to hold the sticks properly and dribble the ball.

Have a lovely long weekend!

Table of the week – TBA!

Pupil of the week – Katie for writing a super letter in the language of Mary Queen of Scots.

Article 28 – The right to an education

P3/2 are learning lots

We have had  a very busy week. We started Secret Student this week.We were working with magnets of all shapes and sizes. We were working on large numbers and realising we can read huge numbers easily. We wrote a story about Fantastic Mr Fox’s Adventure. We found our Roald Dahl name that was funny !

Here are our comments:-

Isla-When you put iron filings on paper and a magnet underneath and you move the magnet the iron filings follow the magnet

Rory- Magnets attract other metals

Grace- Magnets are attracted to other metal things

Sophie S.- My Roald Dahl name is The Muggled Crabcruncher

Nina- Art with Mrs Spence was new for me

Sophie M.- Magnets stick to chair legs

Niamh- My Roald Dahl name is The Delumptious Hornswaggler

Jess- Two new words to do with magnets are attract and repel

Ross- Magnets attract lots of things in our classroom

Archie- I loved my Roald Dahl name The Frightsome Twit

Lily-My Roald Dahl name is The Licky mucky Bootboggler

Dylan,Katie- We loved the P6 Assembly about Space

Eden- Iron filings move about to make pictures when magnets are underneath them on paper

Eva-I found lots of things in the classroom that stick to a magnet

Luis- Magnets are attracted to metals

Zara- My Roald Dahl name is The Snoozing Crabcruncher

Secret Students this week have been-

Ross, Niamh, Lily and Archie

Table of the week last week and this week-

The Rulers


The Sharpeners

Pupil of the week-


Star Writers-

Archie and Niamh




Primary 2/1 Blog – Week beginning 12.9.16

This week in class we have been learning about friendship.

In circle time we were thinking about kind words and nasty words and did an apple experiment to see how our words effect how someone feels. Both the apples looked the same on the outside but when we cut them open, the apple we had been nice to had a star in the middle.  The apple we had said unkind things to was bruised and yucky on the inside.

From this we learned that not everyone shows when they are upset, we need to try our best to be kind to everyone.

Here are some of the nice, kind things we have done this week:


Keegan – “I shared my snack with a friend”

Brandon – “I helped people in the playground if there was a problem”

Poppy – “I’ve helped my friends get their things ready to go home at the end of the day”

Marley – “I gave a big hug and kiss to my mum”

Rocco – “I helped my sister cook”

Regan – “I helped my friends and played with them”

Leah – “I played with Poppy”

Millie – “I helped Poppy in the playground when she had fell and hurt her leg”

Romeo – “I got help when someone chased my friend when we were playing at home”

Rory – “I helped my mum to load the car for when we go on holiday”

Ellie – “I’ve helped my friend when they fell and hurt themselves”

Teigan – “I made a cake for my mummy”

Liam – “I was really nice to my friends”

Leila – “I helped Emily when she fell yesterday”

Cameron – “I helped my mum make lunch”

Rio – “I helped my mum to clean the car”

Max – “I helped my mum to clean the car, it doesn’t have a single crumb on the floor now!”

Emily – “I helped Millie when she fell after an accident in the playground”

Jonah – “I helped clean mummy’s car out”


We hope you have a lovely holiday weekend!



Primary 2/1

Happy birthday!!!

This week we celebrated Roald Dahl’s 100th birthday in Class M.

We listened to different stories that Roald Dahl wrote on the smart board, learned more about Roald Dahl and had a party in the afternoon. we made Willy Wonka hats, BFG ears and The Twits beards.  We also made food for the party Bird Pie, frog spawn and chocolate goodie from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. It was great fun!

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Yolie – Roald Dahl birthday party. We made bird pie. I made a Willy Wonka hat and eat chocolate.


Adam – I went to Disneyland this week! I got to open Walt Disney Studios on the last day. Only 200 people a year get picked to do this so it was very exciting!

P2b Holiday weekend

What a busy time we are having in p2b. We have been using lots of things to help us visualise and deepen our understanding.
During maths time we have been using straws and ten frames when subtracting from a teens number. We bundled ten straws into 1 bumble of ten. This has helped us see that a teens number is a ten and some ones. This has made us move accurate when subtracting.
When learning tricky words we have written in purple sand, cut out tricky words from some pages of writing, used magnetic letters and used playdoh.
We are on holiday on Monday and Tuesday so we have no homelearning jotter to take home. We still have reading and tricky words to read and spell.

Class O


Caitlin – I enjoyed playing countdown with Mrs Mallin, Cody and Jayden. I was five numbers away from getting it correct but Mrs Mallin got the number so she won. I enjoyed doing my Primary 7 assembly it was about growth and fixed mindset it was nice to see my mum watching me. I also like to draw and play games with my friends.

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Liam – I had fun using the magnetic numbers to do my maths, I used all the red numbers. I used toothpaste and a cotton bud to right my spelling words.


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Jayden – I had fun making the cheerios move. I used fabric, wool and a comb. I rubbed the comb with the fabric and wool then put the comb beside the cheerios and they started to spin. I enjoy using the dominoes to do my times table.


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Cameron – I enjoyed writing my first chapter of my story. It was about a teacher who went missing but the children found him. I had fun playing in the rainbow room with Jamie.



We have been learning about lots of different things in class.

In maths:
Brooke: We have been learning about Big Maths. We are trying to get all our answers in 30 seconds.
Ellie Rose: We have been learning about numbers 1 less than and 1 more than a number.
Rory: We have been learning numbers up to 1000.
Olivia: Some of us have gone on to even harder questions for maths.

Health & Wellbeing:
Charlotte: Some of us have made our way on to step 1.
Shaun: We use our Class Dojo for collecting points to go up to step 5 and the Golden Club.

Orla: We have been learning how air is all around us and doing science experiments.

Expressive Arts:
Anna: In art, we made a puddle using different shades of blue paper.

primary 6b

Jack – This week I have been learning to get better at rounding numbers. Before I found it difficult but now I have mastered it! So you round up if the number is more than 5. If it was 7 it would be 10, if it was 3 it would 0.

Fiona – I learned to round to the nearest 10,000, 100,000 and 1 million. We did examples with the teacher before we did our written task.

Gary – This I have been learning how to write a newspaper report. In a newspaper you should have a title called a headline, a photo, information, date, adverts and sometimes crosswords and puzzles. Next week we are writing our own newspaper report about the landing on the moon.

Casey – I learned this week not to give up. We have been learning about Growth Mindset.

Stacey – I have been learning it is ok to make mistakes if you keep moving forward.

P6a 9.9.16

Cole: I enjoyed learning how to order numbers to 1000 in maths this week.

Eva: I enjoyed making space pictures because we got to use a range of materials and it was fun!

Kirsten: I enjoyed reading this week.

Ty: I enjoyed playing French bingo.

Sophie: I enjoyed learning our numbers 1-20 in French.

This week’s special person: Kirsten

An Explosion in Class G!

We have had a great week in Class G. The highlight of our week was having science in the garden.  We were doing the cola and mint experiment.  It was great fun watching the cola become a geyser.  Everyone enjoyed this.  We have also been learning about 2D shapes.  We really enjoyed using the clear beads to make shapes.  This week in phonics we have been focusing on s and p.  We loved making pizza and pancakes for p.  Here is what Class G has to say this week:


Cameron – I had lots of fun with all my friends and finding out amazing new things during work time.


Jake – I liked going to the garden and doing an experiment with Mentos and cola.


Logan – I liked learning about shapes.


Erin – It was Miss Fisher’s birthday. We had a party.


Gabriel – I worked hard in maths. We were adding three hundred plus one hundred.


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