Primary 2/1 Blog – Week beginning 12.9.16

This week in class we have been learning about friendship.

In circle time we were thinking about kind words and nasty words and did an apple experiment to see how our words effect how someone feels. Both the apples looked the same on the outside but when we cut them open, the apple we had been nice to had a star in the middle.  The apple we had said unkind things to was bruised and yucky on the inside.

From this we learned that not everyone shows when they are upset, we need to try our best to be kind to everyone.

Here are some of the nice, kind things we have done this week:


Keegan – “I shared my snack with a friend”

Brandon – “I helped people in the playground if there was a problem”

Poppy – “I’ve helped my friends get their things ready to go home at the end of the day”

Marley – “I gave a big hug and kiss to my mum”

Rocco – “I helped my sister cook”

Regan – “I helped my friends and played with them”

Leah – “I played with Poppy”

Millie – “I helped Poppy in the playground when she had fell and hurt her leg”

Romeo – “I got help when someone chased my friend when we were playing at home”

Rory – “I helped my mum to load the car for when we go on holiday”

Ellie – “I’ve helped my friend when they fell and hurt themselves”

Teigan – “I made a cake for my mummy”

Liam – “I was really nice to my friends”

Leila – “I helped Emily when she fell yesterday”

Cameron – “I helped my mum make lunch”

Rio – “I helped my mum to clean the car”

Max – “I helped my mum to clean the car, it doesn’t have a single crumb on the floor now!”

Emily – “I helped Millie when she fell after an accident in the playground”

Jonah – “I helped clean mummy’s car out”


We hope you have a lovely holiday weekend!



Primary 2/1

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