The Caribbean

This week in class we have been learning about the Caribbean. We compared it with Scotland. Most of us said we would like to visit the Caribbean because of the weather. It’s very tropical. Here are our thoughts on our learning.

Adam – I liked making the muffins and the truffles (Thursday). I’m looking forward to tasting them today (Friday).


David – I made muffins and putting the butter, sugar and the salt and eggs and baking powder and flour in. Pineapple into the muffin cases.  I don’t want to taste them.


Dylan – I liked making truffles. I put coconut on them. I didn’t want pineapple. The music in the Caribbean is different. It’s called reggae. I prefer bagpipes.


Yolie – I painted a Caribbean island called St Lucia. In the Caribbean they grow bananas and it’s hot. Tall, palm trees.


Class O week of fun


It was fun week at swimming this week as it was our last week of swimming lessons. We had fun being scientists and liked to see the results of our experiments. We enjoyed celebrating Jamie’s birthday and looking forward to his party on Friday.


Caitlin – I really enjoyed swimming because we soaked the swimming teachers . I was a bit sad because it was our last week at swimming. This week I was doing budgets in maths with Mrs O’Neill I found it a bit tricky calculating the money.


Jayden – I enjoyed swimming cause the water was so refreshing and I loved soaking the swimming teachers. I really enjoyed science cause it was fun doing the salt dough experiments.


Cameron – I enjoyed soaking my swimming teachers and I enjoyed the science experiment.


Cody –  Swimming was amazing I went into the deep end of the pool and managed to touch the bottom of the pool with my feet. I also enjoyed jumping in the pool and super soaking my teachers. I  had a Christmas craft activity in my integration class and finished one of the shortest types of book called ‘ Horrid Henry’s Revenge’.


Choir news

Next week sees things busying up for both the Junior and Senior Choir.
A group of 10 primary 7 choir members will entertain the visitors invited to Tesco’s Christmas treat. This will take next Wednesday 14th at The Royal British Legion. We will leave the school at 1.30p.m. and return at 2.45p.m.
Thursday sees BOTH choirs being recorded for the annual West Lothian Council’s website. We will be recorded on Thursday 15th in the afternoon. If possible, choir members should wear school shirts and ties.
Both choirs will sing together during the end of term Church service.
On Thursday 22nd December, the Senior Choir members will sing their Christmas repertoire in Morrison’s Supermarket. Choir members attending should meet at 10.25a.m. at Morrison’s and be collected from there just after 11.00a.m.

Well done to all choir members – Mrs Mansfield, Miss Owens and I have thoroughly enjoyed working with you this term.

P7b Transition Day

Today we went to Bathgate Academy for our first transition day.  When we arrived, Mr Connelly (head of Newlands House) gave us a summary of what to expect at high school.  For example, if you have a sibling you will probably be in the same house as them, there are approximately 90 members of teaching staff, periods are 50 minutes long and you can get up to 17 teacher a week!

Afterwards, we split into groups and participated in a treasure hunt around the school.  This showed us about the school and some of the things we might do in S1.  An example treasure hunt question was: what is the school motto?  We then had to go to the office to find this information.  We counted up the scores at the end of the hunt and Jack, Reiss, James and Rebecca answered the most questions correctly.

Lastly we went out for break in the quad.  We saw some familiar faces- siblings and former Balbardie pupils!  The playground is quite big!

We are now more excited to attend high school, meet new people and annoy our siblings!


So busy we forgot to blog!

We were so busy with Christmas show rehearsals and church service song practice we forgot to blog! Sorry!

We have been working hard to learn our words and the songs for the Christmas show and we are really excited about performing it next week.

The 1st December was the start of the Christian festival, Advent and we learned all about the meaning of Advent and why some people open Advent calendars (and some eat chocolate)! It’s not just to help count down the days until Santa comes!

Our tricky words last week were go and no.  We have started learning vowel diagraphs, ee for sheep and oo for food.  We continue to work on knowing money to £1 and adding to 5/10/20!

In LAC we were learning about forces and completed a fun activity with our buddies, pushing cars and guessing how far they would travel!

On Friday we spent time looking at our targets in our review jotters and looking at the progress we are making this term in Literacy, Numeracy and H&WB.

It is another busy week this week in P1 as the learning and Christmas madness continues…. next Wednesday is Christmas show, party and lunch!!!

Have a great week!




P7b Update

In maths we have been learning about financial education.  Last week we explored the benefits and risks of using bank cards.  For example, using a bank card is a quicker way to buy a product, however, contactless on a bank card can be risky if you loose it.   This week we looked at the differences between bank cards and credit cards.  A bank card is your own money from your account, whereas a credit card is like a loan and borrowed money.  This means that you have to pay back interest.  We designed our own bank and credit cards and on the back we recorded our learning so far.

In class we have been learning about the one child policy in China, which was introduced in 1979 by Den Xiapping.  We learned about the advantages and disadvantages of this.  This was introduced because of the rising population in China.  Something had to be done, due to the lack of food, housing and resources.  Here are some pros and cons:

Pros- ‘It is now the two child policy.’- Aaron

‘China makes up 20% of the population but only 7% of farmland.  The one child policy helps to ensure there is enough food.’- Viggo

‘You get better benefits/awards if you stick to the one child policy. For example, if you get a loan, you don’t pay any interest’- Reiss

Cons- There is now a gender imbalance, with between 32-36 million more boys than girls. – Aaron

‘If you have one child, you can get really spoiled.’- Callum D

‘Some kids are getting abandoned- especially girls.’- Lucy

Class M

This week was extremely busy in Class M. We moved in to a new classroom. The adults were very pleased that we all helped to organise our new room and decide where everything was going to go.

David: I like the new classroom, it’s got a dark den with lights on.


On Saturday some of us came to the Christmas Fayre.

Dylan: I was helping out at the Christmas Fayre selling the Santa sleighs. The sleighs were sold out. We got £20, that’s a lot.

Joe: I was selling Santa sleighs at the Christmas Fayre. I liked it. It was fun.

On Thursday we went Out and About to the shops. Our new topic is the Caribbean and we looked in the shops for some Caribbean foods. We found pineapple and coconut. When we came back to school we looked at recipes and found some coconut and pineapple muffins that we are going to make next week.

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Christmas is coming…….

This week’s guest editors are children from the Green Table.
Ben – I like PE because we do creative stuff.
Lucy- I liked outdoor PE.
Camaron – I love playing.
Katie- I liked outdoor PE because we were practising throwing and catching.
Isaac- I like outdoor P.E.
Louie- I like doing shapes
Hope-I liked doing maths
Emma- I liked doing the Christmas story.
Emily – I like outdoor P.E.
Maisey- I liked doing the Christmas story.
And from Mrs Collings
The children’s thoughts…..
Hayley – I’ve learned about flight, balance and control.
Jaime-Lee – I learnt about St Andrew and what he did.
Skye – I liked indoor P.E.
Dani – I liked doing the St Andrew’s story.
Rose – I liked doing the Christmas story because we made it with Lego.

It’s been a busy week again with a lot of different activities in the run up to Christmas. We started thinking about the Christmas Story and drew or made our own pictures/ models to show a different part of it.

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This children have really enjoyed doing hama bead pictures in golden time. These are some of their efforts from today.I think they are pretty awesome!

We would like to thank all the parents and children who came to the fair and helped or played on the games on the stall. We hope you all enjoyed it.

We are very much looking forward to sharing our Christmas party with 4A on Wednesday. Don’t forget to bring your party clothes to change into!

Table of the week – yellow table with 960 points (apologies for putting the wrong colour up on friday!)

Pupil of the week – Camaron for making good progress with big number, little number work

Article 28 – the right to an education.

Primary 6b

Our learning this week:

Tobin i have learnt how to write a news report on the Caribbean island

kamron i have got my first saxophone lesson

harry i have learnt not to be scared of the camera when filming our news report

Mark i enjoyed learning about the Caribbean

Emma i enjoyed learning keys in clarinet

Aidan i learned to work with new people

Skye i learned to draw beauty and the beast when designing the school float.

Archie I enjoyed watching the balbardie factor ellis boyle and annie and olivia won well done to them !!!!!

Dasha -i engoyed pe. We got our reward for following instructions.


What a busy week!

The Christmas Enterprise Fayre was a huge success – all the candles we made were sold out and we made a good profit for the school funds.

We have been learning about extreme weather and the damage it causes. We built a weather station which has a barometer, wind vane, rain gauge and a thermometer to record our weather daily. We had to learn how to read a thermometer and even made one in class! We also had to learn how to use the remaining equipment for recording data.

In writing we learned how to write shape poems – ours look like tornadoes! We have also learnt about symmetry and made our own symmetrical butterflies.

A special congratulation to all the children who got into the Christmas Golden Club. Well done boys and girls, keep up the hard work.

Enjoy the weekend.

P6a 2.12.16

Zoe: I enjoyed play script writing this week.

Rhia: I enjoyed working with a partner to research the Caribbean Island- The Dominican- and using the information to make a booklet.

Abbie: I enjoyed designing a page for the float.

Lucy M: I enjoyed finding out about the Caribbean Island, Dominican Republic.

Harvey: I enjoyed subtracting 3 digit numbers in maths.

Sam: I enjoyed watching the talent show and making a booklet on Haiti.

Samantha: I enjoyed maths because we were subtracting high numbers.

Noah: I enjoyed painting Caribbean animals.



In writing this week we have been writing about The Magic Christmas Tree.  Miss McDougall has a tree up in her classroom and she thinks the tree comes alive when the children are away from school! Magic adventures! We had some lovely writing about what the trees looked like and had some fantastic describing words.

This week in maths we have been learning about data handling and making bar charts.  We found this to be good fun!

Well done to Hollie for participating in the school talent show and a big well done to Ellis who won for P1-3.

Thank you to all the P2 helpers who helped out at the P2 stall, we had a great time and sold out of hot chocolate reindeers and Santa lists.

Achievements this week:

Well done to Daniel and Jude for raising money for the READATHON challenge! Daniel has raised £40…a brilliant achievement for helping sick children in the UK 🙂

Daniel has got his black stripe in Tae Kwon Do

Elena learned how to whistle

Teigan earned a ballet achievement

Emily has an orange cap in swimming

Pupil of the week-Emma






We have had a lovely week with lots of fun learning going on. We started making papier mache Caribbean Islands and what a fabulous mess we made!  At one point we couldn’t see our carpet for the newspaper on the floor! We loved putting our hands in the gloop and making our islands smooth.  Once the balloons have dried out we are going to pop and cut them then we can start creating our dream island.

We have also been busy with our assembly which is all about Christmas traditions. We have some amazing facts to share and some good old singing too.  Our Assembly is on the 9th December at 9.15 and is the hottest Christmas show in town! Everyone is welcome and you can even have a wee cuppa after it with us.


On Monday was the talent show – “The Balbardie Factor”
Hamish – “I played my music. My two pieces were Jingle Bells and Swan Lake”
Evie – “I liked Hamish’s talent”
Noah – “I liked when Justin did his hand stands”
Lily – “I liked the dancing”



On Tuesday it was Shared Start!
Lewis – “Shared Start is when mums and dads can come”
Gracie – “We were sharing our learning”
Caitlin – “It was all about making our brains strong”
Maksim – “It was also about not knowing something YET”
Max – “Not telling our brains bad stuff, we should tell it good stuff”
Caitlin – “We should say things like “I can learn lots of things” ”





We also did a science experiment called “The Snowman’s coat”
Reiss – “We wanted to see what melted the fastest”
Ava – “One water bottle had a cloth on it and one didn’t. We wanted to see what would melt faster”
Hamish – “The water bottle with the coat had the least amount of water”
Maksim – “The one with no coat melted faster”






We made invitations to our Primary 1 Christmas Show
Taylor – “An invitation is like when you invite someone to your party”
Kyle – “We made invitations to go home”





Our Christmas Shows are on Tuesday 13th December at 2:30pm and on Wednesday 14th December at 9:30am

Article 28: We have the right to an education



This week we completed part three of our Alien adventure. We were able to compare the three pats and see how we have improved over the past few weeks. We are now more confident using writing planners and sentence stretchers to make our writing more interesting for the reader. We are definitely becoming more confident using adjectives and adverbs in our writing.


This week we have been revising what we know about division. It quickly became clear we had forgotten quite a bit and we are really beginning to understand what Mrs Little means when she says we need to learn to take our learning with us as we begin to make links between skills and concepts. We have been learning about the link between multiplication and division before we move on next week to setting out division sums.

Ranna – doing the multiplication and division was very challenging but fun

Kiara – division is just like times tables

Denholm – we were writing the times tables and doing the division opposite


Following on from last week we learned about timing and pace. We used glockenspiel and sleigh bell instruments to play along with the song that we have been learning. We are finding it challenging as this requires good hand eye co-ordination whilst learning to play by ear before we progress to reading basic notation.

Suvi – I liked the activity where we listened to Blame it on the Boggie and we compared it to the song we learned last week

Teighan – I found it difficult to play the glockenspiel and not look at the screen for the notes


Have a great weekend!


Primary 2/1 Blog – Week Beginning 28.11.16



We have had lots of exciting moments this week in P2/1, especially with the start of December!!  Here are our most exciting learning moments:

Emily – “Learning how to set up the Christmas tree in the Cosy Corner”

Liam – “Playing a new phonic game, the Invisible Man”

Rio – “I liked outdoor learning this week”

Cameron – “Outdoor learning because we got to do adding sums in a game”

Brandon – “Outdoor learning was fun because we played ‘Shark Attack’ and the sums were the islands”

Max – “Getting to play invisible man”

Ellie – “I liked Buddy time because we made backgrounds for our P1 show”

Poppy – “Learning how to fold and make a paper snowflake”

Regan – “Playing invisible man”

Leah – “The snowflakes were fun to make”

Jonah – “I liked winning invisible man”

Keegan – “Decorating the Christmas tree was good fun”

Rory – “I liked outdoor learning too”

Marley – “I liked making my snowflakes for the class – it made it look Christmassy.  I liked using the ipads for adding too”

Griffin – “New phonics games and activities”

Millie – “Buddy time and snowflakes were exciting”

Teigan – “Learning about Christmas trees and talking about our next learning”

Leila – “I liked circle time because we talked about the naughty and nice list and the things the cheeky elves have done”

Breghannon – “I liked outdoor learning, it helped my sums”




Primary 2/1

(A note from Mrs Mansfield – costume letters have now been issued for the P1 parents, they are due to be brought into school by Wednesday so we have time to organise these before our dress rehearsal. If there are any issues with this, please let me know!  Also – apologies for the delay in getting homework out this week…in the excitement of Being Cool in School lessons and the Show Practice on Wednesday it was overlooked!)

Class O

This week we have been looking at magnets and there force. We have enjoyed looking around our class to see what is magnetic. We had fun creating a maze and getting our car like paperclips around the maze using a magnet. We also raced our cars with each other.



Jayden – I have been making a buzzer circuit. I read the instructions to make the circuit board it made a buzzer sound. I have enjoyed playing with Erin in the Rainbow room. We were building a top house. I have enjoyed playing with the gloop with Liam.


Liam – I have been reading ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’,  it was good . The caterpillar turned into a butterfly at the end. I liked to play with the gloop, it was hard then went very runny. I put one of my minions into the gloop to play. I enjoyed to play on the laptop I played sploder.



Cameron – In P5 I did castles at P.E  I also done bar graphs at maths. I am very happy that it is dress down day tomorrow I might wear my star wars onesie.


Class news -P3/2


Advent calendar openers -Isla and Nina

Star writers this week are-

Primary 3-Max, Eva and Florence

Primary 2- Grace, Eden, Sophie M., Isla and Harris

Pupil of the week for giving 100% in all areas of the Curriculum-Archie

Talent show entry-Eva

New step 5 children -well done !


Harris- I was Star writer for my Christmas photo frame instructions sheet

Grace,Ross-We got a badge, letter and wrist band for reaching Step 5 from Mrs Dunbar

Nina- I liked being chosen today to open the Advent calendar and I ate the little chocolate too !

Dylan-I like dressing up in my suit today for Dress down  day

Noah-I like having snack in the hub. This week it was Sarah’s birthday and we had cake to celebrate

Eden-I like getting to step 5 this week

Florence- I liked planning the Justino story

Lily-I liked dressing up in my reindeer jumper today

Max-I like dressing down day today and I’m wearing my Adidas trousers and shoes

Sophie M.- I like wearing my star leggings and black tshirt for Dress down day

Zara- I like dressing down today and I am wearing my favourite dress

Isla-I liked opening the first window yesterday of the Advent calendar and putting the number one on the wooden blocks

Rory- I liked writing the poem “Cold” in my neatest handwriting

Jess- I hope I can be chosen soon to open the Advent calendar in class

Luis-I like learning the Christmas songs for the church service

Archie- I liked writing about Justino after watching the clip on the smartboard

Eva- I liked being in the Balbardie Factor on Monday.I did Highland dancing. My mum and dad came to the show in the afternoon. I felt excited !

Niamh- I liked writing about Justino this week even though I was absent on the planning day

Katie-I like saying au revoir and a demain to Mrs Aitken at the end of the day

Sophie S. – I enjoyed writing about Justino this week

What a busy week of Learning in P3/2. We started with St Andrews Day Gathering on Monday and we even had a glimpse of the performers in Balbardie Factor. Well dne Eva for your Highland dancing! We learned more about volcanoes and facts we shared from our Home Learning. We worked so hard on symbols in Maths greater than, less than and equals. We have started singing the Christmas songs this week in class although we had started with Mrs Innes during Music. We learned about Advent with Mrs Spence and made lotus flowers for our Buddhism using clay. Next week we will paint them in lovely bright colours.

Have a super weekend everyone !


P3/2 love French

We love learning French and we do it through games eg Kim’s game and chaud /froid. We also are enjoying learning  a wide variety of French songs too.

Here are some class comments:-

We like the French songs especially Leon le cameleon-Grace,Nina

I like singing “lundi matin” about the days of the week.Today Friday is vendredi-Eva

I like singing “il court il court”. I like because it gets faster !-Niamh

I like learning different words- ca va ! -Isla

I like learning classroom items- la gomme- Zara

I like learning French so that if I go to France I will be able to speak it-Jess

I always say au revoir when I am leaving Mrs Aitken at the end of the school day-Katie

I ‘ve enjoyed learning the word bof ! -Ross

Bonne weekend !




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