Travelling back to Ancient Egypt…

Unfortunately our post did not work last week so here is an update from this week and last week…



In maths we have been learning more about subtracting and strategies of taking away numbers like 11,21,31,9,19, and 29.  We have been able to transfer what we learned from adding these numbers to help with subtracting them.  We have also been learning how to take away two 2 digit numbers which has been quite tricky but we are getting the hang of it!

Nathan has been learning how to add within 15 and he is really enjoying the challenge!



In literacy we have been working on our listening skills by carrying out small tasks which involves Miss Owens giving us an instruction and we have to complete it on our activity sheet, we are getting better at this every week.

In reading the Lions have been on stage 6 for a couple of weeks now and are really seeing an improvement in their reading skills and have been enjoying reading the books focused on Harry with his snake, seal and lots of other animals.

The Koala’s and Monkeys are still enjoying the challenge of small novels and are expanding their vocabulary well.  The Zebra’s are enjoying their stage 9 chapter books and soon the Tigers will be on stage 9 too!

Nathan has been working on Stage 3 books and is able to answer questions about the book and has drawn some pictures to retell the story.

We have also been working on our Ancient Egypt writing piece where we travel back in time to Ancient Egypt and something bad happens and we need to describe what happens and how we find a solution to our problem.  We have enjoyed sharing our writing in class and can’t wait to have our final pieces displayed in our classroom!


In our topic Ancient Egypt we have been learning more about what the Ancient Egyptians wore and we made our very own collars which we will post photos of next week!

We have been learning who Tutankhamun was and why he was important. We will look more into the gods of Ancient Egypt next week.

Other news! 

Pupil of the week – Tamsyn, well done!

Nathan has started Tae Kwon Do and is really enjoying it!


We can’t wait to share more news with you next week!

Class O

This week we  finished our class magazine. It is called ‘Crazy Kidz’ . Our magazine has word searches, spot the difference, a comic strip, colouring pages, jokes and mazes. It was great fun. In maths we have been subtracting two numbers vertically with exchanging 10s or 100s.



Cameron – I enjoyed PE with my integration class. We played cat and mouse and extreme tunnel tig.  I like the new choose trays there is shaving foam sand and yellow foam I can sculpture a castle using this.


Liam – I liked making a stained glass window with Mrs Spence, I made a cat with a moon and stars. I like to read the big books with Mrs Mallin. I read chips, chicken and peas, it was about a fast fox and a slow dog.



Cody – This week is probably the best week of all because I got to spend more time with my friends. We were making Charles Rennie Macintosh stained glass windows, mines was a knight and giant flying skeleton. This gave me an idea to create these on video games. I also enjoyed playing the wii with Cameron we played mario kart and it was a draw and i played WAH WAH HEEEEEEEEEE (or waluigi).



Cailtin – I received Pupil of the Week for being a helpful buddy to the primary ones. In maths I was learning to  subtract two numbers with exchanging 10s it was quite tricky but I did do it.




This week Primary 2b have been exploring the different Scottish clans and their traditional dress. We have looked at the various types of tartan used to make kilts and compared the different colours and styles. We then designed our own clan tartan by weaving paper. They look fantastic!


We also enjoyed creating Scottish Acrostic poems, thinking of words and sentences that began with the letters of the word SCOTLAND. Here are a few examples:


Scottish wildcats.

Coos are Scottish.

Often it is raining.

Tartan is made here.

Lovely Linlithgow.

Andy Murray the tennis player.

Nessie in the loch.

Drums and pipes are played.



Scotland is sunny.

Can we visit a castle?

Owls come out at night.

The tartan kilt.

Loch Ness is big.

Aberdeen is a city.

Nessie lives in the loch.

Dumplings are Scottish.


Scotland is cold.


Open water.


Lovely Irn Bru.

A piper.


Drums and Pipes.

Some other things we have enjoyed this week:

Keira – Counting up in 2’s and 10’s.

Orlaith – Making our tartan, I really like art.

Sara – I enjoyed the Valentine’s disco!

Ava – I enjoyed reading my reading book with a partner.

Esther – I enjoyed Golden Time, I brought my own toy.

Have a lovely holiday weekend and we will see you all back on Wednesday!!


Photos of our trip P3/2

Here are photographs from our fantastic trip to The Forth Bridges Visitor centre and the Rail bridge bistro and the walk  under The Rail Bridge.

We loved our day !

Have a super holiday everyone.

See you Wednesday  🙂archie-the-bridge

Archie was the bridge modelgeorge

The site managerslooking-at-the-bridges

The view from the visitor centre

The Rail bridges bistro

The walk under the Rail Bridgethe-road-and-new-bridges

The view of the Forth Road Bridge and The Queensferry Crossing

We saw trains and heard them go over the Rail Bridgewith-elaine

Elaine told us all about the three bridges.She was a civil engineer and had worked on the road design onto the new bridge,The Queensferry Crossing.



Class O

We finished  off our Scottish topic this week with  highland games, Scottish dancing and Scottish food tasting it was great fun. We enjoyed developing our social skills with board games with Classes M and G. We have started to produce a Class O magazine as part of our writing and are looking forward to finishing it off next week.



Caitlin – I liked my visit to Armadale Primary School because I got to visit the head teacher her name is Mrs Phillips. At integration I could wear my onsie as we were having a movie and could take our own sweets. I also liked to play in the rainbow room with my friends for golden time.


Cameron – I have enjoyed the highland games. I learnt Scottish dancing and I tried irn bru for the first time I kind of liked it. I also liked the disco with my friends.



Jayden – I liked the Scottish dancing. I tried Scottish food like oatcakes and Scottish cheese they were delicious. I also tried irn bru it was good. I also liked to played the monkey game.


Cody – This week has been the best especially today as this is the last day of school. I also enjoyed the board games this afternoon. I played monopoly with all my friends it was good to play with Aiden.

Friday 3rd February

Well done Ada who was our Pupil of the Week for subtraction within 20!
Well done Ada!

Pupil of the week: Ada for her excellent number work – subtracting within 20!


Well done Jude who won the P1 MVP award!

We have been learning the sound oi. Justin

That the sounds i, g and h make the igh sound. Emily

We sang songs in music. Holly

We learned the tricky words when and what. Alex

We’ve been learning down and went. Olivia

We’ve been learning about Katie Morag. Ada

We learned that Katie Morag lived in a place called Struay. Carley

We have been learning about Scotland. James

We learned the song, ‘Ma ma will you buy me a banana?’ Alieigh & Oliver

We learned the song, ‘Ali Bali’. Jack

We learned skipping in PE. Megan

We were learning about Bathgate and comparing it to Coll. Ellis

We learned about musical instruments and which one made the longest sound. River

We were learning about money. Max

We were learning how to take away numbers to make smaller numbers. Amber



This we have been learning how to measure the length of large objects using hand spans, feet and meters. We know which is more accurate!

In topic we have been learning about the River Nile and why it was important to the Ancient Egyptians and still is important to Egypt even today. We also learned about the daily life of Ancient Egyptians by investigating pictures.

In literacy, we have been learning about verbs and some of us had to differentiate between nouns and verbs. We were quite good at this!

Kyle won a Gold medal and trophy in the tournament at his Tae Kwon Do club and Aaron won a Silver medal and trophy at the same tournament. Well done boys!


We were all dunces this week and have the hats to prove it!  Our home learning task was to make a dunces hat and we loved making them – no one has ended up in the corner wearing theirs though!

In maths this week we used chocolate to show how fractions can be made up then we got to eat the chocolate – it was a yummy lesson!   We also got to watch Hetty Feather which is a drama about foundling children during Victorian times.  It has helped us to see what life was like then and we have been able to use it to help us with our famous Victorian powerpoints.

We are looking forward to our holidays as we have been working so hard and making amazing progress.

Enjoy the break everyone!

Class M

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We have been continuing our learning about Scotland this week. We made a leaflet in writing letting people know about the castles, food and interesting places we can visit. Did you know that Ben Nevis is the highest mountain in Scotland and that Loch Lomond is the biggest Loch? We are having a mini Highland games today we will be playing games and learning how to do Highland dancing.

David – I was doing the numbers with Joe and Mrs Wilson it was adding sums. We made a 3D map of Scotland I painted Ben Nevis.


Yolie – I went to the Valentine Disco on Wednesday and played with the P7b girls it was good fun I danced the Hey Macarena.

Joe – I had fun at the Valentine disco I played tig with Jayden and Cameron. In maths we were using the giant hundred square with Mrs Wilson we were doing adding sums on it. It was Yolie’s birthday party on Wednesday I was having fun.

Dylan  –  I was playing a game at Valentine disco it was hide and go seek. We have been learning about Scotland, a fact about Mary Queen of Scots she got her head cut off!


App-y Days Have Arrived @ BPS!

Did you know we have our very own app?

This is a new and exciting way of communicating with parents/carers which we are in the early stages of developing. You can download the app for free now by searching in Apple or Google Play stores for Balbardie Primary School. At the moment we have 60 downloads and would love to see this number on the up.

We look forward to using this tool to help us keep in touch about upcoming events, news and to provide another way of  sharing messages with you. Let us know what you think and hAPPy downloading!


This week we have been learning about Ancient Egyptians as part of our new topic. We learnt where Egypt was and who the Egyptians were. They had a system of hierarchy which can be shown as a pyramid! We found out the roles of various types of people. Here are some facts:

The Ancient Egyptians toilets were a table with a hole under it.
Ancient Egypt had beautiful pyramids.
The kings and queens were actually called Pharaohs.
The pharaoh was the most powerful in the Land of Egypt.
The second pyramid to be built in Egypt was called the ‘Red Pyramid’. The first was called the ‘Bent Pyramid’ as it was built on un-steady ground and started cracking and giving way!

In maths we have been working hard with measuring and taking away. We are making sure we use the strategies we learnt are used at the correct time!

We are learning about Moses and how his role linked to Ancient Egypt.

In Viking Times

Today P4b showcased their learning on Vikings to the school, parents and carers. The children had great fun preparing and learning the songs and scripts and were really proud of their efforts. We really hope you enjoyed it as much as they did!

Callum –The assembly was excellent but my favourite song was Valhalla tango and my favourite part was the gods
Jacob – I liked saying my lines because I think I’d like to be a blacksmith.
Elliot – I liked being a Viking Earl and I think we put so much effort in!
Skye- I had so much fun at the assembly and I was valkyrie.
Rose – I enjoyed the Valhalla tango and being a Valkyrie.
Guy – I liked the songs and the music in them.
Hope – I liked doing the Valhalla Tango dance.
Rayen – I liked everything musically.
Maisey – I enjoyed the singing.
Ben – I liked saying my lines as Odin because it was fun.
Jason – I liked our singing.
Charlotte – I liked being Brunhilda and doing the dance to Valhalla tango.
Katie – I liked saying my lines and my extra line!
Isaac – I liked saying my lines as Thor because it was fun.
Hayley – I enjoyed saying my words.
Nathan – I liked the song Valhalla Tango because it was great.
Luke – I liked being an archaeologist.
Emily – I enjoyed singing.
Louie – I liked my line because it was catchy and about a spoon!
Jamie – Lee – I liked being an archaeologist and finding a sword probably made by a blacksmith.
Ela – I liked learning my lines.
Emma – I liked playing my part because it was really fun.
Lucy – I liked doing the music.
Dani – I liked the biscuits and juice at the end!
Aryan – I liked the music. I liked singing chain mail.


Special thanks to Mrs Mackenzie and Mrs Innes for all the preparation of the songs, script and the amazing props!

We also enjoyed learning about the Viking raid on Lindisfarne and even launched our own attack on the island.
See how good a viking raider you would make using this link…..

Primary 4 MVP for the month of January – Lucy. Well done, Lucy!
Pupil of the week – Hope for her excellent approach to Home Learning.
Table of the week – with 590 points


Our favourite things this week.

Logan: Outdoor PE was my favourite thing this week was outdoor PE because I like sports.

Emma: I liked PE with Mr Jefferies we played castles.

David: I like outdoor PE because we played rugby, I enjoyed tackling.

Robyn:  I enjoyed researching about Charles Darwin, it was fun.

Cameron: I like learning bus stop method.

Grace: I enjoyed writing my Victorian diary it is my favourite type of writing.

Aaron: I liked science; we learned about the ear the parts of the ear are very interesting.

Olivia: I liked writing a diary of our Victorian lives.

Annabelle: Fractions was really fun.

Kayleigh: I liked showing my Victorian book, I enjoy reading Charles Dickens.

Demi – Leigh: I liked writing diary entries.

Sophie: I enjoyed writing about our life in the Victorian times, I was proud of Robyn for being star writer.

Kaitlin: I enjoyed researching famous Victorian inventors which was part of my home learning.

Ellis: I liked outdoor PE because I liked sports.

Leia: I liked spelling because it was a challenge and I wanted to know how good I am at spelling.

Evan: I liked playing rugby because I liked scoring tries.

Evie: I liked learning the countries in the 6 nations.




Fun at PE!

This week Class G has had great fun at PE both in Balbardie and outwith.  We starting swimming at Bathgate Sports Centre and we were all very excited.  We had great fun in the pool and really enjoyed the swimming race.  In Balbardie Primary School we have been doing different ways to jump, balance, catch and throw.  Other things we have been doing in class is finishing off our circus stories.  Logan received a reward at Get Together for this as he tried really hard and wrote a great story.  Everyone in Class G worked hard and the stories were great.  In LAC we have been creating castle characters and next week we are voting for the character we will use in our storyline.  Here is what Class G wanted to say this week:

Shea – I enjoyed jumping and has the ball at PE.


Gabriel – I was really excited going back to swimming.  We were wetting our hair and face and playing hide and seek in the pool.


Logan – I enjoyed swimming.  I liked racing in the big pool.


Our trip to The Forth bridges visitor centre-P3/2

On Tuesday we were so excited as we had our trip to The Forth Bridges Visitor Centre and The Rail bridge bistro for our lunch. We learned so much on our day out of school. We learned that Elaine who took us was a civil engineer. We learned that the final piece of the new bridge The Queensferry Crossing will be put in place this weekend,weather permitting ! We knew so much already and Elaine was extremely impressed with our knowledge and our team working skills.

Here are our comments:-

I liked learning about the new bridge called The Queensferry Crossing. I also liked learning about The road and rail bridges too-Eva

We liked building with the jenga blocks-Luis,Rory,Dylan,Sophie M., Sophie S.

We liked the walk beside the beach and under the Rail Bridge-Max,Archie

On the walk beside the Rail bridge we liked seeing the waterfall-Eden,Katie

I liked looking for deer on the walk under the bridge-Niamh

I liked being number 4 in the name tags when we were in teams. Mine was called Russky-Harris

We liked wearing the PPE for our teams-Ross,Zara,Lily

I liked looking at all the model bridges in the visitor centre-Noah

We liked eating our lunch in the bistro and we liked looking at all the pictures on the walls-Nina,Grace,Jess,Isla

I liked looking at the model train in the Rail Bridges bistro-Kaycee

Congratulations to :-

Pupil of the Week for an excellent recital of The Wee Rid Motor-Lily

Primary 3 winner of Scots poem-Ross- for an excellent recital of The Twa Leggit Mice

MVP For Primary 2-Nina

Reminder :-

Valentine’s disco Wednesday 8th February P1-P3 5.00-6.00pm

Holiday weekend begins Friday 10th February until Wednesday 15th February

ARTICLE 31 the right to have rest and play

Have a super weekend P3/2 🙂

PS photos of our trip to follow !






A Debatable Week in P6B


Our topic this term is the Scottish Parliament. We are enjoying learning about the way our country makes major decisions which affect us all.

We had begun by finding out about the political parties of Scotland and how our elections work. 

Noah – I have enjoyed making a Powerpoint to organise our ideas and share our party manifesto. We chose the Liberal Democrats.

This week we have mainly focused on debates, a common occurrence in any political situation. 

Murray – We are learning to debate many different issues like should animals be held in captivity or if homework should be banned.

Dasha – I am against animals being held in captivity. I believe they should be happy and free in the wild.

Michelle – Our group found out about and discussed some key points about homework. We decided that it should not be banned.


It has been a very interesting week in politics across the word, especially in America. We have enjoyed exploring some of the issues there too by forming and sharing our own opinions and listening to those of others. 

Mrs Murdoch believes that we are a very democratic bunch!



In our artwork this week we made magical Merida Castles and we used our knowledge of tone to make a super sunset backdrop.

We have been learning about halves and quarters and we have been representing this visually with our open ended maths challenge.

In writing this week we wrote scary stories about being lost in the dungeons!

In P.E this week we are busy trying to earn our fireball and we only need one to get!

We have been busy practising our words and songs for Caterpillar Boogie, the P2 show which is on Thursday 23rd March at 9.30.  Further details will follow.

Achievements this week

Pupil of the week-Lucas

Starwriters this week-Luke, Akasha, Jude and Rowan

Rosie won a certificate in gymnastics

Luke and Hollie have moved to level 5 in swimming

Elena is level 2 in swimming

Well done to the new step 4 and 5’s for the Golden Club


Hamish – We made Chinese lanterns with our buddies. We made them with sellotape and we cut them out.
Matthias – We were sticking and cutting out lanterns for Chinese New Year and we were making pictures on them and decorating them.
Josh – We made the Chinese lanterns nice and colourful and we cut them out.
Emma – We were making the Chinese lanterns with our buddies.
Gracie – We had to cut out the card.
Marcus – We had to cut out the paper.
Caitlin – We were making lanterns to celebrate Chinese New Years.
Kyle – We made some patterns on the paper.



Evie – As part of my home learning I made some shortbread and I ate some.
Maksim – We have been learning about Scottish food and our home learning challenge was to make some at home.
Lewis – I made muffins with my grandad and my sister. We made banana muffins and they were yummy!



PUPIL OF THE WEEK: Maksim Djakovs for being super at telling o’clock and half past time! Well done!!

Article 28: We have the right to an education

Kung Hei Fat Choi

This week we learned about Chinese new Year with Mrs Spence. Every year has an animal associated with it. We all looked at the year we were born to find out what animal we are. We thought about what each animal represents. Rabbits are fast and Ox are strong.

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Adam – I liked trying the food. I didn’t like the seaweed. It tasted salty and weird, it didn’t have a flavour, that’s why I didn’t like it.

Dylan – I had some seaweed that tasted fishy. This is the year of the Rooster. I was born in the year of the Rooster which means it’s my lucky year and I can give luck to other people.

Yolie – I am a dog.

David – I didn’t like the food. The animals all had a race.

Joe – I tasted noodles and seaweed. They tasted good. The animals were having a race. The rat won.

Aiden – My week at Bankton has been good. I liked it. Playtime is great.

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