Travelling back to Ancient Egypt…

Unfortunately our post did not work last week so here is an update from this week and last week…



In maths we have been learning more about subtracting and strategies of taking away numbers like 11,21,31,9,19, and 29.  We have been able to transfer what we learned from adding these numbers to help with subtracting them.  We have also been learning how to take away two 2 digit numbers which has been quite tricky but we are getting the hang of it!

Nathan has been learning how to add within 15 and he is really enjoying the challenge!



In literacy we have been working on our listening skills by carrying out small tasks which involves Miss Owens giving us an instruction and we have to complete it on our activity sheet, we are getting better at this every week.

In reading the Lions have been on stage 6 for a couple of weeks now and are really seeing an improvement in their reading skills and have been enjoying reading the books focused on Harry with his snake, seal and lots of other animals.

The Koala’s and Monkeys are still enjoying the challenge of small novels and are expanding their vocabulary well.  The Zebra’s are enjoying their stage 9 chapter books and soon the Tigers will be on stage 9 too!

Nathan has been working on Stage 3 books and is able to answer questions about the book and has drawn some pictures to retell the story.

We have also been working on our Ancient Egypt writing piece where we travel back in time to Ancient Egypt and something bad happens and we need to describe what happens and how we find a solution to our problem.  We have enjoyed sharing our writing in class and can’t wait to have our final pieces displayed in our classroom!


In our topic Ancient Egypt we have been learning more about what the Ancient Egyptians wore and we made our very own collars which we will post photos of next week!

We have been learning who Tutankhamun was and why he was important. We will look more into the gods of Ancient Egypt next week.

Other news! 

Pupil of the week – Tamsyn, well done!

Nathan has started Tae Kwon Do and is really enjoying it!


We can’t wait to share more news with you next week!

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