Cyberbullying: Think Before You Type

I am aware that positive friendships and relationships can promote health and the health and wellbeing of others. HWB 2-44b

In P6B, we have been exploring cyber bullying. We researched and considered some key questions –

  1. What is cyber bullying and how is it defined?
  1. What are the effects of cyber bullying?
  1. What can be done about cyber bullying and who can help?
  2. How do we keep ourselves safe online?

We worked in pairs to record our information and use it to create a leaflet about cyber bullying. We had to think about presentation, organisation and the quality and variety of information that we were sharing. We found this to be a very useful activity and many of us were able to relate and share our own experiences of cyber bullying.


Jack: The best thing to do is not to reply to a cyber bully and to block them from speaking to you.

Luca: Only accept friend requests from people that you know, otherwise ignore them.

Jamie: Never give out your password to anyone. People can pretend to be you.

Kamron: I found it very shocking how many people are affected by cyber bullying.

Casey: Cyber bullying is nasty and not acceptable. You need to do something about it.


Hopefully, we will now know what to do about cyber bullying and how to keep ourselves and others safe online.






Maths this week we have been exploring decimals. We have found this hard to start with but by the end of the week we knew how to turn fractions into decimals and what tenths and hundredths are.

Evie,Caitlin and Sophie: I liked doing decimals and turning fractions into decimals

Cameron and Annabelle: I liked the decimal song.



This week we have written then flashback part of our adventure story. These were excellent Mr Cunningham was very impressed and had 7 star writers this week, with the class voting Evie’s story as their favourite.

Grace: I liked listening to other people’s stories.

Evan: I liked writing because we got kidnapped in our story.

Freddie: I enjoyed writing our kidnapped stories.

Ava: I enjoyed writing about where I was kidnapped and getting taken hostage in a pub.

Kaitlin: I liked listening to other people’s stories.

Ellis: I enjoyed writing this week.



This week we also looked at Victorian food. We learned the difference between what the different classes of people ate and how only rich people had low tea and middle class people had high tea. Then we got to try some poor people food… GREUL!!!

Erin: I liked learning about Victorian food.

Demi – Leigh: I liked tasting the disgusting gruel.

Dadirayi: I liked learning about the rich and poor people.

David, Aaron, Lotte, Jessica and Leia: I liked tasting the food. (Leia gave it 10/10)

Olivia: I didn’t like the gruel.




As we were really busy preparing for assembly we did not blog last week, so this one catches up with both weeks!!

Our assembly was about Ancient Egyptians. We have learnt so much and still have lots more to learn about! For our Assembly, we performed a dance to ‘Walk Like An Egyptian’ and we will also be perforn=ming this dance at the Dance Festival next week. We worked very hard to learn the moves and put them together for the dance. It was tricky but worth it in the end!

What we enjoyed about assembly:
‘Singing the song because it had a catchy rhythm.’
‘The dancing because the moves were tricky to learn.’
‘When Rahotep and his assistant came out because they made us laugh’
‘Being a narrator.’
‘Burning my hand on the poker because I got to run around and it was funny!’
‘Getting to say “He started it!”‘

P3B would like to say a big thank you to Mrs White and Mrs Murray who made our costumes and applied our eye makeup.

We made all our props and accessories, including our necklaces, bracelets, cuffs, masks and headdresses.

As part of literacy, we were learning how to perform in front of an audience. This was tricky as there were many parts we had to remember! We had to remember to speak clearly and not mumble, to listen to others – especially as this was also the cue for us to perform different parts in our assembly, to understand and read how a script works and of course to have fun and enjoy ourselves when performing for our audience!

As part of our topic maths, we were learning about The Pyramids and we then built our own pyramids – from sugar cubes. We had to measure the pyramids in centimetres. They look great! They are a lot like the very first pyramid built which was known as a step pyramid and was built for the Pharaoh Djoser.
Here are some pictures including an aerial view!

In writing, we are writing a fictitious story about what happens when we time travel back to Ancient Egypt! We will hopefully be turning this into a book!

We also made Easter Cards for our troops.

We are now looking forward to our performance at the Dance Festival next week! Wish us luck!

Vikings galore!

This week we enjoyed class talks by Emily, Rayen, Ela, Aryan, Guy and Hope.
Louie – I liked Guy’s touch and feel on the chain mail.
Ela – I liked Emily’s PowerPoint. I liked how she had notes to help her and the screen had everything else on it.
Emily – Rayen did really well with his reading on his talk.
Aryan – I liked Ela’s talk as she had a good model and the quiz was also good.
Dani – I liked Aryan’s talk because he had a lot of information about the Viking longships.
Hayley – I liked Hope’s talk because she was loud and clear.

We wrote Viking diaries this week thinking about daily life in Viking times. We found out that the Vikings only had 2 meals a day, breakfast and dinner – no lunch! The children and the adults worked very hard on the farmsteads looking after the animals and growing the crops. They didn’t have a lot of time for fun or relaxation but when they did have a bit of time off, they played hnefatafl, with long ships, nought and crosses, the men and boys wrestled and the adults enjoyed stories and songs around the hearth – party time!

In numeracy with Mrs Mackenzie we are learning to use the bus stop method to divide. In maths with Mrs Collings we are learning about compass points and using these to follow directions. We used our knowledge of compass points in the playground, first of all with Mrs Collings giving us instructions and then we gave our partner instructions to move.
(Pictures to follow)

In P.E. we made our final preparations for the benchball festival on Tuesday. We are looking forward to competing against other P4 classes.

Our pupil of the week was Jay for being polite and having good manners.

Our table of the week is to be confirmed…….

Telling the Time!

Class G have been doing a lot of work on time this week.  We have been making huge floor clocks and practising telling the time.  We have been learning all about o’clock.  We have also been reading time based stories and playing with time based and clock based toys.  In Literacy we were pretending we lived in a castle and we have written all about this.  We also finished making our castle models.  Here is what Class G have to say this week


Shea – I made a castle.

Erin – I enjoyed going on a bear hunt in the snug.

Logan – I had one noodle at swimming.  It was good.

Gabriel – I liked swimming and how the goggles protected my eyes from splashing



Fun at Golden Time

Golden Time on a Friday is lots of fun. w

We sign up for an activity on a Monday and hope  to earn 5 minutes every day. We work hard in class and play in a caring,friendly manner to earn the minutes.

Here are our comments for this week:-

Nina and Max- We chose The Puppet Theatre for Golden Time. We are using lots of different puppets. The best puppet for Nina was the French one and Max’s favourite is the bear

Sophie M., Archie, Katie, Luis and Dylan- We chose lego this week. I like helping Luis make his ship-Katie. I like building my mum’s house-Sophie M.  Dylan and and Archie are building a mansion. Luis I like making my ship.

Lily,Isla, Florence, Harris and Ross- We are playing Gold diggers and Sonic Dash

Kaycee, Jess, Eden,Ellie and Zara- We are decorating biscuits and cakes. We are using icing and toppings

Sophie S.- I am reading Ernest the heroic lion tamer

Rory, Grace, Noah, Eva and Niamh- We are playing on own but chatting aswell

Shared start in P3/2 is Tuesday 14th March at 9.10am-Please join us for this if you can 


In P2a this week with Miss Taylor we have been learning all about Stirling Castle and finding out many different facts about the castle, we found out that Mary Queen of Scots lived there. We created our own Stirling Castle fact file during our Dungeons and Dragons topic.

In maths this week we have been looking at comparing lengths and what we can use to measure length, we used cubes to find out the length of our hands. We also estimated how many cubes it would take to measure our hand. Using different lengths of paper we ordered the paper from shortest to longest.

During writing we wrote about what we needed to do to be a special friend, we found out we needed to be helpful and use kind words to our friends.

P2a have been busy this week making Easter cards for the soldiers working away, they will be very happy when they receive their cards.

Achievements this week:

Kyle received pupil of the week this week.

Elena managed to jump very high at jump station and Rowan has practised to jump higher in PE.  Isla and Jude has been practising triple back flips at home and getting much better at this.

This week Hollie has learned to put her own bobble in her hair.

Daniel achieved a red stripe in Tae Kwon Do, while Akasha has learned the Kirlia Pose at home.




Primary 2/1 – Week Beginning 6.3.17

This has been a very exciting week for Primary 2/1.

We have been very lucky and have got to watch the Primary 2s practise for the P2 show – Caterpillar Boogie.  Mrs Waddell was also in our class on Thursday to teach us more about bones.  We went outside for outdoor learning and had lots of fun practising addition and subtraction.  AND…the best bit of all…our classroom has had a makeover! We have new areas in the class and lots and lots of space – we think it looks great!

Here are our favourite bits of this week:

Cameron: ‘I liked making an Easter chick card for a soldier’

Max – ‘I like the new areas in class, the best bit is role play’

Rio – ‘I like learning about bones, we looked at x-rays’

Poppy – ‘The best bit was P3’s assembly because I liked when they danced and when they moved to the music’

Ellie – ‘I liked doing outdoor maths.  The best bit was when we got to play adding hopscotch’

Marley – ‘I liked doing our Easter Cards and learning about our bones.  I liked lots because I liked maths too’

Rory – ‘I liked how our classroom has changed because I like to see it a bit different’

Regan – ‘I like outdoor learning because we did hopscotch and played the catchers game.  It was a bit windy’

Griffin – ‘I like the classroom changing because I like what it looks like’

Teigan – ‘The best bit is when I made the chicken for my card’

Breaghannon – ‘I liked outdoor learning because it was windy and the cones blew away.  We had to draw numbers on the ground instead’

Jonah – ‘I liked when the classroom changed – I got a big surprise’

Millie – ‘I liked the assembly.  The best bit was when they were dancing in their Egyptian costumes’

Emily – ‘I liked the assembly too, I liked the dance’

Leila – ‘I like the new classroom because role play is very different’

Leah – ‘I have liked everything this week’

Liam – ‘I liked maths.  I liked doing the counting backwards’


What a fabulous week of learning in P2/1.



Primary 2/1


(A few reminders:

  • School trip money is now due, along with the permission slips.  Please return these to school asap
  • The P2 boys have been issued with costume letters for the show.  They need to bring in jeans, a plain coloured t-shirt and a skip cap
  • We haven’t been able to decorate lab coats this week because a few children have still to bring these in. We will be decorating these next week, if your child hasn’t brought in a shirt/t-shirt they will not be able to take part in this fun activity)


We have had another busy week!  As you know we have been learning all about Victorians and this week we looked at what they ate.  We got to taste Gruel and it was pretty disgusting!

In maths we finished off learning decimals and fractions, and are moving onto different strategies for addition.

We painted cherry blossom in Art too –

Lucy M  – I liked Art because it was linked to Spring.

Karys – I liked Art because it was fun.

In Writing we were showing off our up-levelling skills and used all sorts of wow words, openers and connectives.





Emma – “The dinosaur egg was hatching and it has to wait for a few weeks to hatch more”
Gracie – “The dinosaur might be a t-rex”
Maksim – “The egg is hatching will be a stegosaurus”

Josh – “We were learning what all the bits were called”
Noah – “We were cutting and sticking them onto the right parts”
Lewis – “We were labelling the dinosaurs”

Caitlin – “We were seeing how many dinosaurs had 2 legs and how many had 4 legs”
Matthias – “On the back of the sheet we were writing the votes of how many dinosaurs had 2 legs and how many had 4 legs”
Scott – “We had to cut the pictures out”

Ava – “We were making dinosaurs and sticking the parts in the right place”
Jacob – “We needed to make dinosaurs and stick all the parts together to make them into a dinosaur”
Reiss – “We were trying to figure out where all their parts went”

Caitlin – “We had to decorate the eggs first and then cut them out. Then we cut out the dinosaurs”
Josh – “We could colour the eggs and dinosaurs in”
Hamish – “We stuck the dinosaurs in the eggs to make it look like they were hatching”

PUPIL OF THE WEEK: Noah for writing super sentences and using connectives and sentence starters!



This week we have been writing about what it was like going to settle in a new country with our Viking family. We can all see how well our writing has come on in P4. We are including adjectives, varying sentence openers, using wow words and similies more often!



In maths this week we have been learning about angle. We made an angle finder which we then used to find right angles around the classroom. Some of us were learning about different types of angles-

Suvi –an acute angle is smaller than a right angle

Sophia- an obtuse angle is bigger than a right angle

Murray- a reflex angle is bigger than a right angle

Ranna- a right angle is 90 degrees


We have been learning about parts of plants and what they need to grow. We planted cress seeds and watched them grow. The seeds that had no light or water didn’t grow.


Have a great weekend!

Class M


This week we were learning about programming directions using the Beebot.

Joe – Me and Charlie were using the Beebot. We were making it turn left and right. it was good fun.

Adam – I liked practising with the Beebot because it was really fun. I programmed loads of commands to make it travel about a lot.

Learning Across the Curriculum

We turned the sensory room in to a recycling centre this week and sorted out lots of rubbish for the base. Dylan likes to use the American terms ‘trash’ and ‘garbage’.

Dylan – Our topic is recycling. We were looking at the maps of the school and finding where the bins were.

David – We were sorting out the rubbish putting it in the blue bin, green bin, black bin.

Aiden – We were learning about recycling putting plastic, paper, food into the correct bins.

Yolie – I was doing recycling. I had to sort it out to the correct buckets.


Class O

Class O have had a busy week. On Monday we had a party to celebrate Cameron’s birthday it was a lot of fun. . In spelling we have been looked at words with ai and went outside to write them down. We have also been practicing using a dictionary to help with our spelling words. In writing we have been using adjectives to describe the setting of our story.


Cameron – I enjoyed playing family fortunes with Jayden  and I was the host. I enjoyed doing spelling outside. I made a board game it was called coinopoly 😀

Cody – I tried to recreate pvz heroes and I am doing all the cards I could remember such as trickster, shieldcrusher Viking and winter melon. I cant wait till I finish it and hope popcap make this an actual game as it is already on all mobile devices but I mean as an real thing on board game form. I also made a powerpoint on pea shooter’s history form pvz 1 all the way to pvz heroes! 😀 I have also been learning how to use a dictionary and writing the words outside with chalk.

Jayden – I enjoyed class O because we done some chocolate and sweeties in sensory room I was making so much chocolate stuff and I was so kind I put a digestive and milk chocolate sauce and I  gave it to the teachers. I made chocolate burgers and it was delicious and I love cooking and making chocolate things :D. I played family fortunes with Cameron during activity time it was great.

Liam – I have liked to make books using sticky labels and sellotape . I have been using a mat with numbers from 1 to 100 to do some sums.

Class O

It was world book day on Thursday, the class had fun making a character from different characters from a book they have read. We have been learning about recycling and looking at materials and putting them in the correct recycling bin.


Cody – Today is now Wii day because of my Windyknowe visits. The teachers moved wii day to Thursday. I was learning about recycling and reusing and what to recycle like metal plastic and food.


Cameron – I enjoyed PE because I did handball and football and I enjoyed playing outside with the parashute and doing a joint silver circle  in CLASS O :D.

Jayden – I liked making a Lego airplane and I was playing with Dylan Kean,  Adam Bain and Joe Shankland. We also had Lego people to play with. Class M were in Class O and we were all having fun making a house out of Lego.


Caitlin – I have really enjoyed meeting new friends at Armadale Primary. I also enjoyed my visit to Armadale Academy.

World Book Day

This week we enjoyed class talks from Charlotte, Rose, Jaime-Lee, Isaac, Jack and Dani.
Ben – I liked Jack’s talk because he had prizes for his quiz.
Emily – I like the end of Isaac’s because he said ‘That’s all folks!’
Jacob – Rose’s talk was good because it had really good animations.
Ela – I liked Jack’s quiz because he asked questions about everything we have learnt, not just longships.
Dani –I liked Charlotte’s picture of the house.
Callum – I liked Dani’s powerpoint because it was cool.
Hope – I liked Dani’s class talk because it was obvious she had done it herself.
Yesterday was World Book Day – we enjoyed a book scavenger hunt, lots of storytime and we had a very peaceful 15 minutes at the end of the day when Balbardie Stopped to Read.

We also enjoyed part of Joseph and his Technicolour Dreamcoat on DVD as part of our RME lesson.
Pupils of the week –
Lucy for offering well thought out and positive feedback during our class talks
Jack for offering useful feed forward advice during our class talks.

Table of the week – with 640 points

Article 28 – the right to an education

P6a 3.3.17

Have a look at our learning tweets from this week! It was World Book Day on Thursday and we enjoying taking part in ‘Balbardie Stops to Read’ and designing a new front cover for our favourite books. We also enjoyed welcoming and getting to know our new pupil Naomi.

Special person last week: Rhia

Special person this week: Sam


What a busy and exciting week in school .We celebrated World Book Day with an informative Gathering on Monday and we learned books that our teachers loved…Quite a few liked Guess how much I love you !

We have started taking a teddy and a diary home every day and reading with it at home..It is exciting waiting to see who will be chosen next…

We had such fun decorating potatoes into book characters..There were Harry Potter models, Humpty Dumpty, Elsa to name  a few..


I had fun decorating my potato as Harry Potter-Archie

I liked making my character out of a potato. Mine was Humpty Dumpty and I also built a wall out of lego-Ross

I liked making my potato into FERNO-Rory

I made Horrid Henry-Max

My potato was made into Paddington-Grace

I liked when we all read in school for 15 minutes-Florence

I liked doing my potato as Meg from Meg and Mog- Eden

I liked Golden Time this week and I ‘m dressed down-Isla

I liked doing the Super Hero wordsearch-Zara

I liked reading “The adventures of Super diaper baby”-Katie

We hope everyone had a good World Book Day-Harris,Luis

We liked P1b’s Assembly this morning-Noah,Nina,Jess,Ellie,Lily,Dylan,Kaycee

I liked Dress Down Day today. I am dressed as Tinkerbell-Sophie S.

I liked Dress Down Day and I am wearing my stripy tshirt and leggings-Sophie M.

I liked taking the teddy and diary home and I read “Lost for words”-Eva

Thank you for the £1 coins for Dress Down Day

Remember tickets for Caterpillar Boogie for P2 pupils please ..the date is Thursday 23rd March

have a super weekend everyone..see you all on Monday !





Violet Vocabulary at Work!

P6B have been using VCOP to help support, develop and improve our writing.

We have begun by focusing on ‘V for Vocabulary‘.

Violet Vocabulary appears when we are being asked to consider the vocabulary we are using. This week, we have been learning to up-level our adjectives and we have had some very interesting describing words being used in our writing work. Here are just some of them –

Extinguishing  –  Noah      Petrified – Gabriel      Astonished  – Gary     Breezy – Casey

Devastatingly – Archie     Unique – Harry     Stunned – Luca       Mesmerised –   Fiona

We have learned that choosing interesting describing words in our story will help to hook the reader by making it more captivating.

Star Writer

Our Star Writer this week was Michelle who had written a fantastic story which not only included interesting adjectives but was also very organised and neatly presented.


World Book Day 

We celebrated ‘World Book Day‘ yesterday in school. This has been running for 20 years now and provides an opportunity for us all to share and foster our love of books. In class, we designed alternative front covers for our favourite books and we also had a special appearance in the form of our very own class ‘Hobbit‘!

Well done to you, Fiona!

Have a lovely March weekend!

Booktastic week in P1

This week we have been learning about making marks called tallies. James

We were making fossils… take a look.  Holly

Learning -er diagraph.  Alex

Been learning about dinosaurs…the T Rex.  Mia

Been learning about the Triceratops.  Aileigh

Learning about the Stegasoraus.  Jude

We’ve been learning to talk different languages.  Ellis

We’ve been learning how to speak in French.  Aaron

We’ve been learning our tricky words.  Carley

We’ve learned tricky words once and love.  Olivia

We made a dinosaur pictogram.  Jack

For World Book Day we all read a story at the same time.  Carely

We wrote about our favourite story and drew a picture.  River

We were learning n.  Mac

We were learning adding and taking away.  Shannon

Pupil of the week: Oliver Black for doing really well at counting, adding and taking away and having lots of magic moments in numeracy.

Well done Oliver!

We matched dinosaur fossils to the dinosaur.

Matching fossils and dinosaurs! We got them all right!

We used clay to make our fossils!

Here are some pictures from World Book Day!

World Book Day. Writing about our favourite story and listening to Max Won’t Go To Bed Show.

As you can see, a VERY busy week!

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