Primary 2/1 – Week Beginning 6.3.17

This has been a very exciting week for Primary 2/1.

We have been very lucky and have got to watch the Primary 2s practise for the P2 show – Caterpillar Boogie.  Mrs Waddell was also in our class on Thursday to teach us more about bones.  We went outside for outdoor learning and had lots of fun practising addition and subtraction.  AND…the best bit of all…our classroom has had a makeover! We have new areas in the class and lots and lots of space – we think it looks great!

Here are our favourite bits of this week:

Cameron: ‘I liked making an Easter chick card for a soldier’

Max – ‘I like the new areas in class, the best bit is role play’

Rio – ‘I like learning about bones, we looked at x-rays’

Poppy – ‘The best bit was P3’s assembly because I liked when they danced and when they moved to the music’

Ellie – ‘I liked doing outdoor maths.  The best bit was when we got to play adding hopscotch’

Marley – ‘I liked doing our Easter Cards and learning about our bones.  I liked lots because I liked maths too’

Rory – ‘I liked how our classroom has changed because I like to see it a bit different’

Regan – ‘I like outdoor learning because we did hopscotch and played the catchers game.  It was a bit windy’

Griffin – ‘I like the classroom changing because I like what it looks like’

Teigan – ‘The best bit is when I made the chicken for my card’

Breaghannon – ‘I liked outdoor learning because it was windy and the cones blew away.  We had to draw numbers on the ground instead’

Jonah – ‘I liked when the classroom changed – I got a big surprise’

Millie – ‘I liked the assembly.  The best bit was when they were dancing in their Egyptian costumes’

Emily – ‘I liked the assembly too, I liked the dance’

Leila – ‘I like the new classroom because role play is very different’

Leah – ‘I have liked everything this week’

Liam – ‘I liked maths.  I liked doing the counting backwards’


What a fabulous week of learning in P2/1.



Primary 2/1


(A few reminders:

  • School trip money is now due, along with the permission slips.  Please return these to school asap
  • The P2 boys have been issued with costume letters for the show.  They need to bring in jeans, a plain coloured t-shirt and a skip cap
  • We haven’t been able to decorate lab coats this week because a few children have still to bring these in. We will be decorating these next week, if your child hasn’t brought in a shirt/t-shirt they will not be able to take part in this fun activity)

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