What a busy and exciting week in school .We celebrated World Book Day with an informative Gathering on Monday and we learned books that our teachers loved…Quite a few liked Guess how much I love you !

We have started taking a teddy and a diary home every day and reading with it at home..It is exciting waiting to see who will be chosen next…

We had such fun decorating potatoes into book characters..There were Harry Potter models, Humpty Dumpty, Elsa to name  a few..


I had fun decorating my potato as Harry Potter-Archie

I liked making my character out of a potato. Mine was Humpty Dumpty and I also built a wall out of lego-Ross

I liked making my potato into FERNO-Rory

I made Horrid Henry-Max

My potato was made into Paddington-Grace

I liked when we all read in school for 15 minutes-Florence

I liked doing my potato as Meg from Meg and Mog- Eden

I liked Golden Time this week and I ‘m dressed down-Isla

I liked doing the Super Hero wordsearch-Zara

I liked reading “The adventures of Super diaper baby”-Katie

We hope everyone had a good World Book Day-Harris,Luis

We liked P1b’s Assembly this morning-Noah,Nina,Jess,Ellie,Lily,Dylan,Kaycee

I liked Dress Down Day today. I am dressed as Tinkerbell-Sophie S.

I liked Dress Down Day and I am wearing my stripy tshirt and leggings-Sophie M.

I liked taking the teddy and diary home and I read “Lost for words”-Eva

Thank you for the £1 coins for Dress Down Day

Remember tickets for Caterpillar Boogie for P2 pupils please ..the date is Thursday 23rd March

have a super weekend everyone..see you all on Monday !





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