Welcome back from P2b

Some of the things we enjoyed in school this week are:

Tiana – We were writing about our Easter holidays.

Evie – We have been drawing daffodils with oil pastels.

Rheagan – I enjoyed reading ‘Charlie and Chocolate Factory.’

Grace M – We read the ‘Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch’ and this is going to be our new topic.

Orlaith – I enjoyed using the numberlines in maths.

Grace Q – I enjoyed looking at odd/even numbers.

Sara – We have been earning class Dojo points. We have to sit nicely and listen to get points.

Keira – I enjoyed playing dominoes with the tricky words.

Kayden – I enjoyed reading ‘Charlie and Chocolate Factory.’

Alysheeya – We have been writing new targets for our review jotters.

Well done to our top Dojo champions this week – Scott, Orlaith, Grace M and Evie!


A short but busy week!

When we came back from Easter Break, we finally got to see how our mummification went! We mummified apples and this is what they look like now. You can compare them with the slice that was not

mummified. If it’s not mummified it is pretty disgusting!

I literacy, we wrote a recount about what we did in the holidays. Some of us were very busy and others took the time to relax.

In maths, we have been learning how to tell the time and we had “Tell the Time” clock races outside. We have also been learning about multiplication and played games outside to match the facts to the questions. Here are some pictures.

In other news, Ruby Anne was the P3 Egg Competition winner – well done Ruby!


We have a busy week back after the holiday.

This week in writing we have been reflecting on our achievements this year and have been writing our own reports. We had to think about or strengths and next steps. We are going to edit these and write them in our transition jotter for high school.

In maths this week we have been learning about measuring length and converting units of measurement. We took part in a ‘measurehunt’ where we had to measure different items around the school and convert the measurements.

We also went outside for maths this week and looked around the playground to see the different opportunities for maths. We had to complete a maths trail asking different maths questions using the environment. For example, we had to estimate the distance from the front gate to the office door in metres and we had to calculate the fraction of red cars in the car park. We are going to create our own maths trails for our P1 buddies.

Most of us are off to Oban next week so we will keep you updated daily about how we are getting on. Have a good weekend!


First week back in P7b

It’s been a short but busy week in p7 this is how it went!

This week in writing we had fun reflecting on our learning this year and writing our own reports.  This gave the teacher an idea of our point of view on our strengths, next steps, behaviour and approach to learning.  We wrote these in our transition jotters to pass them onto the teachers at Bathgate Academy.

‘I enjoyed writing it in the 3rd person. It made me feel like a teacher.’- David

In art we drew pictures of Scottish landscapes. Our success criteria was to include light/shadow and texture to make our pictures more advance. These turned out well and are displayed in our class.

‘I enjoyed choosing what landscape to do.’ –Ryan

For the past few weeks, we have been working in groups to create a slaptick.

Slapstick is pretend hitting in a drama scene.  Laurel and Hardy are famous slapstick actors. Yesterday in drama we performed our group slapsticks to our class. All of them were very entertaining!

I enjoyed making my own story line  -Jamie

This week we have been very excited as some of us are going to Oban on Monday. This will be a great experience for us. Some of the great things we will be getting up to are; gorge walking, canoeing, swimming, and to finish off, a beach bonfire!

‘I can’t wait till Monday!’ Meadow

Have a nice weekend,


Article 28- the right to an education

Completed by Aidan and Meadow

Outdoor Learning – Numeracy

This week we have been doing maths and numeracy outdoors.  It was great fun.  We played addition hopscotch, counting skittles and treasure hunt.  The treasure hunt was great fun.  We used magnets to finds real coins in the water.  Miss Fisher tried to trick us with fake coins but we had magnets so we did not fall for her trick.  Here is a picture of the coin activity.

This week we have also been doing lots of fun activities.  It was Shea’s birthday and we had a party and have been learning new party games.  We also have been writing and drawing about our Easter holidays.  We have started our new topic which is healthy living and we have been tasting different fruits and giving our opinion.  We have looked at taste, smell and texture.  Class G have said what their favourite activity this week was:

Gabriel – My favourite part of the week was tasting fruit.  My favourite fruit was raspberry.  I have not tasted that before.

Erin – I enjoyed doing maths outside.  I liked the coins in water.

Jake – I liked planting my apple seed.

Logan – I liked tasting fruit yesterday.

Shea – I liked maths games outside.

Welcome back!

Today we are thinking about what has been very exciting for us coming back after the Easter break.  We are also thinking about what we are looking forward to during this last term of the session and beyond!


Niamh – I liked making the flowers with Mrs Spence on Wednesday and I am looking forward to learning more of our topic, healthy eating.

Noah – I liked seeing the teachers and I’m looking forward to PE.

Gabriel – I liked being welcomed back into this class and I’m looking forward to what’ going to happen next.

Dylan – I liked coming back in and having my birthday at school. I am looking forward to our assembly in June.

Archie – I liked doing story writing on Thursday – it was about a character visiting in Bathgate. I’m looking forward to a new full school week next week.

Isla – I loved coming back to school on my birthday!  I’m looking forward to sports day in June.

Eden – I liked doing the pop-up flowers on Wednesday.I am really looking forward to the Gala Day.

Nina – I liked seeing all my friends and my teachers and I’ looking forward to the sports day.

Lily – I liked seeing all my friends and I am looking forward to going into P3.

Katie – I found it exciting to make the paper flowers with Mrs Spence and I’m looking forward to going into P4.

Grace M – I liked seeing my friends and I’m looking forward to walking in the Gala Day with my friends.

Kaycee – it was exciting to see my friends and I’m looking forward to learning about healthy eating.

Jess – I liked coming back to see the teachers and I’m looking forward to learning more about our healthy eating topic.

Eva – I liked coming back to see all of my friends and I am so excited about going into P4 and meeting my new teacher.

Sophie S – I’m looking forward to my birthday and doing our assembly.  I liked seeing my friends after the holidays.

Luis – I’m looking forward to going into P3.

Zara – I’m looking forward to going to Australia and I liked doing art again with Mrs Spence.

Sophie M – I was excited about coming back to school to see all my friends and I’m looking forward to the Gala Day.

Max – I liked coming back to do Maths and dividing.  I’m looking forward to going on the float on the Gala Day.

Florence – I liked seeing all of my friends and I’m looking forward to going into P4.

Harris – I was excited to do mental Maths after being off for 2 weeks. I’m looking forward to learning more division.

Ross – I liked doing rounding in Maths with Mr Blair and I’m looking forward to sports day.

Rory – I was mostly looking forward to my birthday that was on Wednesday and I’m looking forward to PE this term.


In maths this week we did tricky maths which involved using our skip counting strategies using 2,3,4,5, and 10.  We really had to challenge ourselves.

For writing this week we wrote our plan using our Easter snapshots of what we did during the Easter holidays, and we used this to create our personal writing stories.

In drama we have been busy practising our song for our Celebrating Success assembly on 16th May at 1.30pm.  We hope to see you then 🙂

This week to finish off our dungeons and dragons topic, we created 3D magical castles with our partners.  We are really looking forward to our class trip to Stirling Castle on the 27th of April.


Luke has been challenging himself in maths and skip counting past one hundred

Isla has been practising her swimming skills

Daniel and Kyle have gained new belts in Tae Kwon Do

Elena has moved up a level in swimming, now on level 3

Emily and Akasha have been improving on their swimming skills

Class O

Class O have been researching authors and creating a powerpoint about these facts. We found out some interesting facts – Roald Dahl was a pilot in the RAF!! We are increasing our dictionary skills and have started to look at fractions in maths.


Cody – I made a comic strip about what I did in the Easter Holidays it was about would happen if two good pvz gw2 legends fought together. I also played with my online friends we went  free games and went on one that we had no idea what it was so we thought why not try it and we did and we liked it, Yup, that was a successful  17 days spent! Those there the times.  I started looking at fractions in math.


Cameron – I enjoyed P.E. with my integration class we were doing random stuff on the bench and we weren’t allowed to  fall off . I liked making a table out of paper I didn’t have glue or sellotape and the table had to be strong enough to hold a car, mines did!

Liam – I enjoyed PE, I picked the song ‘ Going to the moon’ from sticky kids and done all the actions it was good fun. I also liked to build a table with all different types of paper.


Caitlin – I am looking forward to my trip to Oban with my P7 class it will be great fun.

Jayden – I liked making a book about what I had done during the Easter holidays. I also liked to get information about Roald Dahl and make a power point about this.


Term 4 begins in P6B

The pupils in P6B returned to school this week feeling refreshed and ready to learn. It’s been a quick and enjoyable week with lots of learning packed in. In beginning the new term, we have started to explore some new learning topics and areas.

In maths this term, we will be learning about shape, position and movement. This week, we begun by exploring coordinate grids, identifying the y/x axis, number lines and, finally, marking and naming coordinates on the grid. We worked in pairs and used coordinates to create and solve codes in the context of a ‘Murder Mystery’ which we all enjoyed. Next week, we will draw and create our own grids.

Our topic this term will be ‘The Human Body‘ and we began by exploring what we already know and would like to know about the human body. Lots of facts, knowledge and ideas fr learning were discussed and shared. We are really looking forward to this topic this term.

I know that chromosomes are cells which help to create your features – Fiona 

The tongue is the only muscle in your body which is attached at one end – Luca

Your kidney is the size of a mobile phone – Jamie

I’d like to learn about the names of all different parts of the brain and what they do – Jack 

We were all delighted to be told that Jamie had won the Eggstravaganza competition for P6. Jamie had made a fantastic effort to design an egg which he named ‘Captain Egghead‘. It was a very creative and thoughtful design which we were all impressed with. Well done, Jamie!

Our first’ Star Writer of the Week‘ for this term is Callum who wrote an interesting story, ‘The Cottage‘. Callum used adjectives to add description to his story and took care to spell his words correctly. He had clear organisation with a beginning, middle and end to his story, meeting all his targets. Well done, Callum!

Welcome back!


This week we have enjoyed being back and sharing our stories about our Easter adventures.


We have started learning about different types of poetry. We will share some of our poems with you over the next few weeks. This week we have been looking at poems that do not rhyme and we all agree that this was a little trickier than we thought it would be. The title of our poem was ‘In My Box’ here is a little sample written by Suvi (we will post a completed one next week).

In my box I would put…

The touch of my dog’s fur

The smile of my mum

My dad’s tickles

In my box I would put…

A hug from my mum

My dream of an Olympic swimmer

And an Icelandic whale swimming in the ocean



We have started learning about fractions and by the time we are finished some of us will have made links between fractions, decimals and percentages while others will be able to identify equivalent fractions. This week we began with building fraction walls –


Our topic for this term is weather and climate. This week we discussed the weather in Scotland and how our climate determines the agriculture and lifestyle we have.

Suvi – I am looking forward to learning about the climate of different countries

Sophia – I am looking forward to learning about what life is like living in the tropics

Alex – I am looking forward to learning about life in the polar region


Outdoor Maths in Class M

This week we took advantage of some nice weather to get outside and do some maths. Outside maths was great fun. We had a choice of activities on ‘challenge cards’ and we enjoyed a variety of measuring, counting and problem solving tasks.

Charlie – I had to find 20 things in the playground and count them and put them on the paper.

Dylan – I was measuring the distance from the bottle to the ball .

Adam – I had to find sticks and make a noughts and crosses shape and find small items to add up to 10.

To link in with some of the measuring we had been doing, we made some chocolate vegetable patches in baking. We had to measure the correct amount of milk to add to the chocolate mix. The finished pots looked like carrots growing out the soil.

Charlie – I made a pudding so it looked like soil and I planted small jelly carrots in it.

David – I was mixing up chocolate pudding so it looks like soil put carrots in the soil . I tasted it . It was good.

Yolie- I put 300ml of milk in the jug put chocolate in and mix it up. I ate it all up it was good.

Adam – We had make earth out of chocolate pudding, crushed Oreo’s and gummy carrots. We put it in the fridge for 5-10 mins then we ate it . I enjoyed it .




Lewis – Yesterday we were writing a sheet and saying what we could see, feel, hear and smell outside
Matthias – We wrote ideas about what we see, we hear, we smell and what we felt. When we got back inside we wrote our ideas in our blue jotters
Evie – We used our plan to help us write in our blue jotter

Josh – We have been learning about stone age people and we made pictures
Caitlin – We were drawing pictures of the stone age people and some handprints. The stone age people made pictures like this in caves

Article 28: We have the right to an education

Primary 2/1 Blog – Week Beginning 17.4.17

We are enjoying being back at school after a lovely Easter break.  We spoke about what we enjoyed the most over the holidays, here are some of our highlights:

Ellie- “Going to the new cafe in Livingston and going to the soft play were the best bits”

Jonah – “My best bit was going to M&Ds”

Rory – “I liked going to the caravan”

Cameron – “I liked Summerlee the best, I went in the mine”

Max – “I loved eating my Easter eggs and playing Pokemon Go”

Regan – “Having a kit kat egg was lovely”

Marley – “It was exciting because I went to lots of places.  I liked them all”

Leah – “Going to the shows was fun, I liked the bumper cars best”

Poppy – “My favourite bit was when I was staying at my Granny’s house at Easter”

Millie – “My favourite bit was going to the park”

Breaghannon – “My favourite part was going on an Easter egg hunt”

Emily – “The Easter Egg hunt at my Granny’s was lots of fun”

Griffin – “I went to see my Granny and Grandpa”

Brandon – “I went on an Easter hunt and my Auntie got me some mini Easter eggs”

Keegan – “The best bit was when I had an Easter Egg hunt”

Rio – “I played outside lots”


Some of the best bits this week have been:

  • Learning about Magic Grandad, he can take us back in time.
  • Going outside for a Spring Walk to do our writing – we even heard a baby bird!
  • Starting to learn about fractions, we got to make fraction pizzas and cut up sweets and cakes

From Primary 2/1

(A note from Mrs Mansfield – there are a few children to return review jotters from last term.  Can these be returned as soon as possible please?  Thank you)


This week we were learning about speech marks. We learned how to use them by thinking of them as a jam sandwich!The bread is the speech marks and the butter on each slice of bread represents the capital letter and ending punctuation, while the jam was what was actually said. This analogy made it a little easier to understand!
For outdoor P.E we were learning how to leapfrog. Most of us got how to do it after a few tries. We had to be careful that we didn’t hurt the frog whilst leaping.
For literacy, we have been writing a fictional story based on teleporting to Ancient Egypt. It was great fun writing about it and we have now created books. They are absolutely fantastic! We only completed them today so next term we will have a chance to share our books and read each other’s stories.
We learned about the importance of Holy week and also looked at what Easter is. We know that Holy week leads up to Easter starting with Palm Sunday. Then Spy Wednesday followed by the Last Supper, Good Friday and then Easter Sunday.
As most of us are in the Golden Club, we went out for the Easter Egg hunt as our treat. What a great way to finish the week.
We hope you have a great Easter Break!


We have had a lovely week to end this term off this week. We have been learning about Stirling Castle in preparation for our school trip. We learned some really interesting facts. Did you know that the world’s oldest football was found in the palace of Stirling castle? Or that Scotland’s first fireworks were set off from Stirling Castle? We also found out that it took 4 years to build and that there was no space for it so they had to build it on top of other buildings.

We have also been learning about the Easter story, how Jesus died and rose again. We then sequenced the story in the correct order. We also designed some lovely Easter cards to give to our friends and family.

P2B also loved learning about Autism on Thursday and we dressed in blue to raise awareness. We were given a task to design a big letter A for autism in any way we wanted. We decided to draw around our own hands and decorate them in blue pen and pencil. Once everyone completed theirs we stuck them all together in a huge A shape.

Finally lots of children have been working hard on their behaviour this term and achieved step 5. They all enjoyed a fantastic Easter egg hunt as their Golden Club treat today. Happy Easter everyone!


This week in P7b we have been very busy.  We read a few chapters of The Boy in Striped Pyjamas then completed follow up tasks.  In one activity each group was issued with a description of a character in the book. E.g. team bones was given a piece of text on father.  We had to read the description of the character then draw how we imaged them to look like.   This is called visualisation and this skill helps to deepen our understanding.

Lucy : I enjoyed drawing father using the description in the book !

In art we create a picture based on the front cover of The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas; It had to include stripes, perspective, silhouettes and cold colours. You could use any materials.

Here are some examples…


In maths we learned about area. For squares and rectangles you timed the breadth times length. E.g. 7m x 8m               = 56m2

But for triangles you times the  length by the breadth then half it.  E.g. 5 CM x  9 CM= 45cm/2= 22.5cm2

We also learned about the area compound shapes.  This is where you look for shapes, work out the area of both shapes then add them together.

Completed by Meadow

Have a lovely Easter break everyone!

Class M

This week we reused some of our old clothes to design new clothes. It showed us that you shouldn’t always throw clothes away when you are finished with them, you can change how they look and reuse them. Hope you like our designs.

Charlie: I enjoyed baking this week. I was baking crispie cakes I put little eggs on the top to make it like a nest. I also enjoyed going to swimming this week. it’s so much fun. I managed to swim this time instead of always falling down.

Yolie:  I made crispie cakes with my P6 friends. It was fun. I made a dress out of my old clothes, I made a flower and stuck it on my dress.

Happy Easter from P4b!

As we end a busy term we have been thinking about everything we have learnt and the things we have been challenged by in class.
Dani – I enjoyed learning about the Viking Gods
Katie – I enjoyed making the Viking shields
Callum – I liked learning about the Viking longhouses
Louie – I have enjoyed making my Viking shield
Elliot – I enjoyed making and eating the garden of Gethsemane biscuit
Jack – I enjoyed learning about Autism yesterday
Lucy – I enjoyed making a Viking shield
Guy – I liked making the Autism ‘a’
Ela – I enjoyed learning the bus stop way to complete division sums
Charlotte – I was challenged by the quickfire tables competition
Isaac – I was challenged by writing in the Furthark, Viking language
Hayley – I enjoyed doing the times tables
Hope – I enjoyed the challenge of the hard times tables in maths
Emily – I enjoyed making the Viking shields
Jay – I really, really enjoyed making the Viking shields
Luke – I was challenged by the quickfire times table challenge
Emma – I was challenged by the code breaker in the Viking runes
Maisey – I have been challenged by writing about Viking burials
Rayen – I have enjoyed having new friends at the school
Jason – I was challenged by writing in Viking language
Ben – I was challenged when we used the compasses in Maths
Rose – I enjoyed making the Viking runes
Nathan – I was challenged learning my lines for the assembly
Jaime – Lee – I have been challenged by writing Viking reports

On Thursday we celebrated World Autism Day. We thought about what we know about autism. We watched a video clip which helped us to understand autism and how like can be for people who are autistic. We think it helped us to understand a little more about Autism and how it can affect people’s lives. We made ‘A’s for autism which are all different, much like all of us.

Table of the week with 520 points

Pupil of the week – Emma for being a kind and supportive friend
Class achievements
Nathan was awarded a yellow belt at Taekwando
Article 28 – the right to an education

Easter Fun!

We have had a fantastic week in Class G.  We have had so much fun learning about Easter.  We have been learning about the Easter story and have been doing lots of arts and crafts.  We made Easter bonnets and we looked great in them.  We also decorated a boiled egg and went to Balbardie park to roll them down the hill.  It was great fun and we all managed to break our eggs.  All of Class G made it to the Golden Club and we had fun at the Easter hunt. We have also been learning about Autism and were doing activities for Autism Awareness Day. We all wore blue.  Here is what Class G have to say this week.

Erin – I liked rolling my egg and the park.

Gabriel – I enjoyed float day at swimming and going under water.  We went to the park to roll our eggs.  Mines broke last.

Shea – I liked the park.


HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Matthias- When we got on the bus we first put our seatbelts on and then when we got off we went with a partner
Hamish – We went on our class trip to Dynamic Earth
Noah – When we were on the bus I sat next to Marcus
Josh – Everyone went on a time machine
Caitlin – We stood next to a brachiosaurus’ leg
Emma – We got to see an iceberg
Rose – We saw animals in the rainforest and they moved their heads
Hamish – We were passing fossils around
Caitlin – We watched a 3D movie and it was like we were flying
Maksim – We were digging for fossils

Kaiden – We made dinosaur projects
Jacob – The velociraptors jumped really high in some movies
Josh – Anchyosaurus can break a t-rex’s bone

Emma – We made a giant “A” because it was Autism Awareness Day and we had to wear something blue
Hamish – Autism means that sometimes it is too bright and you can’t listen to anyone
Caitlin – Some people have different relationships
Noah – Everyone is different and people have different voices and favourite colours
Jacob – It means everyone is different and some people don’t talk and some people do
Matthias – Some people’s brains are different and parts are switched off

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