Easter Fun!

We have had a fantastic week in Class G.  We have had so much fun learning about Easter.  We have been learning about the Easter story and have been doing lots of arts and crafts.  We made Easter bonnets and we looked great in them.  We also decorated a boiled egg and went to Balbardie park to roll them down the hill.  It was great fun and we all managed to break our eggs.  All of Class G made it to the Golden Club and we had fun at the Easter hunt. We have also been learning about Autism and were doing activities for Autism Awareness Day. We all wore blue.  Here is what Class G have to say this week.

Erin – I liked rolling my egg and the park.

Gabriel – I enjoyed float day at swimming and going under water.  We went to the park to roll our eggs.  Mines broke last.

Shea – I liked the park.


HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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