A Successful Week to Celebrate in P6B

What a quick and happy week it has been for P6B!

Celebrating Success was a great opportunity to showcase the many achievements of pupils across the school. In P6B, we were delighted for Jack, Michelle, Harry and Casey who all received a certificate in recognition of their efforts in school. Well done to you all!

Meanwhile, Noah brought in some memorabilia to share with the class which he had brought home from a recent trip to Florida. It was very interesting for us all to look at and hear about, thank you Noah!

Yesterday we enjoyed a P6 trip to Glasgow Science Centre where we took part in a ‘BodyWorks’ show and explored the floors. Stay tuned for pictures!

Empty Classroom Day

On Thursday it was Empty Classroom Day. In Class M we left our classroom empty for the WHOLE afternoon. It was such fun exploring the outdoors. We took part in lots of challenges, including making a nature picture, scavenger hunt, bug hunt, bubbles. Our favourite activity by far was the den building. After we worked as a team to build it, we all chilled out in the den, read stories to each other and ate popcorn! Some of us even pretended we were camping overnight and had a little sleep!!!!

David – I’m building a tent. I fell asleep! I took a photo of my tree. I’m looking at a spider.

Yolie – Empty classroom day is go outside. I made a den. I’m making a den with clips and popcorn.

Adam – me,jayden,yolie,david where building a den it was very fun and yolie and david made a nature picture.

Jayden – I really like Class M, it’s fun even making a tent.

Class M would also like to say a huge Well Done to David who took part in Gung-Ho at the weekend. We are all proud of him, and a bit jealous as it looked awesome fun!


Primary 2/1 Blog – Week Beginning 15.5.17

What a quiet week in Primary 2/1 with lots of our boys and girls off with the chicken pox.  We hope that they get better soon and are able to come back to school for lots of fun learning.

This week we had celebrating success and although there were only 11 children, we sang our song so well and made Mrs Mansfield very proud.  During circle time we had a chat about what it was to be successful and would like to share some of our successes.  Here is what we think:

Ellie – “I sang really loudly in Celebrating Success and I was proud of myself”

Teigan – ”

Poppy – “I challenged myself by thinking about different shades when I coloured in my roses”

Leila – “I am proud of myself for how well I did with my singing.  I remembered to smile too!”

Millie – “I have been successful in writing because I thought about my success criteria”

Breaghannon – “I am proud because the grown ups watched up at celebrating success”

Emily – “I am proud of being successful when I challenged myself to learn about millilitres”

Keegan – “I took my time at making a Victorian rocking horse, it is my best bit of art”

Jayden – “I was successful in maths this week, I practised weighing things”

Griffin – “I was successful in maths”

Jonah – “I tried to work hard by myself in writing this week, I still need to practise”

Max – “I am very proud of my writing.  I was successful and got a sticker”

Cameron – “I was successful at colouring in, I did a good job”

Rory – “My writing was a big success this week, I concentrated”



Primary 2/1

Junior Choir

Wow!!!  What an amazing week at Junior Choir!!  Along with our usual singing practice, did you know that your children are all fantastic song writers?

This week the children were set with the challenge of writing their own song for the Primary 7s moving onto high school.  They thought about the messages they wanted the song to convey and then worked in groups to create their own verse and a chorus!  I am so impressed with the children’s imagination and musicality throughout the whole task and really can’t wait to start working on the song next week!  Another huge well done Junior Choir!

In addition to this, please note that the Junior Choir will be performing a song at the end of year Church service on the 30th of June (9.30am), it would be lovely to see some more friendly faces there if you are able to attend!


Many thanks for your continued support,


Mrs Mansfield and Mrs Palmer.

Instructions, instructions!

This week we’ve been busy practising our song for Celebrating Success which is on Tuesday at 9.30 a.m. We will be very pleased to welcome you all if you can make it!
In numeracy with Mrs Mackenzie, we are working on equivalent fractions. It’s a bit challenging for some of us but we are getting it!
In our topic work, we have been learning about the Arctic Tundra.
Hope – In the summer and winter the animals’ fur changes colour. In the winter it’s white to blend in with the snow. In the summer it is brown.
Jason – It’s very, very cold there!
Ben – The coldest place in the world is Antarctica with a temperature of -85°C.
Ela – The average temperature in the tundra is -28°C.
In literacy we are learning about reading, following and writing instructions. We made weather instruments – barometers, wind vanes and anemometers which measure air pressure, the direction of the wind and the wind speed. We made paper fish following instructions and started to write our own instructions for playground games. We are hoping to test these with our primary one pupils next week!

We started doing some work on Data Handling and had to think about the type of personality we have. We wonder if you agree with us?

In STEM at Golden Time, we started building our own marble run. It’s quite a tricky task and it’s not yet finished but it is fun!
We went into the hall for our Sports fundraiser. We had a circuit of activities to complete which were great fun!
Table of the week – with 670 points
Pupil of the week – Callum for enthusiastic participation in our celebrating success rehearsals.


This week in Primary 5. We have practised our celebrating success song in the hall for Tuesday, we did fitness fundraiser, we have learned about weight, we did drama and PE and we wrote a manifesto for our own political party.

Our highlights have been:

Freddie – writing a manifesto

Leia – learning to follow a script in drama

Kaitlin – I liked writing

Grace – I liked outdoor PE

Logan – I liked practising the song for celebrating success

Charlie – I enjoyed weight in math

Cameron – I enjoyed the fitness circuits in PE

Aaron – I liked writing my manifesto

Lotte – I liked maths this week.

Mya – I liked weighing things in maths

Caitlin – I liked weighing books in maths

Kayleigh – I liked learning about the Scottish Parliament.

Demi – Leigh – I enjoyed performing in the hall.

Dadirayi – I liked drama and outdoor PE

Ava – I liked playing football in outdoor PE

Sophie – I liked doing circuits for the fitness fundraiser

Harry – I liked doing PE

Evan – I liked measuring this week.

Evie – I liked the circuits in PE

Erin – I liked writing my manifesto

Ben – my favourite thing was measuring things in maths.

Emma – I liked watching the celebrating success songs from the other classes

James – I liked writing my emotions story with Mrs Stewart.

Healthy Week in Class G!

This week Class G have been keeping healthy as part of our health and wellbeing topic.  On Monday we had a walking challenge.  We went a walk to the park and timed ourselves. On the way back we tried to beat our time and we managed this.  We also used the keep fit equipment at the park.  In class we have been making healthy smoothies and it was great fun!  They tasted really nice.  We also had our PE fundraiser with Mr Jeffries in the hall.  We all tried really hard.  Here is what Class G liked about health and wellbeing.

Jake – I liked out and about to the park.

Shea – I liked the park.

Logan – I liked the PE fundraiser.  I did this with my integration class.  Emily and Cameron were in my group.  Three other people where in my group but I don’t know their names yet.

Gabriel – I liked the PE fundraiser.  My favourite station was shuttle running.

Erin – I liked going to the park and making smoothies.


What a busy week we have had. We have guessed different fruit and vegetables. We have looked at the skeleton and sang a Skeleton song. We sketched fruit using wax crayons. We wrote about a healthy day and we presented our Healthy life as a powerpoint to the class. We even answered questions about it after with confidence and skill.

Here are our comments:

Noah- The fitness circuit was fun

Lily- I like the Fitness fundraiser yesterday. My brothers came and gave everyone a High 5

Grace-I took the teddy home last night. We played Fitness class and we were marching and bouncing on Lily’s trampoline

Isla,Sophie M- We liked The Fitness class with Mr. Jeffries

Sophie S.- I liked writing the healthy life story

Eden- I liked eating apple when we were naming fruits and vegetables

Harris- This week I was excited making the skeleton with cotton buds

Archie-I liked using the tissue paper to decorate the fruit for the wall

Jess- I’m excited to do my talk ” My Healthy life”

Nina- I ‘m excited to see Jess’s talk. Mine was about  my gymnastics, swimming and football

Luis- I enjoyed Outdoor PE. We were racing each other at the back playground

Ross- I enjoyed doing the Circuit Fitness with Mr Jeffries. It was for charity

Rory- I enjoyed making the skeleton with cotton buds and glue

Niamh,Ellie.Katie- We liked making our skeletons with cotton buds, glue and we put lots of details in it aswell

Eva- We made fruit pictures. I copied a lime as I had a lime to look at

Kaycee- I like learning about healthy living as I am learning about new things

Florence,Max,Zara- I liked the Fund raiser in the main hall with Mr Jeffrie

Dylan- Yesterday I had the teddy home and we went out on my bike


Tuesday 16th May Our Celebrating Success Assembly at 1.30pm All welcome

Have  a super weekend

ps Can you remember to wear school clothes on Tuesday but bring dress down ones for the afternoon performance?


Busy week in P1a

This week we have been very busy….

We were learning about butterflies. James

We were measuring our bean plants. Carley

We were learning how to measure with rulers. Alex

We were learning numbers to 100. Shannon

We were ordering numbers to 20 and to 100. Jack

We were measuring the length of the floor. Ada

We learned a new sound, ‘oi’ in phonics. River

We played toilet tig in outdoor PE. Megan

We did basketball bouncing in the fundraiser. Max

We measured how long the door was. Aileigh

We did floor running in the fundraiser. Olivia

We measured the table. Mia

We learned ‘ow’ as in clown. Aaron

We did week 2 of our Bean diary. Jude

We did strike jumping in the fundraiser. Amber

We did shuttle running in the fundraiser. Justin

Working really hard. Ed

We measured our bean plants.   Oliver

We did basketball bouncing in the fundraiser. Emily

We did step-ups in the fundraiser. Ellis

We have started, ‘Show and Tell’.  The class are a brilliant audience, demonstrating excellent listening skills.

River and Ed made McDonalds out of Duplo.  Mrs McClafferty had a Chicken McNuggets Happy Meal!

Pupil the week: Megan Carey for making excellent progress in reading and recognising all her tricky words.


Well done also to Ed, Mac, Justin and James for all their hard work at Sensory Circuits.



This week we have been developing character profiles. We are using our climate topic as a stimulus. We had to decide a name for our characters and then give them a profile. We had to decide on likes and dislikes, hair colour, eye colour, profession, family and what age we would be. Next week we will be using this information to begin writing about our characters journey to the Arctic.


This week we have been focussing on numeracy skills. We have lots of fun activities that we can do to help us develop our numeracy skills.

Jason – I like Harry Potter maths because it helps me to remember my times tables

Campbell- I like the game we play on the smart board. You have to race the clock to get your times table right I think it’s fun.

James- I like the loop cards game that we play it helps my times tables.

Kiara- I like playing nine snap.

Megan- We made our own times tables and cut out the answers and we have to jumble them up then match them all together again.

Hannah- I like the whiteboard challenge game.

Connor- I like the times table bingo.


We have been learning about the climate in the Arctic and the Antarctic.

Euan- the Arctic is slightly warmer than the Antarctic.

Suvi- Plants find it difficult to grow in the Arctic and Antarctic because it is so cold.

Sophia- it is too cold for people to live in the Antarctic


This week we took part in a sponsored circuit activity in school to raise money for school funds. We all had a great time and hopefully we will find out soon just how much we have raised.


Have a good weekend…..7 weeks until summer!!


This week we have been continuing our electricity topic of ‘The Lighthouse Keepers Lunch’ by making a working circuit using a battery, wires and a bulb.  We experimented with our wires to see how to connect the circuit correctly and we discovered that we needed to have the 2 wires connected together to the battery and the bulb in order to light it up.

We have been continuing to practise our Celebrating Success song and we hope to see you there on Tuesday 16th of May at 1.30pm 🙂

We have been busy writing about our seagulls Fred, Bob and Bert who were really naughty to Mr Grinling, eating his lunch and going on adventures.

Wee reminder to build your own lighthouse at home as part of homelearning.  I’m looking forward to seeing them all finished 🙂

Achievements this week-

Pupil of the week-Charlotte

Elena has learned how to tie her laces 🙂

Kyle has gained his white belt in Tae Kwon Do

Hollie has moved up a level to the Senior class in her dancing

Artjom is competing in a gymnastics competition-good luck!

Akasha has been practising her balances

Lexi has learned how to play a new song on her guitar



Evie – We were trying to find minibeasts
Ava – We were trying to find stuff on the lists. We were in teams and everyone found lots of things
Emma – We looked in some bins and plants so that we could find some animals
Hamish – We were finding lots of things and objects

Josh – We were making toast and we had to put it in the toaster and we had butter, a toaster and some bread, a knife and plate
Matthias – We were writing instructions on how to make toast
Marcus – In the end, the teacher ate the toast!

Caitlin – When we were fundraising money we were running and stepping and we were doing star jumps and passing
Noah – We were jumping and bouncing basketball. We moved when the music started and when the music stopped we had to put everything back where it was
Josh – We were in the PE gym hall and our mums and dads came
Kyle – We were raising money for more things for the playground

Article 28: We have the right to an education

P6B’s Outdoor Exploits!

P6B have been making the most of the outdoors and the fair weather we have been having recently.

We all enjoyed taking part in fitness circuits where we did our exercises including shuttle runs, star jumps, squats, knee highs and scissor jumps.


We worked together in teams to complete the circuits, recording our timings, effort and performance as we went.

There was lots of fun had when we all took part in a class relay to find the fastest runner of the girls and boys.

Well done to the super speedy Mark and Fiona!




Class M keeps fit!

On Thursday everyone took part in a sponsored fitness event with Mr Jeffries. There were different stations to move around. We had to go when the music started and stop when the music stopped. Everyone tried very hard, even Mrs McLean! Our cheeks were rosy and our hearts were beating fast which shows we put in lots of effort.

Dylan – The fitness was ok. I liked the basketball station best.

Adam – We had to do running. There was 6 stations we had to move round. My favourite was throwing the beanbags to a partner. We did it really fast for the whole time and didn’t drop it!

Yolie – I liked bouncing the ball and catching it with my hands.

David – Playing with the basketball. I was bouncing it on the floor.

Charlie -I liked doing Jumping Jacks best as it gets our whole body working out.



Primary 3 have had another interesting week, this is what we have been up to…


We were very lucky in maths this week as Mrs Hay came to see our learning.  We finished division and we started fractions.  We have been learning about wholes, halves and quarters.


In topic this week we planted some seeds and learned about how plants grow.  We made predictions on how some plants grow depending on whether they have enough water and light etc.

We were very lucky to have Lucas’s brother Dylan in helping us and we think he really enjoyed himself and even tried singing our celebrating success song!


In writing, we planned and wrote an imaginary story about a magic box.  We had lots of different ideas on what happened when we opened the box and we can’t wait to finish this next week!

Mrs Haddifon did a listening task with us which was really fun!

Next week is our celebrating success and we really can’t wait to share our achievements with you and sing our song!

Achievements and other news!

Pupil of week- Ruby!

Ellis went to his piano concert and had a great time and ate lots of yummy food at a BBQ afterwards.




Primary 2/1 Blog – Week Beginning 8.5.17

This week has been a fabulous week with lots of fantastic learning.  Mrs Mansfield is very proud of us for all our hard work! Magic Grandad has been teaching us about the Victorians, here are some of the things that we have been learning:

Keegan – “I learned that a long time ago they didn’t have baths with taps”

Griffin – “The people needed to heat water up on the fire”

Ellie – “In the Victorian times the toys were different.  Some children had to make peg dolls”

Cameron – “They didn’t have televisions or games – that was a surprise”

Rio – “There are no ipads!  Instead they played with toys like a Jack in the Box”

Jayden – “I liked the spinning top, it moves by spinning”

Emily – “Some poor families didn’t have enough chairs for all of them to sit at the table for dinner.  Some people had to sit on the floor”

Liam – “There were no busy roads”

Teigan – “I learned about Victorian toys.  My favourite Victorian toy was the Spinning top”

Leila – “The Victorian teachers were very grumpy.  They used to make children wear a dunce hat and sit in the corner!

Millie – “Not all children went to school.  The rich children went to school and sometimes the poor children had to get a job”

Breaghannon – “They did not have safe pavements, people walked at the side of the road”

Max – “There was no electricity, they played outside instead of playing xbox and used candles instead of lights”

Jonah – “The Victorian clothes for poor people were boring colours.  Bright colours were very expensive”


Here are some of our highlights of this week:

  • Learning the French numbers 1-10, the song was great
  • Practising our song for celebrating success
  • Taking our maths outside to learn about measuring
  • Using the ipads to research about Victorian toys, it was good to learn how to search for things safely online
  • Completing the fitness circuits (please send in sponsor money asap)



Primary 2/1

Class O

We have had a busy week learning about paragraphs and have wrote a story to include at least three paragraphs. We have been looking at frequency charts and creating our own chart.


Cameron – I wrote a story about a imp from PVZGW2! and I did some fractions and I help others and I was measuring weird  things like my finger bye for now.

Cody –  I wrote paragraphs about Garden warfare 2 And what it is if your wondering, I done fractions and measured  some stuff like a table and my hand which is 6 Centimetres! (No not the table) bye M8s.

Jayden – I have enjoyed our first week of swimming it was so fun I dived in the water but my chest got a bit soar but I like jumping into the water. I like doing drawing in the school. I have also made a self portrait drawing. Sometimes I play and draw my things I was learning from Cameron. I also like the new sensory tray which is jelly you can eat jelly but not the jelly in sensory tray.

Liam – I have had fun with the puppets. I enjoyed doing a summer word search and also like blanket fun with Mrs Wilson.






This was a super short week but we still managed lots!

In maths, we have been playing lots of different games to help us remember our times table facts. We have also been learning to tell the time. We went outside and had time telling races.

In literacy, we have been learning about persuasive writing. We wrote letters asking for an extra 5 minutes at playtime. We had to hook the reader and then give good reasons for asking for an extra 5 minutes.

In topic, we have been learning about the different types of farms and took notes on poultry and dairy farms. This was quite hard because we were not writing in sentences.

We also learned about planting seeds and how plants grow. On Tuesday we then planted our own seeds. We got the choice of planting two different types of radish or lettuce. Some of them had already germinated by Friday! We have to look after them, making sure they get enough light, heat and water just like a real farmer would.

It’s been a funny in and out week this week.
We enjoyed a bank holiday Monday and a surprise election Thursday.

In Maths we started looking at how to find the area of regular and irregular shaped by counting squares and working out how many rows and columns. With Mrs Mackenzie we are learning about fractions.

In our learning across the curriculum we made rain gauges. We are going to collect data about the rainfall across the gardens of Bathgate as part of our topic on weather.
We learnt how to hold a cricket bat and hit the ball, whilst still protecting our stumps. It’s harder than it looks!

Lots of people had really fun days out on Thursday and enjoyed the lovely weather.

In STEM at Golden Time we investigated what happens when we pick up jelly with chopsticks. It became much trickier when olive oil was poured onto the jelly because the friction was decreased between the chopsticks and the jelly cubes!

We are enjoying practicing our song for celebrating success on the 16th May – we hope you will be able to join us!
Table of the week – with 360 points

Article 28 – the right to an education

Numeracy Strategy Booklet

Following on from our first PATPAL session, the children have created a numeracy strategy booklet. This contains different strategies which can be used when adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing. We have uploaded the document to the blog so that you can use the strategy booklet at home when you are supporting your children.

numeracy booklet

We hope you find this booklet useful. There will be a second PATPAL session for P5-7 on Friday 2nd June. A letter and questionnaire will be sent out shortly and we would welcome your feedback.

Thanks for all your support,

P5-7 Team


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