This week has been Maths week. We have worked on lots of different things including counting in 1000s, doubling single digit and double digit numbers, telling the time on an analogue clock and we even did a maths trail around the school. We had to count windows, trees and even work out how many wheels there were in the car park (there were 112 by the way!)
As you visit our playground can you answer some of our maths trail questions?
How many benches are there in the front and side playgrounds?
If 5 people can sit on each bench, how many people can sit down?
How many spots are there on ground near the P5-7 entrance?
Multiply the number of trees in our playground by 5.
What shapes can you see on our buildings?
How many single doors lead out of the building?
How many benches are in the garden?
We can find maths in everything we do and everywhere we go.
Table of the week – orange with 410 points!
Inspirational Maths Week in P5b
Inspirational Maths week in P5B
We’ve thoroughly enjoyed taking part in Inspirational Maths Week. We started the week off by reinforcing the key message – everyone can do well in Maths. This message builds on our growth mind set about Maths.
We revised rounding numbers to the nearest 10, 100 or 1000. There were ‘mild’, ‘spicy’, ‘hot’ and ‘extra hot’ activities. Mrs Laidlaw was impressed by the number of children willing to challenge themselves. They were all successful learners so should feel proud of their achievements.
We know that when children think about Maths visually as well as with numbers and symbols they are crossing the brain, using different pathways. That has been found to increase the power of Maths learning. We enjoyed investigating a really interesting representation of numbers; to think visually about them and to explore patterns in numbers.
We watched a short video about how maths is not about speed. This was a good message to the class…it is not about who gets their work done fastest, but about understanding it!
We then did a paper folding activity. Children were given a square of paper and fold it into different shapes. They then had to convince a sceptic that their new shape was what the said it was. Eg they were asked to make a square ¼ the size of the original square and then convince a friend that it was in fact a square that was a ¼ of the original square. Some of the arguments were:
It has four equal sides.
It has four corners.
It has 4 right angles.
The ¼ square fits into the original square exactly 4 times.
We finished with a dot activity which demonstrated that we all work things out in different ways!
The next Inspirational maths activity was about finding patterns in maths! We watched a clip about Fibonacci’s sequence which creates a spiral and spirals can be found in nature.
We then explored Pascal’s triangle by finding the different numbers, adding the rows and colouring the odd numbers to see patterns. This was challenging but very interesting.
It has been great to look in maths in a different and interesting way. It has challenged the class and the children have learned a lot.
Here we are hard at work figuring out Pascal’s triangle!
This week at Balbardie has been inspirational maths week! We have done lots of challenges and learned how to have a growth mindset in maths! As well as that we have been working very hard.
Nina: I enjoyed outdoor maths. We counted wooden thing with a roof and gave them the value of a thousand and then we counted bins for ten, benches for 100 and plant pots for units. It was hard to start with but then I found out the answer eventually
Jess: I liked the three block challenge this week. We could make lots of different shapes and I managed to make 14!
Isla: when we went outside when we were counting the answer was 5044 and Mr. C never said not even a word.
Sophie S: I enjoyed the three block challenge and team with other people
Grace: I liked the doing my rotten to the core restaurant menu
Luis: I liked when I was writing Mrs. Twits disgusting restaurant
Harris: I liked planning my menu for the restaurant
Isla: I enjoyed doing Mrs. Twit’s Bubblepop restaurant
Emily: I liked doing Mrs. Twits Restaurant
Archie: I liked finishing off the first play in my reading book
Sophie M: I liked doing Mrs Twits Restaurant
Keegan: I liked writing my rotten restaurant
Liam: I liked doing the restaurant
Lily: I liked doing the restaurant too
Emily: I liked PE this week
Nina: I liked PE this week
Lily: I liked doing the line drawing of Bathgate academy
Grace: I loved doing my review jotter this morning
Marley: I liked outdoor PE games
Sophie M: I liked creating my line art of the academy
Isla: I liked doing my line drawing of the Academy
Keegan: I liked the line drawing too
Thank you for such a great effort this week!
Mr C
Star Writer – Nina
Marbles – The intelligent table
Pupil of the week – Eden
We have had a busy couple of weeks in Primary 5a!
Last week we had the best time at Low Port and we have some things we want to share with you!
Alex I really enjoyed canoeing!
Liam I loved getting muddy at Beecraigs!
Euan I enjoyed having my birthday at Lowport
Suvi My favourite parts were the rain and canoeing.
Ranna When I had to put mud on my face I was absolutely devastated!!
Lucas My favourite part was going to Beecraigs and building the little houses
Kiara I enjoyed going to the Loch because we got to jump in puddles and get soaking!
Lauren I had fun canoeing
Campbell I loved the canoeing because we got to have a water fight
Catriona I liked jumping in the water
Murray I liked playing hide and seek when we did the Loch Walk
Miles I liked going to the chippy
Megan I liked getting Kelly’s ice cream when we went on the Loch walk
Joshua I liked going swimming
Amy I fell into the canal but it was fun!
Connor I had lots of fun soaking Teighan and Hannah on the canoes
Mia I really enjoyed sleeping after a busy, fun day
Here are some pictures!
Thank you to Mrs Aitkin and all other staff who made our time at Low Port “legendary” (Murray)
This week we really enjoyed continuing a story called The Tunnel using drama and instruments. Ranna I liked having the star role of Captain Hook!
Jess and Alfie made an excellent spelling game called Spelling Snakes for the class to play.
We really liked Art with Mrs Thomson when we got to draw lots of different shapes and use paint.
We played a game in maths called Splat which was really fun and exciting.
Lastly we got to tell spooky stories before writing our own stories called the Haunted House. We are really looking forward to Halloween now! Robert I really Kiara’s spooky story.
Have a lovely weekend!
Great fun with numbers!
This week we have been having great fun during maths. We have been learning all about using our fingers to count and playing games that involves our fingers such as Peg game and Loop Cards. We have also been outside on a number trail. We had to count all the windows, doors, trees and other things that are in our playground. We also were learning about ordinal numbers and we had great fun using the cars and ICT activities for this. Here is what Class Moon likes about all our counting activities:
Elliot – I made a pixel art Tardis. I had to count and colour blocks.
Logan – We used cards in maths. I had to say what place they were in.
Gabriel – I liked doing outside maths. I had to count and add all the windows.
P1B’s week
Please note you will find P1B posts under WHOLE SCHOOL NEWS as we do not have a P1 category at the moment, thanks.
This week in P1B we have been very busy with our learning. We have been inspired with our Inspirational maths week this week to make emoji pictures and sort them into their various characteristics. We had fun making patterns and sorting our pictures 🙂
In phonics this week we have made ‘t’ turtles and ‘a’ astronauts to add to our phonics wall. We have been very busy learning our tricky words, I, the, he, she, me and we. We had fun learning our words and playing our games.
The first Home learning for P1 will be sent home on the 27th of September and should be returned the following Monday. Bookbags, weekly reading book, tricky words, maths and phonics mat will be included.
Have a lovely September holiday from P1B 🙂
Another busy week in Class Star
We have had another busy week in Class Star. We were focusing on Inspirational Maths and working outdoors to find shapes and look for maths in our environment. We had a lovely trip to Cafe Yum Yum for our Out and About.
Cody – The cafe was good and I tried tea for the first time (I thought it would be nicer). We measured out how big rainforest trees are and I was really surprised.
David – I got water and a crispy cake at the cafe, I really liked it. I liked the whole school sing-a-long.
Cameron – so I went to the cafe. Oh I just forgot true or false did I GO to the cafe …………. I did but only for 20 mins but guess what did you know there is white hot chocolate. So that is all folks see you next week so bbbbbbbbbyyyyyyyyeeeeeee 😀
Yolie – I liked the Sing-a long this week. I ordered a bacon roll at Cafe Yum Yum (I put tomato ketchup on it ) it tasted nice.
Jayden – I loved making our rain gauge to measure the rain fall. I enjoyed outside maths this week. My favourite thing this week was going to Cafe Yum Yum I ordered a white hot chocolate it was really good. Have a nice holiday weekend everyone.
Primary 2/1 Blog
What a fantastic week in P2/1. We all took part in lots of busy learning and had fun with Mrs Murdoch and Miss Holwill while Mrs Mansfield was out of school. Here are the bits we enjoyed the most:
Ellie – “I liked going outside to create shape pictures”
Rio – “I enjoyed the singalong because we got to do games and songs with Mrs Mansfield”
Griffin – “I really liked outdoor PE, my favourite game was dragon tig”
Teigan – “I liked playing with the tricky word ducks”
Daniel – “I liked indoor PE with Me Jeffries, we got to play the bubble game”
Cameron – “I liked learning about magic e – I was really good at changing the sounds in magic e words”
Rory – “I liked playing our new maths game, bang bang!”
Poppy F – “I liked playing with the puppets at role play station”
Millie – “I liked outdoor PE, we got to play ‘The floor is lava'”
Leila – “I liked working in a team for the paper chain challenge”
Poppy D – “I liked milk and story time the best because I get to hear new stories”
Jayden – “I liked outdoor PE, the dragon game was the best”
Aiden – “I liked that I earned all of my golden time this week”
Sarah – “I liked messy area the best”
Aaron – “My favourite was when I got to go outside for PE, I liked the Hokey Cokey man game”
Brooke – “I liked outdoor PE the best because we got to play disco tig”
Lucy – “I liked making the turkey for phonics”
Leah – “I liked using the shape fish to practise my shapes”
Emily – “The space man at imagination station was the best bit because I enjoyed creating my own story”
We are really excited about the holiday weekend and have lots of fun plans for our time off.
Primary 2/1
(A note from Mrs Mansfield – Please note that homework will be issued the week after next (27th of September). Outdoor PE day is a Friday and indoor PE day is a Monday. Can all forms please be returned to school ASAP. Thank you!)
What a fantastic week of learning in P2b!
In maths we have learned how to count in 10’s and how to work out if a number is larger or smaller. We have learned how to add 10 more and 10 less to any number within 100.
For inspirational maths week we worked in pairs and sorted emoji’s into categories- this was really fun because we love emoji’s. Have a look at some of our pictures!
We have been working on using our recognition of sounds to help read words.
As part of our topic Castles we have learned about describing words and used this in our writing this week which was all about Jesters.
We learned about Jesters and what their role is in a castle. We found out that they entertain the King and all the castle guests. We imagined we were all Jesters by making our very own Jester hats.
Other news
Table of week- Clever Crocodiles
Star of the week- Kaiden
Dojo winner- Gracie
Secret walker- Taylor
Star writers- Hamish, Rose, Marcus, and Gracie.
We have been busy rehearsing our Assembly play this week, and are looking forward to sharing it with you all next Thursday. We have an important message to give about the Rainforest!
We also finished writing our descriptions on the layers of the rainforest this week and our teacher said they are amazing – lots of similes, alliteration and wow words! They are going on display so next time you are in class feel free to read them – we are sure you will be proud and inspired!
It was Scottish Maths Week this week and we took part in lots of activities to improve our mental maths skills and rounding and estimating numbers.
And finally we had a singalong with the whole school this week and we loved it – you can’t beat a good sing!
See you at our Assembly! 2.30pm on Thursday.
Class Sun
Well it’s been another busy week in Class Sun. Here’s a few things we have been focussing on….
We have been learning the language of before, after and in between. Some of us have been focussing on numbers to 10, others numbers to 20 and some of us numbers to 100.
We have been counting using a variety of materials and have enjoyed singing fun counting songs to support our learning. We are looking forward to going on a number hunt next week.
We have been learning more sounds and looking at where these sounds are found in words. We used paint, rainbow letters and messy play to practise our sounds. We have also read the Three Little Pigs and then used the story to extend our learning by making puppets, masks, looking at and making the different houses. During outdoor play we worked as a team to act out the story.
With Mrs Thomson we were making patterns with bubble wrap – these are very cool!
We explored bubbles and enjoyed talking about all the experiences we have had with bubbles. During Move-It time we have been learning to play in a group and how to play different wide games. ‘What’s the Time Mr Wolf?’ was our favourite.
We hope you all have a relaxing holiday weekend.
Annual Calendar 2017-2018
P1 & P7 Buddy Time
We had a great time in the playground with our P7 buddies this week. Our P7 buddies had prepared some Maths Trails for us and we had to count steps, measure objects or look for 2D shapes around our outdoor space. Some of it was quite challenging. We all enjoyed being outdoors together for our maths learning as part of Maths Week. A little rainy but jackets on and off we went to have fun!
Macmillan Coffee Morning
Friday 29th September tickets now on sale ~ children £1.00 and adults £2.00. A timetable will follow later this week to let you know when your child’s class will attend.
Another Busy Week!
It has been a busy week in Class Moon. This week we have been planning our stories using the dragon’s we created last week. Everyone’s plan is fantastic and Miss Garland cannot wait to read the finished stories. We have enjoyed reading our new reading books. We have 2 reading books we work on. One is chosen by the teacher to help us with our reading and one is chosen by us. We have made great choices including Captain Underpants, Doctor Who, Star Wars and Minecraft. We have really enjoyed reading these books. This week in Learning Across the Curriculum we have been focussing on the emotion sad and been doing lots of activities about being sad and what we can do when we are sad. In maths we have been learning about ordinal numbers. We have also been learning about the new bridge with Mrs McLean and we made our own Scottish Bridge. Here is what Class Moon have enjoyed this week:
Charlie: I enjoyed going into rainbow room with Elliot.
Elliot: I enjoyed play Doctor Who at choose.
Logan: I enjoyed planning my dragon story.
Gabriel: I liked playing buildy tig with my integration friends.
Jake: I enjoyed watching Alphablocks.
It’s been an interesting week
This week we have been learning about the rainforest and it was so much fun 🙂 We learned about animals, trees and plant life.
Adam – I liked learning about the trees and the plant life I also liked burying the time capsule :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
Cody – I have been learning about rainforest animals. My favorite was the spiders.
Yolie – I enjoyed going to assembly. I enjoyed measuring out trees using a trundle wheel in the drama hall.
David – I liked playing outside at break time. I enjoyed assembly yesterday. I also enjoyed painting my leaf for our display.
Jayden – We have buried a time capsule but we are not going to tell you where we put it because its a secret. We have been learning about the rainforest about the layers with Mrs McLean and I’m going to miss her 🙁 but at least she is gonna visit 🙂
Cameron – this week we buried a time capsule yey!!! but its time for a true or false – where did we put it no wait its a secret that I am not going to tell you.
In numeracy this week, we have been trying to improve our maths fact recall. We know the answers but doing it in a limited time is trickier! We are also enjoying learning about numbers and place value. In topic maths, we were matching 2D shapes to their properties and playing shape games.
In art, we learned about a Bird’s Eye View an d how it is like looking at 2D shapes from above.
In literacy, we have been learning about writing letters and have now written letters to raise awareness, so that all children around the world get an education.
In science, we were investigating the strength of different materials and know that strength is measured in Newtons.
Have a great weekend.
A busy week in P4b!
It’s been another busy week in P4b.
In writing we wrote letters from Mary Queen of Scots from the time when she was living in France to her Mum who was in Scotland. We had to think about making it formal, proper sentences and we also had to think about the layout of the letter, including where the address goes, how to start the letter and how to end it.
In Numeracy we have been working on ordering numbers and place value up to 1,000,000 with Mrs Mackenzie. It can be a bit challenging but some children find it easy!
In Maths with Mrs Collings, we looked at the calendar and worked out days and dates. There is a challenge in our classroom using our birthdays.
In Science we investigated how the amount of force applied to an object affects its movement. We found out that the more force we apply to an object, it moves further. We tested this with a car slingshot!
Our highlights of the week are;
Ruby-Anne – making the car slingshot.
Ellie-Rose – learning about the life of the young Mary Queen of Scots.
Max – maths. Working in our booklets on our mental maths test.
Jamie – PE with Mr Jeffries playing castles.
Lewis – Maths with Mrs Mackenzie.
Table of the week – green table with 460
Article 31 – the right to an education.
A quick week in P2b
We have been very busy in P2b this week. Here are some of the things we got up to…
We have been learning the language of before, after and between and have been working on this for numbers up to 100!
We have been counting up in tens and even sang and danced along to a fun song to help us learn.
We created a wanted poster for our dragons and used describing words to help us find them! We can’t wait to put these up on display for everyone to see.
With Mrs Thomson we made fire blowers for our dragons – these are very cool!
We also learned what jobs people used to have in castles and designed our very own character from castle times. Some of these included knights, soldiers, and servants.
We hope you all have a relaxing weekend.
This week in P3c.
This week in maths.
Sophie M: I liked using angry birds to help me with place value.
Grace: I loved making the poster for the What A Good One Looks Like book.
Eden, Jess, Marley, Nina and Isla: I liked the maths song.
Archie: I liked being nearly finished place value.
Lily: I liked playing the angry birds game.
Luis: I liked the angry birds game as well
Max: I liked working on my textbook this week
This week we have learned about script writing. We all wrote a new trick for the Twit’s to play on each other and then acted out our favourites by working in groups to turn a story board into a play. Check out our pictures!
Kayden: I liked doing the play about Mr and Mrs Twit
Grace: I liked falling from the chair in my play
Lily: I liked when Grace screamed because she had spiders in her shoes
Sophie M: I liked when Grace screamed too.
Keegan: I liked Mr Twit put spiders in Mrs Twits shoes in one group’s play
Emily: I liked when Isla ate the cardboard pizza as Mrs Twit.
Isla: I liked when I spat out the cardboard pizza in the bin
Liam: I liked putting Mrs Twit getting spiders in her shoes
Marley: I liked Mrs Twit stuck on the toilet
This week we have also continued our learning about our community focusing on Bathgate and its place in the world and investigating maps.
Grace: I liked doing the bird’s eye view drawing
Emily: I liked doing the bird’s eye view drawing as well
Kayden: I liked PE with Mr. Jefferies
Thank you for all your hard work P3. Have a great weekend!
Table Champions – The Rainbow Table