
Last week of the term/year is over!

We had lots of fun this week. We watched the panto – Cinderella and really loved it. We enjoyed singing along to the songs!
We learned how to make snowflakes and made them into Christmas cards for our family.
In maths, we played different games.

In topic, we learned how to keep safe in extreme weather. We learned about air pressure and we also learned about different climates around the world and why we have them.

In literacy, we learned how to use commas in lists – this will come in handy when asking for multiple presents and saying thank you for all the gifts we receive.

Now it’s time to relax!
Enjoy your holidays and have a Happy New Year!

Last Day!

Another term in P7 is complete!

Here are some of our highlights:

‘Team 5 winning the castles championship in P.E.’- Archie

‘I enjoyed moving up a stage on my saxophone.’ – Kamron

‘I enjoyed the Christmas panto!’- Casey

‘I enjoyed spending more time with my buddy.’- Steven

‘I enjoyed speaking at Church.’- Gary

‘Learning lots of multiplication strategies.’- Noah

‘I liked learning about USA.’- Emma

‘I liked doing my project.’- Kayie

‘Performing at Church.’- Lewis

‘Learning about co-ordinates.’- Harry

Enjoy the Christmas holidays everyone!





Merry Christmas from P5a

We have had a great last week of term and now we can’t wait till Christmas! On Monday we used shaving foam, scrabble letters, playdo and whiteboards to practice our spelling words. We also made Christmas cards and decorated Christmas baubles to hang on our trees at home. Here are some other  highlights from this week:

Campbell – I loved the Pantomine!

Teighan – I’m sad to go home but I have had a really fun week!

Hannah – I loved using the shaving foam to practice Christmas spelling words.

Lauren  – I liked watching Hook!

Amy – I enjoyed decorating the Christmas tree baubles

Miles – I liked making the Christmas cards with paint and cotton balls.

Suvi – I loved the Winter Craft Club!

Kiara – I liked giving everyone leaving hugs today 🙂

(Thank you for all of the lovely and thoughtful gifts. I hope you all have  a lovely Christmas and New Year! – Miss Carrera)

Merry Christmas from P2A

Jack: I enjoyed the church service.

Ellis: I enjoyed the pantomime.

Amber and Holly: I enjoyed the panto because it was funny.

Ethan: I liked reading.

Jude and Aaron: I enjoyed it when we were painting our hands green, putting them down on paper and cutting them out.

Shannon: I liked making Christmas cards.

Max: I liked making snowflakes and snowmen.

Alex: I enjoyed phonics because I like playing phonics games.

James and Aileigh: I enjoyed the pantomime.

Ada: I enjoyed painting lights on our Christmas cards.

Have a wonderful Christmas everyone!





Our highlights of Term 2:

Sophie A – I liked learning about Bonfire Night

Sophie M – I liked dressing up at Halloween

Grace – I enjoyed placing the weathers on the map of the United Kingdom

Brandon – I liked placing the weather on the map

Isla – I liked partitioning with numbers up to a thousand

Harris – I liked writing about how to capture a dragon

Lily – I liked doing counting back

Eden – I liked writing about Unicorns

Archie – I liked learning about Extreme Weather

Kayden – I liked watching the pantomime yesterday

Keegan – I liked learning about Extreme Weather

Sophie S – I liked writing about Unicorns

Luis – I liked making candles for the Christmas Fayre

Emily – I liked writing about Unicorns

Lacey – I liked the Christmas party

Max – I liked making candles for the Christmas fayre, especially the glitter!

Nina – I liked writing about our Magnificent Machines


Have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, see you all in 2018!


Mr C


Marbles Champions – Rainbow Table

Star Writer – Nina




P3a highlights of the term

Kyle – My favourite part of this term was the pantomime.
Maddison – My favourite part of the term was seeing “Rookie Rockstars”.
Emma – My best highlight was seeing the pantomime and also doing our elf mystery Maths.
Sam – I liked when we had our Christmas party.
Archie – I enjoyed the pantomime and I also liked the elf mystery Maths.
Sarah – I enjoyed watching the pantomime and also getting clues for the elf Maths.
Rheagan – I enjoyed the pantomime because it was funny.
Emily – I enjoyed the pantomime and learning the new dodgeball game in PE.
Luke – I really enjoyed PE this term because I won the new dodgeball game with a few people.
Charlotte – I liked seeing the pantomime and my favourite character was the mouse. I also am having fun doing the elf mystery Maths.
Elena – My favourite part of this term was everything.
Daniel – I really liked this term because I got into the Bronze Champion Club and also I really like this term.
Lexi – My favourite part of this term was PE.
Hollie – I really liked our pantomime and our “Rookie Rockstars”. I thought that was really fun and I liked our potions that we made in class. I also liked the elf mystery Maths.
Lois – I liked the pantomime.
Rosie – I enjoyed when we saw the pantomime because it was kind of strange when Cinderella’s stepmother looked the same as the other character.

Our term 2 highlights!

It has been a really busy term and we have learnt a lot of new things. Here are some of our highlights:
Jackie – I liked crossing the 100s barrier in maths
Rory – I enjoyed doing tiling with shapes.
Kyle – learning about fossils.
Alfie B – I enjoyed the panto.
Olivia – I enjoyed Rookie Rockstars and the panto
Ruby – I liked Rookie Rockstars
Bryce – I liked the panto.
Max – I enjoyed learning about different kinds of rocks.
Jamie – I liked the panto.
Ellie – I enjoyed the panto.
Charlotte – I enjoyed the panto and Rookie Rockstars and learning about fossils.
Annie – I enjoyed writing about our visitor, Blue.
Dylan – I liked the panto.
Alistair – I enjoyed Golden Time
Eva – I liked doing mild, spicy and hot maths challenges.
Holly – I liked the panto and Rookie Rockstars.
Brandon – I enjoyed the panto.
Owen – I liked doing tiling in maths.
Orla – I loved the panto.
Lewis – I liked doing the Christmas cards.
Liam – I liked the panto.
Shaun – I liked doing the 3d shapes.
Florence – I liked playing hockey in outdoor P.E.
Brooke – I enjoyed the panto.
Ellie-Rose – I loved the panto.
Aaron – I liked learning about soil.
Alfie L – I liked the panto because I got to go backstage and see all the characters.
We would like to wish you all a very merry Christmas and happy new year. We look forward to welcoming the children back to school on Tuesday January 9th.

Primary 2/1 Blog – Week Beginning 18.12.17

We’ve done it…all of our learning for term 2 is finished and it is time to relax and enjoy the Christmas holidays!!!

Here are our favourite things we have done to celebrate Christmas in school:

Rio – “I liked making the stockings because I will give it as a present”

Mason – “Santa Claus came to school and he gave me a teddy.  His name is Plushy”

Cameron – “I enjoyed making the Christmas crackers.  My mum will like it”

Teigan – “Helping to make the programmes for the P1 nativity”

Rory – “Making the stockings was fun, I liked writing my mum’s name on it”

Aiden – “The best bit was making the crackers, it will make other people smile”

Leah – “I got messy when I made the gingerbread man but it was good fun”

Aaron – “My favourite bit was making the stockings because I got very messy using the glue”

Emily – “I liked making the gingerbread man because I took care to make sure it was all painted.  My mummy put it up on our tree”

Poppy D – “My favourite bit was when we made the gingerbread man.  It took a while to paint them brown, black and red”

Lucy – “I liked making a Christmas cracker for my brother.  I wrote a letter inside mine”

Griffin – “My favourite part about celebrating Christmas was helping with the nativity and watching it.  I liked the story”

Ellie – “I enjoyed the Christmas party because it was lots of fun.  We got to play games”

Millie – “I liked making the Christmas crackers and putting in a joke.  My joke was very funny”

Brooke – “I liked making the Christmas crackers too because the paper was very shiny”



Primary 2/1

(A note from Mrs Mansfield – Thank you for all of your support this term.  I hope you all have an amazing Christmas and get a chance to relax and ‘recharge’)



Class Star in Balbardie to New York!

We learned loads of new facts about New York this week. We improved our map skills looking at New York on the map and learned about keys to symbolise land features for example mountains, rivers and capital cities. We also watched a fascinating video about an aeroplane landing into the Hudson River! True fact! Did you know that the population of New York is 8 537 673!!!!!!

Here are this week’s highlights:

Cody – I enjoyed learning division with higher numbers this week and learning that multiplication and division are related.

Jayden – I enjoyed doing BIG Maths this week and getting 17/17 in thirty seconds! Integration was fun too especially meeting my new teacher.

David – I like learning about New York and finishing my dream catcher.

Yolie – Golden Time with my integration class was fun!

Adam – I had fun multiplying with double digits. It was challenging but really good.

Cameron – Ok so here we go again, I loved learning about New York! Ok, truth or dare… are all New York taxis yellow? ………………. It’s true!

Joe –  Making my leaflet about New York was good fun, I liked researching using the ipad.

So see you next week 😀

Class Star


P2b have been working hard again this week, here are some of the things we enjoyed most…

Hamish- I enjoyed golden time.

Gracie- I enjoyed learning about fractions.

Taylor- I enjoyed everything!

Maksim- I enjoyed maths because I love maths!

Rose-I enjoyed writing a letter to the Gingerbread Man.

Ava- I enjoyed learning about Christmas in Mexico and making our flowers.

Zara- I enjoyed phonics!

Marcus- I enjoyed writing to the Gingerbread Man.

Josh- I enjoyed writing my Gingerbread Man letter.

Kyle- I enjoyed phonics, maths and golden time.

Caitlin- I enjoyed doing the advent calendar.

Emma- I enjoyed writing, golden time and maths.

Evie- I enjoyed maths and making my gingerbread house with Mrs Thompson.

Matthias- I enjoyed golden time.

Noah-I enjoyed making my gingerbread house with Mrs Thompson and maths.

Reiss- I enjoy doing the advent calendar and maths.


Dojo winner- Hamish

Table of the week- Monkeys.

A little reminder our P2 Christmas party is on Tuesday 19th 🙂

Have a great week!

Highlights of the week in P4b

This week’s highlights
Jamie – I liked doing the maths big start. We were learning to spell the names of shapes.
Ellie – I liked putting my partner in the recovery position in first aid with Mrs Mackenzie.
Ruby – I liked making 3d shapes.
Rory – I really enjoyed making my snowman 3d shape.
Kyle – I really enjoyed making my 4 3d snowmen!
Alfie B – I enjoyed spelling, doing my wordsearch.
Olivia – I really enjoyed making the 3d shapes.
Annie – I enjoyed the writing about us leaving planet x to go back to earth.
Alistair – I liked Maths this week, doing subtraction.
Charlotte – I enjoyed making the 3d snowmen.
Eva – I enjoyed doing my mild, spicy and hot for maths.
Dylan – I enjoyed subtraction work with Mrs Mackenzie.
Jay – I liked doing the singalong.
Orla – I enjoyed everything!
Owen – I enjoyed the 3d shape making
Liam – I enjoyed making my 3d shape.
Brandon – I enjoyed reading ‘Bug Battle’
Lewis – I enjoyed maths this week – all of it!
Holly – I enjoyed making the 3d shapes.
Aaron – I enjoyed the calendar this week.
Alfie L – I enjoyed the singalong.
Shaun – My favourite this week was making the 3d snowmen
Florence – I enjoyed writing the story about going back to planet earth.
Brooke – I enjoyed making the Christmas decorations.
Mrs Collings highlight of the week – discussing Christmas celebrations with P4b and us coming to a decision that the most important thing about Christmas was spending time with our families
‘The greatest gift at Christmas is your family’ – Florence (aged 8)

Bronze Champions
These children were awarded their bronze champion certificates and enjoyed their bronze treat in November.

These children have achieved their bronze champion award since the 17th November. They will enjoy their bronze treat in the new term.
Charlotte, Olivia, Liam, Noami, Max, Alfie B, Aaron, Brandon, Alistair, Jamie, Ellie-Rose, Annie, Orla and Eva.

Table of the week – red with 500 points


This week has flown by – and not long till the holidays either!

This week we learned about Global Warming, it’s effects and also what we can do to prevent further Global Warming. We learned that we can recycle, reuse and reduce our waste. We made posters for different types of recycling.

In literacy, we learned how to identify an adverb in a sentence – this is tricky and we got really good at finding adjectives instead!

In maths, we have been learning about 3D shapes and how to build them. We also learned about their properties.

We had our Christmas party this week as well and it was great fun. We played different games and got a visit from Santa. We got a little reindeer each as a present!

Today was also the last session from the Bathgate Xcite team. We have learned lots about how to eat healthily and keep healthy. We got a certificate and a water bottle.

Have a great weekend.

Class Sun Photos

This week Class Sun have enjoyed being able to use the cold, snowy and icey weather as a context for our winter topic.
Hamish was a fablous Shephard in the Nativity and we all enjoyed lerning about the Christmas Story. We were talking about ‘who’ was in the story – the angel, the baby Jesus, the Three Kings, the Three Wise Men, Mary, Joseph and the donkey.

We have been learning some Christmas songs and have really enjoyed singing them. We would love to sing with you at home.
We have been learning Jingle Bells, Rudolph, Frosty the Snowman, We Wish you a Merry Christmas and When Santa got Stuck up the Chimney.

We all thoroughly enjoyed the Christmas lunch experience this week. We loved wearing our Christmas jumpers too!

We are looking forward to our Christmas Party and the Panto next week.


We have been learning about Fairtrade in our Caribbean topic and have enjoyed reading about how Fairtrade helps farmers. We have been continuing to learn about adding and subtracting decimals in numeracy. Here are some other highlights from this week:

Connor – I enjoyed practicing addition with the Christmas mosaic worksheet.

Euan – I liked playing musical bumps at our Christmas Party.

Catriona – I loved having breakfast with Santa!

Teighan – I thought the Christmas Lunch was delicious.

Ranna – I was so happy to win Christmas socks for being the best dancer at the Christmas party.

Mia – I liked helping at breakfast with Santa and I also really enjoyed P.E. this week.

Suvi – I liked making up a dance with Kiara at the Christmas Party.

Amy – I have enjoyed practicing carol singing for carolling at Morrisons on Monday.

Miles – I really liked playing team games at P.E. this week.

Enjoy your weekend everyone!


Hollie – I loved everything! Especially when I wore my Rudolf jumper, making my Christmas dinner mat, the Christmas party and Christmas dinner!
Sarah – I enjoyed the Christmas party and I am close to being a Bronze Champion and I am very excited.
Lois – I liked making the Christmas lunch mats.
Akasha – I liked when Santa came to our Christmas party because every class got a “Chilly Chums” reindeer teddy.
Elena – My favourite part was everything this week.
Emily – I enjoyed our Christmas party and I also liked I got in the Bronze Champion yesterday.
Charlotte – I really liked the Christmas party and it was very hot afterwards and I was very thirsty! I also liked playing musical statues.
Teigan – I enjoyed the Christmas party.
Daniel – I enjoyed seeing Santa at the Christmas party and I also liked when we made our Christmas mat for our lunch. I also liked when we did Golden Time today.
Sam – I liked when we had our Christmas lunch.
Lexi – I enjoyed the Christmas party because I almost won at musical bumps.
Lucas – I liked when Santa gave us presents at the party.
Emma – My favourite thing was going to the Christmas party and also making the Christmas mats for our Christmas dinner.
Luke – I enjoyed our Christmas party and I liked winning. I won musical statues!
Rosie – I liked when we came back down from the party with our little reindeers and when we were shocked when we saw the party bags.
Eva – I liked when we got the party bags and we got the reindeers from Santa.
Rheagan – I liked when we sang “Santa got stuck up the chimney”!

2A Highlights

Jack: I enjoyed learning about Christmas around the world.

Jude: I enjoyed colouring the flag of Germany.

Amber: I enjoyed learning things about the Netherlands and writing it down with Alex.

Megan: I enjoyed reading.

Holly: I enjoyed colouring my flag with Jack.

Mia: I enjoyed it when we went to the gym hall for P.E.

Max: I enjoyed the Christmas lunch and I enjoyed learning about fractions.

Aaron: I enjoyed it when we were colouring the flags.

Shannon: I enjoyed snack time.

Alex: I enjoyed learning about how people celebrate Christmas in different countries.

Carley: I enjoyed it when James and I were partners and we were working on the flag.

James and Aileigh: I enjoyed the singing assembly.

Ada: I enjoyed learning how to say merry Christmas in different countries.

Have a lovely weekend everyone.



Image result for ice and snowThe winter weather is here and with it come additional pressure on our FMA staff (janitors) to ensure footpaths are cleared and salted prior to the arrival of teaching staff and children.

The FM staff member on the early shift at Balbardie will clear one initial footpath to back and front playgrounds to allow staff and pupils access to the school safely.  The other footpaths will be worked on by the FM staff member as soon as possible during the daylight hours.

FM staff are not equipped to clear playgrounds, staff car parks or access roads, the responsibility for clearing these areas lies with the Roads Department.



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