It has been a very busy week of learning in P6a.


Here are some highlights:

Euan- I liked the races in outdoor P.E.

Miles- I enjoyed the maths assessment because it was challenging.

Mia- I loved maths this week because we were learning about BOMDAS.

Hannah- I liked rounding in maths because it was fun.

Teighan- I liked writing our newspaper report about deforestation because I enjoy learning about factual information.

Connor- I liked doing outdoor P.E. because everyone was cheering each other on.

Lucas- I liked doing our newspaper report.

Denholm- I enjoyed P.E. with Mr Jeffries.

Joshua- I liked writing the newspaper report about deforestation.

Islay- I liked enjoyed writing about deforestation.

William- I enjoyed the maths task cards because they were quite challenging.

Lauren- I liked playing ‘Shipwrecked’ with Mr Jeffries in P.E.

Ranna- I enjoyed the Mild, Spicy and Hot worksheets in maths.


We also held elections for our Pupil Council member.  Everyone who took part was great and they all did themselves proud.

We all made a vote and our elected Pupil Council member was Sophia- Well Done!


We have been learning about STEM subjects – Science, Technology Engineering and Maths – and designing and building various things like spaghetti bridges and aerodynamic objects.

Lewis W – its good because it will help if you want to become an engineer

Annabelle – its good because you also learn from your mistakes.

Ben W – I like it because it grows your mind bigger and helps you when you run into situations like it.

We continued with our People Who Changed the World learning, and found out about Nelson Mandela, we even got to read the book his great grandchildren have written and it was a signed copy.  Mrs Wood interviewed the Mandela Family at the Book Festival and she talked to us about them.  We also learned about Malala Yousafzai who was shot by the Taliban for wanting an education.  She is now a Nobel Peace Prize Winner and someone who we all respect.

Best learning this week:

Sophie – I liked doing the s1 maths work as it was challenging.

James – I liked STEM because I like experimenting.

Olivia – I liked reading the Malala story because it is interesting.

Emma & Evan – We liked learning about the Mardi Gras as part of our RME.

Ben W – I liked drawing our Nelson Mandela portraits, it was really fun.

Primary 1b Blog – Week Beginning 3.9.18

Learning is fun!!

Primary 1b are really enjoying learning through play and are exploring all the different areas in our classroom to enhance their learning. We spoke about how learning is fun and we even had a session of messy maths this week – mess is okay, as long as we’re learning!

Here are our highlights:

Ivy – “I had the most fun making the dough to learn about our sense of smell”

Ellie – “I liked making the dough too.  Mine was a vanilla smell”

Kyle – “Going on the ipads for phonics was fun”

Jacob – “Making dough was great”

Finlay – “I liked imagination station area is the most fun because I use my brain to make things”

Emily – “Cosy corner is great fun and it helps me learn to read”

Niamh – “The cosy corner is fun”

Cody – “I liked the dough because I got to smell different smells”

Isaac – “I think I like to play in the technology area”

Poppy – “Dancing and singing the number song is great”

Rebecca – “I liked messy maths because it is fun.  I wrote some numbers”

Abbie – “I liked the number ping pong ball game”

Sarah – “I really liked the buddies reading us their favourite book today.  It helped my learning because my buddy was teaching me how to read”

Lylah – “The celebration dance we did because all of our names went up on the superstar board”

Kashem – “I like playing because it helps me learn”

Reese – “I favourite learning game was the shaving foam maths day.  I practised my numbers”

Rosie – “Doing the number game in maths was fun.  I can give clues to other people”

Mason – “I like imagination station building”

Liam – “Playing and counting the magic beans is good fun”

Danniella – “I liked writing my m sounds because it made my brain stronger”

Freyja – “Colouring in the number boards is fun and helped me”

Damon – “I liked imagination station because I like making new things”


A huge well done to Reese who received our DHT award this week for adding super detail to her writing.


Primary 1b

(A note from Mrs Mansfield – just a reminder that Meet the Teacher takes place next Thursday evening (6.30).  It would be lovely to see as many parents there as possible)


This week we have further explored our rights and the rights of the children around the world. We tried to see how it would feel if we had to carry water from the tap to just across the classroom. Most of us found it tricky and some of us found it easy. It was tricky because the water weighed a lot. A lot of children have this responsibility every day – sometimes before school or even not being able to go to school as it takes so long. We also looked at what makes a safe school and we could identify lots of ways that Balbardie is safe. We made posters to send to the prime minister to make sure they keep their promise of having safe schools for all children all around the world.

In maths, we have started to look at recognising numbers and how they form a sequence. We have been practicing the number song and looking at numbers before and after a given number. In topic maths, we have started to look at the properties of 2D shapes and their properties.

In science, we were learning about the different properties material have and compared how they felt, looked and moved in comparison to each other. We recorded our results and were able to talk about the different materials.

In literacy, we looked at how to use The Comprehension Box. The cards were interesting and we could choose which one to do first. We also discussed the messages we could write on our Safe Schools poster and chose the one we liked best, to write.

Enjoy your weekend!


P6b have been absolutely immersed in the rainforest this week!

We began by researching and investigating key facts about specific areas of the many rainforests around the world. From the monkeys on the tree tops to the tigers on the forest floor, we thoroughly investigated the forest with a fine tooth comb!

Once we investigated we were then able to begin planning to write an information text. We were careful to ensure that we considered whether our notes were thorough or concise and precise, making sure that each specific subject was headed by a punchy sub-heading whilst using a ruler to make it legible and neat.

Presently, most of us are in the process of responding to marking so as our work is presented to the best possible standard.

In maths, this week, we have been looking at the importance of place value and using this knowledge to help us with essential arithmetic operations. We have also been looking at 2-digit by 2-digit multiplication and the many strategies which can help us with this.

We were all very excited to be given our first reading books of the new academic year; these will continue to be given as part of our home learning this coming Wednesday.

As part of our home learning, the children have been tasked with exploring why they think they’d be suited to representing their class on student council. Canvassing will begin next week as will the election.

Key information:

  1. Monday and Tuesday are PE days; please bring a relevant kit and shoes.
  2. Home learning will be handed out on Wednesdays to be returned the following Monday

It’s been a lovely start to the year with P6b and the children are really enjoying their learning, well done on another super week!


We have had another busy week in P3A. Here are some of our highlights:

Jack: I enjoyed Big Writing because we are writing about Willy Wonka’s chocolate factory.

Emily: I enjoyed getting the head teachers award.

Jude: I enjoyed reading because we did a new thing called reading comprehension.

Ellis: I enjoyed P.E. because I got to play fun games with my friends.

Alex: I enjoyed our reading comprehension because I finished it and I moved up to outstanding.

Aaron: I enjoyed maths because we were learning about properties of 3D shapes.

Ada: I enjoyed doing reading comprehension because it was a challenge for me.

Holly: I enjoyed P.E. because we played

a hula hoop game.

James: I enjoyed learning about growth mindset.

Aileigh: I enjoyed Big Writing because we pretended we were Charlie going into the chocolate factory.

Ellie: I enjoyed P.E. because we got to do it outside and we got some fresh air.

Scott: I enjoyed reading Charlie and the chocolate factory.

Carley: I enjoyed Big Writing because we were writing about Charlie and the chocolate factory and it’s my favourite film.

Max: I enjoyed having new people in our class so I can play with them.

Amber: I enjoyed Big Writing because we got to write about Charlie entering our own made up chocolate factory.

Teigan: I enjoyed doing P.E. outside.

Millie: I enjoyed having outdoor P.E.

*Note to parents: Outdoor P.E. lessons will take place on a Thursday, please ensure all children have an outdoor P.E. kit in school as soon as possible if you haven’t already provided one, thank you. Library sessions will take place on a Monday. *

Have a great weekend everyone.


A busy week in P4a!

This week we’ve started learning about Mary, Queen of Scots. We found out that she was born in 1542 at Linlithgow Palace, very close to our school! After she was born, her father died but King Henry tried to take the throne by marrying his son to her. We made invitations to the coronation or birth announcements to show what we had learnt.
In numeracy, we were learning to add onto the tens and hundreds. It was a little bit challenging when we did the hundreds.
In PE we were playing heads, shoulders, knees and cones. When Mr Jeffries said cones we had to grab a cone. We started playing hockey with Mrs Collings, learning to hold the stick and dribble a ball.
We investigated some toys to find out if they moved using a push or a pull. We found out that some toys are push and pull!

Mrs Johns is setting up a pupil council to gather the views of the children from across the school, telling her about any problems in the school or suggestions about how to improve things for everyone. We will be choosing our pupil council rep next Friday when the children can explain to the class why they would be a good rep for P4a.
Elena and Grace visited Mr McCabe as 2 class representatives who had demonstrated excellent school values, settling into their new class and working hard at all times.
Sam won a Sunflower competition because hers was the tallest. She started growing it back in the spring. She won a very posh box of chocolates.
At his taekwondo competition, Alfie won a gold medal.
Maddison won an art competition.
Yesterday Sara won a medal in a fishing competition.
Luke and Hollie swam over 20 lengths at swimming!
Luke created his first game on Tinker which is an app for children to developing gaming.
Orlaith moved up to Grade 1 in dancing.
Charlotte is learning to ride her bike without stabilisers.
Eva moved up a level in cheerleading.
Teigan moved up a level in performance academy.


This week P2B have been learning adding in numeracy, the sound ‘igh’ in spelling and have discovered lots about under the sea. Our Big Star this week was Mikolaj!

Here are everyone’s favourite parts from throughout the week.


Hannah – my favourite thing has been painting the animals in the different zones of under the sea. My favourite one is a whale shark.

Hollie – my favourite thing has been reading Monty and the Ghost train. I like that book; I like the end bit when Titch sees a monster.

Kai – My favourite thing has been doing maths. We have been learning adding numbers.

Oliver – I’ve liked learning about not throwing rubbish into the sea because it can hurt the animals. The turtles and the whales and the seahorses can get hurt.

Daisy – Learning about all the different ocean zones; the sunlight zone, the twilight zone and the midnight zone.

Hope – I’ve liked learning the under the sea zones.

Sophie – I’ve liked learning about sea animals. We were learning about not putting rubbish in the sea or the sea animals will get hurt.

Anna – My favourite thing was when we learned about where the sea animals live. The turtle lives in the sunlight zone. The angler fish and the blob fish live in the midnight zone.

Lois – I’ve liked learning this week and doing maths.

Sofia – My favourite thing was painting. We learned about and painted the different zones of the ocean. My picture had a starfish on it.

Isla – My favourite thing this week has been learning to not drop rubbish in the sea so that the animals don’t get hurt and the turtles don’t eat the rubbish.

Ethan – my favourite thing was the teacher picking out names in the jar for the talking partners and being the little star with Mikolaj.

Mikolaj –My  favourite thing this week has been maths.

Murray – My favourite thing has been maths and learning adding the numbers.

Jack – I liked maths when we were using the whiteboards to do our sums.

Thomas – My favourite thing was painting the different parts of the sea and the animals.

Ben – I’ve liked drawing the midnight zone and sticking animals on.


Shaun – My highlight was French because I like to learn new French words.
Kyle – I enjoyed getting my sticker for sitting nicely at assembly.
Alistair – I liked writing my story about the dragon.
Rory – I enjoyed showing my work to Mr McCabe.
Leah – I enjoyed doing Art.
Ruby – I enjoyed Art.
Charlotte – I enjoyed PE because I got to run around.
Olivia – I enjoyed Art because we got to make front covers for our folders.
Florence – I enjoyed learning about our new topic.
Noami – I enjoyed reading.
Ellie-Rose – I enjoyed doing the dragon writing.
Liam – I enjoyed the story about the dragon.
Dylan – I liked doing the dragon writing.
Owen – I enjoyed Art with Mr Bennett.
Holly – I enjoyed doing the timeline of wars of independence.
Lewis – I liked making the timeline.
Ellie – I enjoyed Maths.
Orla – I enjoyed everything. I really liked writing about the dragon.
Kaycee – I enjoyed learning about the wars of independence.
Jamie – I liked doing the dragon writing.
Jackie – I enjoyed Art with Mr Bennett.
Brooke – I enjoyed doing PE.
Eva – I enjoyed learning things with my new teacher this week.
Aaron – I enjoyed going down to the library this week.
Alfie B – I liked playing rock, paper, scissors in a PE game.
Max – I enjoyed Art.
Brandon – I enjoyed writing about the dragon.
Bryce – I enjoyed PE games.
Aaran M – I enjoyed doing the dragon story.
Alfie L – I enjoyed when Mrs Spence came to our class.


In literacy this week we have been writing imaginative stories. We created stories with a beginning, middle and end about a princess and a dragon. First we drew pictures of each part of the story and used these to help describe our stories. We have also been continuing to learn about place value and have been working through our booklets and doing mental maths. We also played another game of Splat – this time the boys won! We went outdoors to play rounders and we loved it! We also got to have our first lesson with our new art teacher, Mr Bennett and are looking forward to more. Here are some of our highlights.

Blaire – I enjoyed playing rounders outside.

Jodie – I liked learning about King Alexander and the place value work.

Lily – I liked writing the story about princess and the dragon.

Donna – My favourite thing was writing the imaginative story.

Katie – I enjoyed rounders – I want more practice!

Ellis – I enjoyed P.E. with Mr Jeffries when we got to play Head Shoulder Knees and Cones.

Erin – My favourite game was Splat!

Ross – I enjoyed rounders.

Ammie-Leigh – I enjoyed our art lesson with Mr Bennett.

Have a lovely weekend 🙂


P2A’s week

We have had a very busy week learning in P2A.  Here are some of our highlights…

Kieran- I liked playing the games outside for Outdoor PE

Grace- I had fun playing head, shoulders, knees and cones with Mr Jeffries in PE

Daniel-The Bubble game was awesome!

Tommy-I liked playing with Aidan at Golden Time

William-Tunnel Tig was my favourite this week

Willow-In writing we wrote about what we are looking forward to in P2, I am looking forward to doing exciting PE

Devyn-I liked writing in my review jotter

Georgia-Mental maths was fun this week

Robyn-Writing this week was fun

Lucy-I am pleased I am now on stage 5 books

Brooke-I loved mental maths games

Michaela-I had a fantastic lunch this week 🙂

Aidan-Playing with Toomy at Lego was great fun

Amelia-I had great playtimes this week

Ethan-Playing with my friends was good fun!

Mason-I liked showing Mr McCabe my good work

Logan-I liked playing on the tablet in class, practising my maths

Bailey-I loved playing with my friends



This week has been a busy week in 7a. We have written biographies of Mr. Cunningham, learned about place value and rounding and studied the life of our first inspirational person, Nelson Mandela. We also enjoyed the sunshine on Thursday during outdoor PE when we played rugby.

Here are our highlights:

Lucy M: I enjoyed creating our Nelson Mandela posters

Olivia: I liked playing Giants, Wizards and Warlocks

Millie: I enjoyed writing about Nelson Mandela

Breanna: I enjoyed doing a biography about you (Mr C)

Oliver: I liked maths this week

Robbie: I enjoyed playing rugby

Aaron: I liked playing dodge ball

Primary 1b Blog – Week Beginning 27.8.18

What a busy learning week we have had with Mrs Mansfield.  We are definitely getting into the swing of P1 and are enjoying all of our new learning challenges.

In our Circle Time this week we had a look at ‘Thinking like the Ladybird’ to introduce Growth Mindset.  We know that the ladybird never gave up even though she was so small…and she managed to save the day by believing in herself!  We said some horrible things to one apple (fixed mindset) and nice things to the other and then when we cut them open we saw what happened inside.  We have learned to always have a growth mindset.  Here are some of the things we are going to say when we have a challenge:

“Never give up” (Jack)

“I can always ask a friend for help” (Sarah)

“I can’t do this yet” (Emily)

“Mistakes are how we learn” (Reese)

“It’s okay to make mistakes” (Abbie)

“I will learn if I keep trying” (Kyle)


Some of our best learning moments this week have been:


  • All the games to explore our sounds (Lylah)
  • Starting to draw detailed pictures to help our writing (Ivy)
  • Practising our sounds and starting to read (Danniella)



  • Counting with our friends number song (Rebecca)
  • Putting our numbers onto the number bus (Niamh)
  • Playing Bears in the Cave to help us count on (Finlay)


  • Making shakers to use our sense of hearing (Damon)
  • Listening for the words in our shaker story (Cody)


A huge well done to Isaac and Rosie who received our DHT awards this week for excellent behaviour and trying their best.

From Primary 2/1

(Key information from Mrs Mansfield

  • PE days are on a Tuesday/Wednesday (both indoor)
  • Golden time continues to be on a Friday
  • Homework will start after our Meet the Teacher event (September, date tbc)


This week in P6A we did lots and lots of fabulous things.  Here are some of our favourites…

Megan- I enjoyed researching and creating a poster on Rainforest Animals.

Connor- I enjoyed playing the bubble game in P.E.

Catriona- I enjoyed art.

Euan- I liked trying to round to 1000’s in maths.

Mia- I enjoyed working on place value this week.

Kiara- I enjoyed writing about the Rainforest.

James- I enjoyed the assembly.

Ranna- I really enjoyed art this week.

Alfie- I enjoyed writing.

Teighan- I have enjoyed our two weeks with our new teacher.

Hannah- I enjoyed revising colours in French.

Joshua- I enjoyed maths.

Alex- I enjoyed note taking for Rainforest animals.

Lauren- I enjoyed everything!


Please note indoor P.E. will take place every Monday and outdoor P.E. every Tuesday.  Please ensure P.E. kits are in school for these times.

Have a great weekend everyone!

School is Cool in P1a

This week we have been thinking about our Class Charter.  In school we want to be happy, safe and learn lots.  We are all going to try our best to be:


friends with everyone, we are very friendly

try our best at our jobs


happy, be polite and smile at people

listen to everyone

celebrate our successes

to keep people safe we are going to help each other and tidy up

You can see our Class Charter beside our board

We have really enjoyed making our new friends.

This weeks extra special stars for following the Charter are Poppy and Oliwier!




What a busy week in P2/1 with Mr Blair and Mrs Laidlaw.  We have loved exploring our new classroom and making new friends along the way.  Here are some highlights:

‘The marshmallow challenge was awesome’.

‘I like the big butterflies in the reading garden’.

‘I enjoyed playing in the playground’.

‘The ‘big numbers’ song helped me count to one million’.

‘The P1s are very kind’.

Key info:

*PE kit on Tuesday first thing.

*Home Learning issued on Wednesday (P2), return Monday

*Return letter for milk.

*Balbardie Twitter page will become the preferred blogging outlet.


Mr Blair


Welcome to P6b

It’s been a fun and busy start to the new year in P6b!

Throughout the week we have been looking at the importance of rights and responsibilities and this helped to inform our class charter and classroom jobs. We also looked at the relationship this shares with democracy as we voted for our class novel and discussed the upcoming opportunity for one child to be elected to our student council.

Revising key concepts learnt last year was our main focus in maths, with a particular focus on using the column method for multiplication and the bus stop method for division. Furthermore, in literacy we wrote a passage detailing what we did and enjoyed over the summer holidays.

The children have really been enjoying reading this week; we are ploughing our way through Danny the Champion of the World which we have been using to bolster and extend our already impressive vocabulary.

Lastly, we have begun looking at the rainforest as part of our topic for the first term which has involved investigating where rainforests are and the animals and plants which live within them.

All in all it has been a fantastic week, well done for working so hard and making me proud, P6b! 🙂

Welcome to P4a!

It was a busy week of getting to know you in P4a and we enjoyed bringing the children together to talk about the year ahead. With Mrs Mackenzie the children talked about what makes a good pupil and a good teacher. These ideas will help the children to formulate our class charter, ensuring that everyone enjoys a happy and secure learning environment in P4a.

We talked about the things we are looking forward to in P4. These include; science, gym, art and craft, maths, PE, achieving of their best, topic work and of course, golden time. Questions the children had to ask included the teacher’s favourite colour and subects to teach as well as what their new topic would be. Things that the children already enjoy in school are; Big Start, Science, Art and Maths. Some things the children would like to learn this year are Science, weather, earth and space, Mary Queen of Scots and history. We also talked about the ways we like to learn, how teachers can help us to learn best and the things we like to do outside school. Some of these really surprised Mrs Collings!

For information, PE will be on Mondays and Wednesdays. Please ensure that the children have appropriate indoor kit for Monday and outdoor kit for Wednesday. Thank you.

The table of the week was the blue table with 350 points and Mrs Mackenzie will announce the learning partners of the week on Monday!


Welcome back from p2A! We hope you had a fantastic summer! We have had a very busy first week back-We have been busy setting out and making our class charter and focussing on what makes a great p2 pupil and what makes a super P2 teacher. We made very colourful helping hands and characters to display on our wall.

In number work we have been practising our mental maths counting up to 100 and our number bonds up to 10 and 20 and will be continuing with this next week with our Speedy Mental Maths challenges as part of our number station.

We had fun in Circle time with our new Circle Time games and we shared key facts about what we did in our summer holidays.

Next week we will have PE with Mr Jeffries, please note indoor gym kit for each Tuesday please 🙂 Outdoor PE day  will be a Thursday this term (weather permitting) Many thanks for returning gym kits.

Homelearning will be sent home each Wednesday, please return the following Monday, many thanks for your support with this.



Welcome back!

P3B have settled in well and have been working hard.

We have been learning about our rights. We have been looking at The Convention on the Rights of the Child. In Article 7 we learned about our right to a name. In Article 28 we learned about our right to an education and understand why we have rules and need to follow them We are using this with our class dojo. As part of our learning, we will be asking our government to ensure all children around the world have access to safe schools. Article 24 has lots of rules within it. We looked at our right to nutritious food, a clean environment, quality healthcare, and access to clean water. We made water filters to see how they cleaned dirty water into clean water and learned how to make it safe for drinking.
In maths we have been building our mental agility by learning and practicing our number bonds.

Enjoy your weekend.

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