
What a brilliant term it has been in P6b!

This week we finished our blog reports and they are absolutely fantastic! The children have worked extremely hard on these in a group setting and have had great fun expanding and sharing their tribal peoples knowledge.

In maths we have finished our work on percentages. The children have really done me proud with the effort and commitment they have been putting into their mathematics learning. Ask your children to convert a percentage into a fraction or decimal and be amazed!

Our reading books for next term have been collected and I have read the blurbs to the children, a taster for what to expect in the next term.

Specifically, this week, we have been delivering our presentations on rainforest animals to an audience, it’s great to see the commitment so many have put into these great works. Anyone delivering a presentation has also been asked to take and answer questions, everyone has completed this to a great degree.

In our expressive arts, P6b were the lucky recipients of a Firefly Arts session, a collection of really fun drama lesson which even the class teacher took part in and enjoyed.

Tomorrow, we will be celebrating our achievements for this term. We have ALL worked so hard and made each other proud, both personally and academically.

Well done on a great term, P6b, have a well-earned and deserved week off!

Beneath are our blog reports on the rainforest’s tribal people…tribal blog #3 tribal blog 1 tribal blog 5 trible blog 4 trible blog two

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