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P2W – Minibeasts

Primary 2W and Primary 2A have been really busy these past few weeks learning all about minibeasts.

We have been exploring the school grounds, hunting for different minibeasts.

Working with Primary 2A, we collected lots of materials to help create new homes for  minibeasts. We thought carefully about where different minibeasts would like to live.

‘I’m creating a dark place for woodlouse to live’  Peter.

‘My minibeasts will have a nice comfy bed to sleep in’ Rose.

In maths we have been looking at patterns, we had lots of fun creating repeating minibeast patterns in the playground.

We have also really enjoyed exploring minibeasts in our investigation area!



P1/2 J Transient Art

We worked together in groups to make pictures using natural materials we found outside.

We made some amazing pictures.

Emma, Yann, Robbie and Harry made a forest.

Emmett, Noah and Zachary made a play park.

Milly, Emily and Isla made a ship on the sea.

Maggie, Lara and Ellie made two chicks in a nest.

Anna, Lauren and Sophie made a bunny rabbit.

Daniel, Harry and Dillon made a man.

We had lots of fun!


The final of The Great Dunblane Bake Off

Friday the 19th of May saw the final of The Great Dunblane Bake Off.  All 8 children were able to independently create the cakes which were delicious and very creative.  Judges came from Cromlix to look and taste the children’s cakes.  They had a very difficult decision to make but they did manage to choose a winner.

Well done to all the children who took part.

Here are the chefs at work –

  Cromlix Chefs tasting the cakes

All our finalists with their fantastic cakes.

First Place

Second Place

Third Place