Sports Day

Sports Day this year is planned for Tuesday 4th June. The children will take part in a variety of sport stations in the morning and races will occur after lunch. Parents are welcome to join with us and support our pupils from 1.30pm in the school field. Children can wear sports kit for this day although no football colours/kit will be permitted. We are hoping for dry weather in which case could you ensure your child has a labelled water bottle, sun hat and sun cream with them. If the weather is not great on Tuesday 4th then we have a second option for Tuesday 11th (same times as above).

Thank you for your continued support


Parent Council Meeting 27 May 2019 18:00-19:00 pm

Parent Council Meeting

27 May 2019

18:00-19:00 pm

Braehead Primary School – Staff room



  1. Welcome and apologies
  2. Approval of the Minutes of the previous PC Meeting
  3. Matters arising (incl. menu changes/choice issues)
  4. Head Teacher’s report
  5. Consultation on proposed changes to the school da
  6. AOB
  7. Date and time of next meeting and AGM

Summer Fete

Braehead Primary School will be holding it’s annual Summer Fete on Friday 21st June from 3.30-6.30pm . More details to follow however if you would be interested in booking a stall during the fete please contact the PTA to discuss further. You can contact them via the Facebook page ‘Braehead  Primary Parent Forum’.

We would also appreciate any raffle donations. Please send donations to Mrs Whelan or Miss Light in the school.

We look forward to another fun afternoon. Thank you very much for your support.

Marafun News

Today has been a very busy day! We have had groups of children running around our track from 9am to 3.15pm and from every stage between Nursery and P7 – even some teachers joined in too. Well done to everyone! Our total number of laps that we completed as a whole school team was…………..3553 laps which equates to a total of 22.6 marathons completed in one day! That is an amazing effort! Time for a well deserved restful weekend!

We would like to wish all the best of luck to all the athletes participating in the Marathon and Half Marathon in Stirling on Sunday with particular positive wishes sent to any member of our school community who is taking part.

(Total raised to go towards school funds is yet to be confirmed and will be shared next week.)

Marafun Day 2019

Tomorrow is our Marafun Day. Pupils should wear sports kit and appropriate shoes for the day. They should also bring a labelled water bottle and their sponsor money to school with them tomorrow. There will be an opportunity to purchase crisps/juice for 50p from a tuck shop provided by the PTA using surplus stock from the recent discos. This will in place of the Healthy Tuck as stated in the Marafun letter.

P3B are visiting Pizza Express tomorrow morning. They can wear their sports clothes and bring their school jumper with them to school to wear for the trip if they wish. The pupils will be given Braehead Primary School HiVis vests to wear for the trip as standard although are welcome to wear their jumper too is they so wish. They will have the opportunity to participate in the Marafun activities on their arrival back at school.

Thanks for your on-going support.

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