Google Classroom

In Braehead Primary school P3 to P7 will be using the Google Suite of tools to support digital learning in school and at home.  Below you will find a range of ‘How To Guides’ which should help you to support your child.

As a school we intend to put on a range of workshops to support parents to get to know Google for Education and the tools available to your child at school.  These will be shared in the school app, through e-mail and stored on the school website for parents to access as and when they need.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate in contacting the school, where one of our digital team will endeavour to answer any questions as soon as possible.

This is a short general guide as to how to join a Google Classroom and find assignments. This is a short guide as to how to access assignments and how to hand them in.  You can also see how to un-submit if you lose access to you assignment. This is a short guide to demonstrate how to ask a question either privately to your class teacher or publicly within your class page.
If you lose a document you have been working on and don’t know where to find it, this guide will help you to navigate to your Google Drive. If you have an invite to a Google Meet either from your teacher or the school, this guide will help you know how to access it. This is a short video explaining the storage drive in Google and how to share documents with others.
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