Mental Health Support



At Braehead we are committed to supporting the mental health of all members of our school community. This space will be used to share mental health resources and pathways for all members of our school community to access.

Children’s Mental Health Week (7th-13th February)

We will be promoting Children’s Mental Health week through a range of activities and discussions. We have also attached some resources below  to allow everyone to get involved and support Children’s Mental Health. The theme this year is emotional growth. You can access our link below to see a few well known faces share their growth stories.

Celebrity Emotional Growth Stories


This year our school has taken part in Young Minds #HelloYellow campaign to raise awareness around mental health in our school community. You can see some of our learners taking part on our school twitter page

Pupil Animations

During term one we took part in a school wide EmotionWorks literacy project. This allowed our learners to explore the Emotionworks cogs through class novels and literacy activities. As part of this project Primary Seven have created their own Emotionworks animations to share an anxiety story. They can be accessed by clicking on the link below and share many useful regulation strategies. This is the blue cog in the Emotionworks model.

Emotionworks Animations

Pathways and Parental Resources

· SAMH for Scotland’s mental health

· NHS Mental Health Hub Tel: 111

· Samaritans Tel: 116123

· Breathing Space 0800 83 85 87

· Message SHOUT to 85258 for 24/7 text support

· The Mix – under 25yr olds – help and support with life challenges 0808 808 4994 – 3pm to midnight

· Young Scot – #AyeFeel tag for advice and support

· Children 1st website or parentline 08000 28 22 33

· ReThink – advice and info line – 10am to 2pm – 0300 5000 93


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