Physical Education Clothing and Footwear

Physical Education Clothing and Footwear

T – Shirt


Gym Shoes

For health and safety reasons, pupils should wear the appropriate kit for all P.E. lessons.

Please put your child’s name or some identifying mark on all of your child’s belongings.

If children regularly “forget” to bring their PE kit, a letter will be sent home to the

parents/carers as a reminder.

As part of the Curriculum all P5 pupils will receive swimming instruction at The Peak.

Notification of the date and time will be issued to parents.

Active Stirling also provide specialist sports coaching for many or our children.

We take part in the Daily Mile activity.

During the covid 19 pandemic, whilst most children will be participating in PE lessons outdoors, children should come to school in joggers/leggins and trainers which can be worn outside.


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